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If you want to understand western views on Palestine then look no further than this Churchill quote

  • Stalin shouldn't have stopped at Berlin

  • Western leaders are so comically evil, its incredible how they have whitewashed this.

  • Boy these crackers really live in a different reality if they think they're the pinnacle of humanity

    • I mean, they already live in a reality where they didn't burn the Habsburgs alive for making their family tree into a wreath. I'm convinced modern caucacity still hasn't recovered from them

  • Sickens me how many people in the west have a positive view of Churchill and a negative view of Stalin. The latter I understand the propaganda is stronger but the former, nothing is really obscured about Churchill's beliefs and policy. You have to think a lot of people just appreciate that disgusting shit.

  • And this is why I don't fw crackers who think Churchill was anything to look up to

  • I've always hated Churchill worship. Its not hard to see how evil he was. Besides being a disgusting, pompus, aristocratic douchebag

  • I bet if I told Winston Churchill to his face that he was a fucking tub of lard fascist, he'd throw a fit.

    • wikipedia tried to act like he stopped being a Conservative in the end lol:

    • He liked fascism. He openly said he wished Mussolini’s regime could have survived WWII. The problem for him with the Nazis was that they were getting uppity and trying to be a rival imperialist.

  • For the longest time I used to think Churchill was a hero. Mostly from dad singing his praises: having a tory there to help shape your values as a kid can really fuck you up.

    The evidence against him though is so overwhelming that he's a great case study of how much culture can distort reality. When you speak truth to well-intentioned liberals and they look at you like you're telling them the sky is green, telling them about Churchill is a great way to prove how extensive the lying can be.

    • For sure, Churchill makes libs really uncomfortable because the atrocities he's responsible for are just so extensive and well documented that it's impossible to dismiss. And if such a deplorable sack of shit is a cultural icon in the west that really says a lot about western society as a whole.

  • Holy shit blatant zionist propaganda myths just sitting on the damn website under the exact quote that say "it's ok to colonize because we're superior race"

  • Everything that they claim Stalin did, Churchill actually did.

    • The only difference between Hitler and Churchill is that Hitler had the temerity to try and do what the British did in India to white people.

  • How did Churchill not join Hitler again? This is textbook orc shit.

    • Didn't Stalin call his ass out on trying to cook up some sort of anticommunist pact with Hitler?

    • People point out that Churchill was against Hitler 'from the beginning' as some great moral stance when the reason was that he was a German imperialist and the Anglos didn't want anyone else at the table.

      Opinions on Churchill is a great litmus test for anyone who is 'into' WW2. Your average Joe will only have seen the hagiographies, but you don't have to scratch further than millimetres under the surface to find this kind of shit.

      I used to listen to 'historiepodden' and was annoyed at some of the libbery and such, but not a lot of history podcasts that focus on Swedish history around. But I had to drop it after one of the hosts went on a rant about how great an injustice it was that the Brits voted Churchill out of office as he was such a great man.

    • they were nationalists, their national interests were incompatible, they fought.

      i don't get why this trips communists up so bad that different anticommunists subscribing to nationalist ideologies fundamentally couldn't work together against communism, because their nations had competing claims, grudges, and interests

    • “If I had been an Italian I am sure that I should have been whole-heartedly with you from the start to finish in your triumphant struggle against the bestial appetites and passions of Leninism.”

      Churchill's speech in Rome on 20 January, 1927, praising Mussolini. He shared the fascist worldview, but joining them hand-in-hand was out of the question due to his national identity.

    • Unfair to lump them in with Orc-kind. Orcs are more honorable.

  • The current fake news slanders, chemical warfare, and forced imprisonment of Indigenous First Nation people in Federal Reserve concentration camps until their forfeit their property, citizenship in their own nation, basic human rights, and reparation for the 150 years of child enslavement, unethical child experimentation, savage indoctrination, and other war crimes that the Nazi imitated in their Holocaust in Indian Residential fake schools could further indicate the attitudes to the Palestinians as well. The Western European diaspora could deny their involvement of the 150 years of fake school Holocaust against Indigenous groups, but they could not explain why they could stop the Nazi German's cheap imitation of the fake school Holocaust on the other side of the world when they cannot stop the same genocide in their own country. The Western European emigrants could claim ignorance over the fake school Holocaust with the claim that it was only 'cultural genocide' to deny the rampart violence, rape, and murder in the Residential fake schools, but they could never explain why they blatently turn a blind eye to the widespread evidence of the fake school war crimes that kept leaking out even to today, or why their all-powerful, all-knowing, and all-loving god (which is obviously the anit-Christ pretending to be Yahweh) that supposedly give Europeans the right to rob and enslave the people of color on other continents do nothing to warn them about the devil worship in the fake school slave camps and death camps.

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