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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
5 days ago
  • I sooooo hear you on this, I feel like every time I need to replace my most used eyeshadows they're gone. I'm not a lipstick or primer wearer so can't help you there sadly. At the moment I'm using soap and glory mixed browns eyeshadow which I like but don't love and really bought cos its cruelty free. Foundation wise I ALWAYS go clarins everlast, its easy to layer up for different coverage, good quality and lasts pretty well. I'm a pasty colour so it's the only one that matches my skin without showing my true pastiness.

  • Hi and welcome to WomensStuff! We're really glad you found us.

    I love that colour, it's a really bright but calming mint. Sadly I'm so pale it would just look washed out on me but it looks great on you. Plus I passionately support always using glitter, it can only be a good thing.

  • WomensStuff

    OK so how many of us have a friend like this...

    I'm leaving my phone to my BFF in my will for just this reason...

  • They're great colours. I've carefully considered and Ethel might go well with paddy's day mascots, bunting, clothing etc and it's a cheerful colour. However the ILNP are really great colours. So any of those!

  • WomensStuff

    Who and what belongs here?

    Welcome to WomensStuff! We are here for all things women. Examples include...

    1. Fashion, style, make up
    2. Feminism, patriarchy
    3. Friendly chit chat with other women.


    1. Women only... trans women are women, and transphobic or gender critical talk isn't allowed.
    2. Don't be a dick. No personal attacks, no aggression, play nice.
    3. Don't hate on groups, hatefilled talk about groups is not allowed
    Casual UK

    What was your favourite item on the school dinner menu?

    Mine was chocolate concrete, hands down. Second was the cornflake and jam cake

    Mental Health

    Anyone else feel they just go through the motions?

    I'm depressed right now so that's part of it. But I feel like I just exist, I just go through the motions in life. I do everything right (exercise, social functions, counselling etc) but it's not a particularly enjoyable life.

    Casual UK

    very helpful guide

    Dad for a Minute

    Hey daddy!

    Daddy I'm missing you a lot recently. Can I have a hug?

    Ask UK

    What's something that's made you happy recently?

    The news is all doom filled, so what's something that's made you happy recently?

    Mine is finding Lemmy and all you lovely people (obviously). Also I had a workman round and he was a bloody lovely man.

    Ask Dad

    Daddy can I have a hug

    I miss you lots