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Traefik for two domains, one internal and one external
  • It can happen that your internal services are still reachable from externally, by calling the external IP and setting the Host header manually to sub.mylan.home, even if that were pointing to an internal address. Traefik would only compare the Host header. To secure this you might also add an IP filter for the internal host, but I‘m not sure whether that’d be secure enough.

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    So funktioniert das neue Organspende-Register
  • Link:

    Um auch Menschen ohne Internetzugang oder Computer eine rechtssichere Dokumentation zu ermöglichen, bleibt auch der Organspendeausweis zukünftig gültig. Wer in der Vergangenheit einen Organspendeausweis ausgefüllt hat und seine Erklärung nun im digitalen Register registrieren möchte, sollte darauf achten, dass die Erklärungen übereinstimmen. Es gilt nach Darstellung des Bundesinstituts für Arzneimittel und Medizinprodukte immer die jüngste, aktuellste Erklärung. In jedem Fall bleibt es auch in Zukunft sinnvoll, mit den Angehörigen über seine persönliche Entscheidung zu sprechen.

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    It would be infuriating
  • The Jumper series (books) has an interesting take on involuntary teleportation. Just a side note for all sci-fi geeks.

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  • Na, das entspricht doch ganz klar der Jahresgebühr bei korrekter Anmeldung in Höhe von 1000 D-Mark, wie in diesem Lehrvideo erklärt:

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    Call me an idiot, but I would die laughing even if something like this happened to me
  • and it all starts with that strong guy pushing his ex’s car into the blue van. At least that’s what it looks like, and I refuse any other interpretations.

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    Deutscher Bundestag - Abgeordnete - falls ihr eure Abgeordnete kontaktieren wollt
  • Unser Landkreis hat einen AfD-Abgeordneten der in Rumänien geboren wurde. Ich frage mich wie der zur Remigration steht? Vielleicht sollte ich ihn mal kontaktieren?

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    Zigbee Cluster 0xEF00
  • Sounds good. I think I'll look into also switching from my Conbee II to a CC2652 based adapter, which might allow me to slowly transition from one system to the other with both adapters running in parallel.

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    Zigbee Cluster 0xEF00
  • In what ways is it really better? I‘ve switched from deconz to ZHA two years ago, and dread the reconnecting…

  • Some kids in my family start losing their milk teeth. 🦷

    While we don’t do the tooth fairy 🧚 stuff, I wondered whether there’s any cool kid-friendly experiments 🔬 to do with their deciduous teeth? Like dissolving them in easily available liquids to teach them the importance of brushing, or maybe some material strength tests to show how cool enamel is?

    Hit me with some cool ideas, I‘ve got a few teeth to experiment with 😃


    I have a 50GB plan that is almost used up. My wife has a Apple One plan 200GB that she shared with our family (including me), but my phone only syncs to my 50GB plan.

    If I cancel my 50GB plan, data would still be available for 30 days. Would the data automatically transfer to a new plan, e.g. my wife’s Apple One plan? Or what happens when she cancels her Apple One plan and I start a new one? Would her data transfer over to the one I would buy and share?

    Documentation on this is not clear, and I don’t want to lose my data.
