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In what videogame you're currently stuck and you gave up or drop it for a while?
  • Fallout 4. Playing for the first time, and have done everything except for the main questline and DLCs. I started losing interest in playing, but I want to eventually get through the main story. Taking a break and playing some Rimworld before returning to the wasteland.

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    What percentage of phone calls (to your personal phone) do you answer?
  • My phone is on silent 99% of the time, unless I’m expecting a call for something important. I miss most calls except for when I’m already looking at my phone, and honestly I rarely answer even if I see it. It works though. Most of it is spam. People close to me know I prefer texting.

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    The Last Unicorn (1982 )
  • One of my favorites as a kid. My parents should have just bought me a copy with how often I asked to rent this from Blockbuster. The main theme still makes me tear up.

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    What hobby was easier to get into than you thought?
  • My first thought was sourdough too, and making fermented foods in general. I wanted to get into making my own sourdough bread for a while, but every time I started researching I just gave up. A lot of recipes out there make it look so intimidating and honestly, most of the steps are just not necessary for a basic loaf. Been making simple bread in loaf pans for months now and loving it.

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    Hobbies Wednesday - what have you done this week?
  • I want to start making my own fermented pickles. Just started my first batch today! I’m expecting it to go poorly and be a learning experience. Best case scenario, they turn out well and I get pickles!

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Can totally relate to the idea of not wanting to change to make my life seem more interesting to other people. I’m a quiet introvert with social anxiety, and I think a lot of my life I have felt like I had to put on a show in front of others to seem more interesting. Trying to get out of that habit and just accept the awkwardness when it happens. I have lots of hobbies, but people aren’t always interested in the same things and some don’t even see value in ways I like to spend my time. And that’s ok.

    Not sure if any of this resonates with your situation, but I hope you have spaces where you feel you can be your genuine self. It’s not always easy.

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    What book(s) are you currently reading or listening? July 23
  • Just started Strange the Dreamer by Laini Taylor. Enjoying it so far, about 15% in. I’ve been in a reading slump and DNF streak, and hoping this one might get me out of it.

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    Least favourite day of the week
  • Probably Wednesdays because it’s right in the middle and I usually have multiple work meetings. Mondays aren’t usually too bad because I’m rested from the weekend.

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    Ex Redditors of Lemmy what made you come on over? What happened at Reddit that you made the switch?
  • API stuff and the general response to the community feedback and blackout. I used Apollo and wasn’t interested in switching to the ad-riddled official reddit app. Tried Kbin first and eventually found myself on lemmy. Liking it here.

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    Outer wilds: at what point should I give up?
  • Outer Wilds is one of my favorite games, but I can see a lot of ways it isn’t for everyone.

    Try a controller if you can, like others have mentioned.

    It took me a long time to get used to the space navigation/flying and towards the end of the game I still sometimes crashed horribly into things. I feel like it’s kind of just part of the experience and can make for some really funny moments. If you really want to experience it yourself, maybe spending some time just focusing on getting a good understanding of the ship controls without the pressure of trying to get any exploration done that round might be helpful. Autopilot isn’t the smartest, but it can be helpful.

    Watching play throughs is something I love to do now, because it is the closest I’ll ever get to experiencing the game fully again. Watching a play through before playing it yourself will basically spoil the chance ever experiencing it firsthand yourself, but might be a good option if you really want to know the story and don’t find any joy in playing it.

    Edit: few changes for clarity

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    Are you at your lowest, highest or just in between right now?
  • Feeling pretty good right now. Not my highest and definitely not anywhere near lowest. Probably like 75% if that makes sense.

    I had a really bad burnout a couple of years ago related to work and over the last 6 months or so, I realized I’m finally starting to feel like myself again.
