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Steam Deal: Baldur’s Gate 3 sale worth it?
  • I paid full price, and am happy with that decision.

    With the recent expanded modding support, I'd pay double assuming the mod scene can keep up with the original.

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    FBI busts musician’s elaborate AI-powered $10M streaming-royalty heist
  • I've thought of this, but don't have the wherewithal to actually make a project come to fruition.

    I'm also not a lawyer, but I've read multiple articles on this, and it doesn't seem like any legal violation. Corporation got lazy, didn't confirm where 10m in royalties went and under what circumstance, and got burned.

    Finally a corp gets scammed by the common man.

    I say good on him.

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    I refuse to believe you all would really let your players bully you into running only d&d
  • The last group I was with ran mostly DND 5e. However, our DM needed a break, and another player took up the reigns for a Star Wars Table Top.

    It was not serious. Homebrew and the rule of cool made it a blast - Think Guardians of the Galaxy comedy in a Star Wars wrapper.

    The DM for that set goal posts. Like around a certain level, force sensitive classes would get their first light saber.

    My character was a bounty hunter who finally got his Mandalorian armor where I could customize "components" like a hand mounted flame thrower, or a shoulder cannon, or what the fuck ever. We spent more time dissecting statistics to get it balanced than anything thematic.

    Totally home brewed in that system.

    I think that was my best table top experience, and I'm an old school DND nerd. I feel like some days I can barely do my job, but I can quote how THAC0 works on a whim.

    I don't understand statistics unless dice are involved, and no that does not extend to gambling dice games. Utterly useless, but I can go into an ADHD hyper focus on anything that is not actually beneficial to my life in a tangible way, lol.

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    Is a bong an instrument? It has been featured in many songs even having credits for bong solo.
  • I was in band, and marching band was mandatory.

    I did not try out, as I did not want to participate in that part of the band experience.

    So I was part of the "front ensemble" which is shit you can't march with. Timpani drums, etc.

    We had an L frame rack with wheels that had all sorts of crap on it, half of it made in some garage before I joined.

    We called it the ghetto rack.

    I had a solo on what were essentially tanks that had the bottom cut off and an attachment point welded on top hung by rope.

    So yeah, if you can hit it and make a sound, it becomes a percussion instrument.

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    Texas sues to block Biden rule protecting privacy for women who get abortions
  • I mean, if I'm dating a girl (I'm married now, and not looking to change that) I'd be curious about her pussy resume.

    More so to know if they carry any sort of VD. Mutual STD testing should be more common, in my mind. Doesn't help for drunk hook-ups, but if you're looking to get into a real relationship, I feel it should be more normalized.

    People don't get tested enough, I've been safe, but I should have been in a mutual testing situation in the past. Nothing happened to my dick, but this girl got around - I found out later. Wouldn't have minded as much if I knew she had a clean bill of health, but that was never ascertained.

    To people worrying, I got a vasectomy at 24. The incision site and the rest of my genitals got infected. They tested for STDs first (I was clean) and it was just was a general wound infection that took antibiotics. But the fear, man, the fear.

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    After seeing Wi-Fi network named “STINKY,” Navy found hidden Starlink dish on US warship
  • We live in troubled times, the planet is overheating at a rate that it might affect my life more than being more uncomfortable in the summer. And that's Texas summers at that.

    There is an island of plastic refuse in the ocean bigger than some countries.

    I saw the home computer come to the living room and the internet be birthed.

    If you were to ask if I was jaded as a kid, already? Yeah. Around 7 years old.

    It isn't getting better. Corporations claw for more and more at the expense of the people and the planet.

    I hope the younger generations can lead the charge of change, but for me... I don't have the time or energy to play games most days, let alone change the planet.

    And for those who will say, "Aren't you just part of the problem then?" Sadly yes, I am. I try to make changes when I can, but I fear changing the small environment of my home will not be enough.

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    I was only gone for a day or two...
  • I like that you brought this up.

    Dogs are omnivores with sensitive stomachs. Kinda like me, and a host of other people on this planet.

    Cats are obligate carnivores. They also have sensitive stomachs. This is how I prefer to eat, but I do in fact needs to eat more fruits and veggies.

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    Anon tries to be Bam Bam Bigelow
  • I had attempted a back flip off a kicker ramp propped up on the curb (into grass, it was to learn how, lol)

    Anyway, I go UP, flip and land halfway over with my head contacting the curb.

    It gave me a concussion, and took a chunk out of my helmet. I would have been dead most likely if I didn't wear a helmet.

    I just dragged the ramp in, and went to lay down with my skates still on. I don't remember much after that.

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    Grandmom asked me to sharpen her hatchet. What's worth doing is worth over-doing
  • I mean a grinder of that nature wouldn't be too useful to me, too much too muchery.

    But I keep a set of water stones to sharpen my straight razor - though I haven't had a job I had to shave for in a while.

    My EDC knives see more use from them these days.

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    Foo Fighters say they did not OK Trump using "My Hero" at Arizona rally, will donate royalties to Harris-Walz campaign - CBS News
  • I wish he would go after Dolly. She has the know how, class, and charm to really show Trump for the piece of classless shit he is.

    Money can't buy class Donny, just shiny accessories.

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    Hi! What are your comfort clothes? (talking about clothing types)
  • North Texas:

    Cold Season: A pair of jeans, a metal band thsirt, and a hoody. I'll probably wear the hoody as "outerwear" all week.

    Hot Season: A pair of black cargo shorts, a metal band thshirt, and depending on activity - a hat.

    At my current job, replace the metal band tshirt with a polo. Jeans always. And work is fucking cold, so usually a hoody too, even when its 100+ outside during the day (I work nights)

    Edit: I will say my, "I'm staying home, not answering the door, and fuck everyone but my wife" outfit is my birthday suit.

    I'm not a nudist, but I find comfort at home to be nude. It isn't sexual, its just.... free.

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    A cool guide for the types of fun
  • I lived/worked in Yellowstone in Mammoth.

    I'll still talk about running into two black bear cubs with a group of coworkers (friendly after shift hike, well traveled area, etc) and realizing, after the cuteness faded that we didn't know where mama bear was. Thankfully, she made herself known and we went back the way we came.

    Then, a second tale, I was taking a tour bus ride around the park (so I could sell the experience from the hotel front desk) and the BUS was attacked by a grizzly. Fucker kept up with us and damaged a tire. Thankfully, when the tire went the noise scared off the grizzly.

    Then there is finding a fresh wolf kill, and realize there were enough remains for it to be a problem for us.

    Or the time we hiked to a mountain, climbed it up the side (trails were snowed out) and went down the other side, just to hitch hike back (encouraged in the park both by staff and park rangers) with a Nat Geo photographer. Got to see great raw close up shots of bison and red dogs (baby bison).

    Memorable, but the living situation didn't work for me. I wouldn't do it again, but I am VERY glad I did it.
