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What is wayland?
  • Wayland is the fancy new standard that never seems to stably work for me on any of my machines :( Thanks for letting me revert to X in the login screen, GNOME.

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    Top 1% of u.s. earners now have more wealth than the middle class
  • I wonder if they exclude the bottom 20% because debt often makes their wealth negative. I'd assume that'd mean the top 1% have more wealth than at least the bottom ~85%.

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  • In fairness, I did quite like the suggestion to just remove division and subtraction! One that should be taken to heart :)

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    Google has an 'illegal monopoly' with Play Store and billing, jury finds in Epic case
  • Top marks to Epic for fighting that battle. But are they now going to fine Google for all the profit they illegally gained in the last ten years? Or just a slap on the wrist and require them to put in some weak-choose-another-store option in some phones moving forward?

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  • A fair criticism. Though I think the hating on PEDMAS (or BODMAS as I was taught) is pretty harsh, as it very much does represent parts of the standard of reading mathematical notation when taught correctly. At least I personally was taught its true form was a vertical format:





    I'd also say it's problematic to rely on calculators to implement or demonstrate standards, they do have their own issues.

    But overall, hey, it's cool. The world needs more passionate criticisms of ambiguous communication turning into a massive interpration A vs interpretation B argument rather than admitting "maybe it's just ambiguous".

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • This is the argument every single election. Every time, for decades, and yet things get continually worse.

    I'd argue the belief that voting for an establishment party is any kind of a long-term solution is the biggest threat. By all means do it if it'll help a little in the short term, but the ship's still sinking.

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    Americans of Lemmy, what is your approach to next year's election?
  • Things will get inevitably worse. Voting might slow that decline slightly if we're lucky.

    The only hope for any kind of improvement, to reach a slightly tolerable world, is mass action outside of voting, and that just doesn't seem to be happening. So it's hard to care too much.

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    SteamOS will be coming to other handhelds before you can install it on your PC 'because right now, it's very, very tuned for Steam Deck'
  • Mainly that it's specifically calibrated for running games on Linux. I've tried the Steam Deck and it works pretty damn well out the box, compared to any other distros, so a PC version would be cool.

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    Advice on helping a loved one through alcoholism?
  • Though I've not dealt with alcoholism specifically, I've experience with very serious relationships that were 'good when they were good, but abusive when they were bad'. Relationships I stayed in for many years too many, because I loved her and I thought things could change. From my anecdotal experience, I don't think there's much you can do but tell her how her behaviour affects you, support her insofar as you're able, and hope that can inspire change.

    Past that, I just want to say make sure you take care of yourself. It's a certain possibility that she will not meaningfully change. No matter how much you love a person, you should never feel obliged to put up with being abused, no matter how infrequently nor in what context. And doing so will help neither you nor her. Best of luck.

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    What was a profound moment that a video game caused you to experience, and why?
  • Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura still remains my favourite to this day.

    The world's setting is centred around how capitalism and industry affects society, how it pushed aside feudalism, how racism remains endemic and easily seen as normal, how history is swept away to hide attitudes, all sorts of complex things. Early on in the story, you get involved with a strike by exploited half-orcs and the wealthy factory owner who would rather they all died. Thinking back, it was a big part of how young me started to realise industrial relations are fucked up in capitalism.

    One moment (of the many cool things) that really hit me, is that there's an entire sub-plot across the whole continent that's never explicitly mentioned, but is entirely noticeable if you actually pay attention and listen, not to the quest-givers or the industrial leaders, but to the servants of the powerful men you meet. If you're lucky, near the end, you suddenly realise you just.. swept all these weird characters and remarks under the rug as you had 'important' people to talk to. I had relegated servants and whole in-game races to an 'unimportant' role, when actually their stories are key to a whole second sub-plot of their own that affects everything in the world.

    I know a lot of that behaviour is because I'm playing to typical game design, but, I dunno, having a real moment where you think back and realise you've been ignoring what should have been an obvious pattern of so many exploited people, and I just glossed over it 'til that moment, it affected me.
