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  • Given this is the top comment it should be pointed out that while Proton was incorrect about this being Meta there is research out about TikTok doing this very thing.

    The way you've worded your comment makes it seem like this either can't happen or isn't happening and that simply isn't the case.

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    A Popular Sweetener Was Linked to Increased Anxiety in Generations of Mice
  • When a sample of mice were given free access to water dosed with aspartame equivalent to 15 percent of the FDA's recommended maximum daily amount for humans, they generally displayed more anxious behavior in specially designed mood tests.

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    Noticed Edge was the default browser
  • These are annoying as heck but I don't consider them ads at all. Sure they probably launch some ad riddled page, but no direct ads in windows.

    They can all be turned off and I am a bit annoyed that our desktop team hasn't turned them off in our org's standard images. I cringe anytime I have to remote in to troubleshoot with a user. Thankfully it isn't very often.

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    At least uBlock Origin is always up-to-date now
  • Pi Hole for me blocked some YT ads but not all. YMMV based on the block list you use. I didn't get very aggressive but still killed most page ads.

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    Well, We Have a Speaker. He’s an Election Denier and an Extreme Christian Fundamentalist.
  • As a Coloradan - Put the weed down and step away from the keyboard. I love this state as much as the next guy, but you are out of your mind if you think this state is the tip of the spear.

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    T-Mobile switches users to pricier plans and tells them it’s not a price hike
  • To be honest, I'm surprised they kept the 'uncarrier' image for so long. This was bound to happen, especially after the sprint merger was approved. I really feel T-Mobile pushed the big two to make changes to compete and now all I fear all three will go back to the old ways.

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    Lego drops prototype blocks made of recycled plastic bottles as they "didn't reduce carbon emissions"
  • I've bought the UCS X-Wing and Curiosity sets and both were still using plastic. I have a hard time believing they had a surplus of plastic bags that lasted this long.

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    What's some really unpopular opinion you have?
  • I'll second this. I was hesitant to watch it but my boss kept raving about it and I was hooked after the second episode. I really hope the strikes don't turn S2 into a burning pile of garbage.

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    Facebook turns over mother and daughter’s chat history to police resulting in abortion charges
  • How do communication apps get away with E2E in the US then? Is there a backdoor that allow for companies to comply or does law enforcement seek alternative means of obtaining the information?

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    Reddit Gives Final Warning to Subreddits Using NSFW Protest Tactic
  • I would add that the explosion of third party apps is going to be huge as well. The whole decentralized/multiple instance can be a bit challenging for some. Giving use an app that behaves like the old Reddit apps will ease the transition.
