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What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Spread the good word. Everyone I tell is blown away and comes back to me later to thank me.

    It's just really handy for correcting autocorrect typos.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Swipe left and right on your phone's spacebar to move the cursor.

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    Israeli air force official: Without U.S. aid, Israel couldn't fight Gaza beyond few months
  • Why Ukraine? Russia has all the ammo they need to finish off the fascists.

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    Israeli Troops Expel Palestinians in Jenin as Bloody West Bank Assault Enters Sixth Day
  • This is just incredible. The world looks on.

    All the October 7th bullshit is laid bare now. There's no hostages or Khghamas in the West Bank. It was always just an excuse for the genocide.

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    IDF Attacks Gazans Buying Bread as Netanyahu Tanks Cease-Fire Hopes
  • And the media who lied throughout.

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    Why are politicians doing nothing for first time home buyers?
  • Quotes from a hundred years ago still apply perfectly well today.

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    "Deploying" images rather than installing from the official ISO?
  • Is there a free/gratis version?

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    US completes 500th air delivery of weapons to Israel since 7 Oct
  • "What would the value of this be if it were spent on humanitarian aid instead?"

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    Last elephant at South African zoo freed after 40 years
  • The idea of a zoo in Africa is odd to me. Virtually all zoo animals are from there.

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    China and Vietnam sign 14 deals from rail to crocodiles after leaders meet | Reuters
  • Like for their hides I guess?

    Sorry I just never heard of it before.

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    NAS Server OS/Software Suggestions
  • Why not? Let's not pretend that my house is some kind of enterprise level data centre. Why would some FOSS NAS hobby project demand that I only use my home linux server for it? Such a strange requirement. All it needs to do is expose a simple web page to configure samba/nfs/scp/sftp etc. It really seems to have a high opinion of itself.

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    US Says It's Not Discussing Withdrawing From Iraq
  • Yet they defend the people and the system that oppresses them en masse.

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    US Says It's Not Discussing Withdrawing From Iraq
  • Probably just cultural hegemony. American liberals see Israelis as "white" so they'll back them to the hilt. Christian fascists see them as ushering in the end times. No president wants to be the one that lost that foothold in the ME. Probably a lot of people in power directly benefit from bribery or are at risk of losing a lot via blackmail. Like Bill Clinton was.

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    NAS Server OS/Software Suggestions
  • OpenMediaVault (OMV) is a Debian server

    Maybe it's because I'm old but these words combined together depress me. Why is NAS software an operating system?

    The last time I tried to install this it complained that it couldn't be installed on an OS that had a GUI. What a joke.

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    US Says It's Not Discussing Withdrawing From Iraq
  • Why have over 800 military bases around the world?

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    US Says It's Not Discussing Withdrawing From Iraq
  • Really? Do you have an example of this?

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    Palestinian newborn twins killed as father obtained birth certificates
  • The article begins with the headline, which is all most people read. The point here is that it omits the perpetrator. If it was Russia it would be front and centre stated. This lying by omission has become a standard trope for western legacy media.

  • Inspired by this.

    I've been trying to remember a song for months now. It had a really well made animated video, probably sort of in the style of Cuphead. I seem to recall a cartoon wolf in it. The theme of the song was about this unspecified thing that was "gonna to make you go boom!" and stuff like that.

    The video was the really memorable part, the song itself not so much, which makes it all the harder to google for. I think it was French.

    "It's gonna make you... do x y z"... sorry I don't have much more.


    Some speculation on the USA's intentions with its overly large force deployed to the ME.

    tl;dr It's too big to be just for Hamas. Lebanon is too difficult, Hezbollah would demolish Israel. Iran too awkward...

    But with Israeli bombing attacks on the airports of Aleppo and Damascus and its pre-war like warnings to its settlers, there seems to be good indications that Syria is again the target.

    >The neo-conservative lunatics in the White House may well think that they now have a chance to eliminate Russia's presence in the Middle East.

    >They will think of this as a revenge for their loss of the the war in Ukraine. They also believe that it will prevent, or compensate for, their geopolitical defeat in Gaza.


    To remind:

    People who supported Jeremy Corbyn: Nazis.

    People who support Palestinian rights: Nazis.

    People who criticize Israel: Nazis.

    People who didn't vote for Hillary Clinton: Nazis.

    Soldiers with Nazi insignia and ideology: not Nazis.

    Actual SS Nazis: not Nazis.
