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Marvel [Tyler Hendrix]
  • Well, it's more motivated than the comic version where Reed Richards and Tony Stark suddenly acted like super villians and cloned Thor without his consent as well as establishing a concentration camp for superheroes in the negative zone. Comic Civil War was wild.

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    What a lovely thing to do.
  • And this is why good people who got rich don't stay rich and people who do are usually selfish assholes. Elon Musk bought Twitter for 44 billion, he could have literally built hundreds of amusement parks for disabled people with the same money. Or do literally a thousand other things to make life for other people better. Instead he bought a toxic social media platform to make it even more toxic.

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    A Kamala Harris win and a Democratic sweep would give the biggest boost to the economy, Goldman Sachs says
  • This is also true for literally any conservative government in the rest of the world too. Fascists are particularly bad for the economy (since they usually funnel all the money to themselves).

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    A Man Drank So Much Radium His Skull Literally Disintegrated
  • And their jaws literally desintegrated. And they still had to fight for their bosses to change anything. Also, the non-toxic alternative was only slightly more expensive.

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    Attitudes towards children safety
  • This is the same guy that worried about the marble floor when he saw someone bleeding onto it. He fundamentally doesn't understand empathy (one of the most obvious signs of psychopathy).

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    Trump says Elon Musk has agreed to lead proposed government efficiency commission as ex-president unveils new economic plans
  • Oh, but they only get along as long as one doesn't steal the other's spotlight. They're both narcissists, and will quickly become mortal enemies as soon as that happens. Musk sees Trump as a tool to gain (even more) political power. Trump sees him as a tool to get the tech bro vote. I don't think either of them has real friends, or even fully understands the concept of friendship.

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    First contact when?
  • That's why I really like the Mass Effect universe where humanity is more of an underdog species. Same with Babylon 5.

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    I need eyebleach after seeing that horrible trailer
  • It literally looks like a College Humor sketch right down to Jason Momoa's ridiculous outfit and the fact Jack Black didn’t even change his hair and beard for this.

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    American cheese
  • No, the "hamburger steak", mentioned in the Oxford dictionary in 1802, was roasted and salted minced beef meat. So pretty close to the present day patty actually.

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    If you go to monkey attack beach you may suffer a monkey attack because monkeys frequent monkey attack beach


    Something weird I noticed while watching "Moonfall"

    (Besides the movie being hilariously bad.) Halle Berry's face is massively deaged through the entire movie for no apparent reason. What's up with that?
