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Russia-Ukraine war live: half a million people without heating in Kharkiv region after Russian attack
  • Could you please cite your sources that Russia has kidnapped every child in eastern Ukraine and sent them to reduction camps. Could you please cite your sources that Russia sent every Ukrainian speaker to a torture prison. Could you please cite your sources that Russia banned a religion and forced all of eastern Ukraine to convert to a different one.

    And could you also explain where the line is that all Russians deserve mass collective punishment, which Americans, who's country invaded multiple others, killing millions, operating torture camps, and are now openly and full throatedly supporting the full extermination of Gaza, have not crossed?

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    Another expert report finds Israel is committing genocide. The West yawns
  • Then you probably shouldn't have used two examples that are both primarily the US.

    But sure, take New Zealand. When did they last go on a massive genocidal rampage killing hundreds of thousands of foreigners?
