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They're a menace!
  • Do you actually think the watermelon racist trope is because black people just happened to like watermelon a lot? Because if you do you need to go read up on it, and if you don’t then you need to stop trivializing the history of racist oppression by equating it with a joke about a snack purchase.

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    What's your favorite frugal find this week?
  • Totally depends on your local laws. Where I live (southern California) any fruit hanging over the sidewalk is free for the public to take, regardless of whether the tree itself is on public property. But if you cross the property line to reach it, it becomes theft.

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    Democrats who urged Biden to exit race say Harris is exceeding expectations
  • The people who were shitting blood over how anyone who wants Biden to step down is a Russian agent will unfortunately learn absolutely nothing from these events.

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    Five disinformation tactics Russia is using to try to influence the US election
  • Out of all the types of American political voters that exist (as defined and studied by Pew), the progressive left has the highest voting rate of any group. Including 'Faith and Flag Conservatives.'

    If you're super worried about criticism from someone further left than you killing support for your candidate, it's not because leftists don't show up to vote.

    'Transgendered' is best left in the 2000s btw.

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    How is your week going?
  • The heat wave has broken and I was practically frolicking outside today. It’s so incredibly pleasant, other than the air quality warning from the nearby fires. 😬

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    What are your favorite examples of 'media within media' (e.g., shows, stories, or movies inside of other shows or books)?
  • Station Eleven from… Station Eleven is probably there only one that’s been as interesting to me as the story itself, I guess because it’s such a big part of the story and character motivations. The book and show are both good in their own ways, but I particularly like the passage repeated throughout the show:

    I remember damage, then escape

    Then adrift in a stranger’s galaxy for a long time

    But I’m safe now

    I found it again, my home

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    Voter ID laws may restrict 210,000 trans people from voting in November
  • Your "presentation" not matching your ID is not an issue.

    Should it be? No. But it’s an issue in some places for some people every election, because some poll workers hopped up on Fox News think the gender section in the ID not saying what they think it should say means voter fraud is happening.

    As the article goes on to say, trans people vote at a higher rate than cis people, and that’s in spite of potential access issues at the poll.

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    Mummy brown- ground up mummies used as pigment
  • If you would like to hate the history of Europe even more: This insane desecration of human corpses only began after the use of mummies for medicinal cannibalism fell out of fashion when it was discovered to be based on a mistranslation of Arabic texts.

  • Hunter

    [Serious] What should every young person do?
  • The one I have is from REI and made of modal (similar to rayon, made from wood pulp), it’s the only one I’ve used but it feels very nice, soft, and lightweight. I don’t ever feel like I’d be better off not wearing it if I’m in direct sunlight, and sweat dries from it fairly quickly. I’ve been hot while wearing it but not any hotter than I would have been standing in the sun to begin with, you know? I’ve also never had it fail and result in a burn, and my dermatologist was enthusiastic about it when I brought up that I’d been using that instead of sunscreen.

    The main reason I went with that brand was because I couldn’t find any non-polyester options anywhere else. There’s nothing wrong with them functionally, I just try to avoid polyester in general.

  • Some of the medications include:

    • Antidepressants
    • Antihistamines
    • Stimulants
    • Beta blockers
    • Diuretics
    • ACE inhibitors
    • Thyroid medication
    • Antipsychotics

    Be sure to pay extra attention to any symptoms of heat exhaustion, stay hydrated, and in a cool area indoors when possible during heat waves.


    Hello, likely other trans person who passed by this spot 👋


    Inspired by watching my cat lay on her 6' (2 m) tall cat tower and sleep like a baby. Zero regrets, even if it makes us look like insane cat people for having a giant cat tower right in our living room. She lives here, she gets furniture too!


    Alt text: a post from that says: Once my German friend asked what creative people do without arts grants and other support in the US and I felt like a parent trying to explain to their kid that the puppies can die sometimes


    Alt text: a post by mephistopheles that says: the wrath of khan is like really insane bc khan is like 'im going to make kirk suffer the way i suffered when my wife died' and then he kills spock


    cross-posted from:

    > me_irl


    Alt text: a one panel comic drawn in the style of The Onion’s Stan Kelley that says “shelter from the storm”; three rain clouds that say “resurgent fascism”, “irreversible climate change”, and “impending economic collapse” are raining on a furry character, who is cheerfully whistling because they have an umbrella labeled “weed and furry porn” that is keeping them dry. Similar to The Onion comics, a smaller character representing the artist is in the corner, saying “weather proof.” The artist is CritterDome

    60 The Real Targets of Project 2025’s War on Porn

    It’s not just about people watching porn. It’s drag queens, trans people, LGBTQ library books, and more.


    Image description: an AQI scale that shows “173 - Unhealthy. Air quality index is 173, which is worse than yesterday at about this time.”


    Image transcription: a post from that says: "i never block anyone" is the social media equivalent of taking floor drugs


    Text description: screen cap of a post from

    reminder: Harry Potter tattoos have a higher regret rate than trans surgeries and that's very funny actually
