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Tight squeeze on a trail
  • There was this documentary on youtube called cave exploring gone wrong marathon. It was an hour long and a fantastic watch. Nothing ever gave me more anxiety then that. I tried to find it but it's now private. There is no way i'll ever go down a cave ever.

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    Gig economy
  • I build a few tiny homes over the past 10 years. I think they are cool and all and it's usually people who are often away for skiing, surfing, mountaineering. These kind of people. What's the point of a huge house that you don't want of need. My biggest problems with it is that they are not actually super cheap. Or at least not proportional.

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    What is your favourite animal?
  • I hecking love frogs so much. I wish i wasn't scared of them. Well not really scared, but everything that can jump away in a millisecond kinda spooks me.

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    When I tell people I'm vegan
  • I do, and i find it overrated. And i ate meat for like 30 years.

    Another question that i get a lot is: don't you miss it? No, i would just eat it then. I'm not forced to live the way i live. I could buy cigarettes and smoke in my bed if i wanted to, but i don't,it's disgusting

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    What are some of the worst movie title changes in your language?
  • The airplane one drove me crazy for over a decade. I used to always stay up late and zapped through late night movies and tried to remember the ones that looked good. I asked everyone i knew about a movie with that crazy airplane, and no one knew what i meant.

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    What are some of the worst movie title changes in your language?
  • This stuff never bothered me when i was younger, now it kinda does. I always imagine some guy trying to put his own spin on things. "Oh i can do better." But it's just a title at least.

    What bothered me even as a child was when they advertised for a movie like Antz in germany as: starring Sylvester Stallone. No he's not, it has a german voice actor who pretends to be Sylvester Stallone.
