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Nasty bug with very simple exploit hits PHP just in time for the weekend
  • Reading the article I’m a bit confused, can someone confirm for me that it only affects windows running with Japanese, Traditional Chinese, or simplified Chinese locales? Not other locales.

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    Talking Tiananmen with a Chinese chatbot: Chinese developers hope to build the AI of the future. What, if anything, will it have to say about the past?
  • You may want to try and put some prompts yourself into chatGPT to see the results without making an uninformed comment based on what you perceive chatGPT will do/answer.

    The difference between Tianamen and things that have happened, like the gulf war etc. is that we are allowed to discuss disparate views without being thrown in jail. And tools/toys like chatGPT are allowed to try to write an opinion on them.

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    FOSS AI painting with Krita
  • There is one app that runs the model on an iPhone. It’s called “draw things: ai generation“. But you aren’t wrong about AI image generation usually needing a gaming pc or at least a video card with a lot of video ram to hold the model in while it works.

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    Hard Drive Shucking
  • Want to echo what was said here. RAID is not a backup solution. RAID is for always on capability. Do not use RAID as a way to keep valuable data safe. Just have double the drive space and keep a backup of the data on the second drive.

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    Been playing 🏴‍☠️ Palworld, I'm surprised online functions flawlessly! Also some notes for would be downloaders
  • That makes more sense, and a bit beyond my depth as well. But this is not the sites issue at this point, just some honest questions about the online fix.
    I was under the impression we needed the online fix for it to work with other legitimate players. It doesn’t make sense to have an online fix if one isn’t needed. I’ll look into that part more, but I can see it being titled ransomware if they redirect queries to another server to make them go to the legit server and bypass the legit check.
    Still depends on if we needed the online fix or not from the beginning, and then the question becomes, “how did they make the online check work, and where does it redirect to?”

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    Been playing 🏴‍☠️ Palworld, I'm surprised online functions flawlessly! Also some notes for would be downloaders
  • I see nothing in the virustotal results that I would be concerned with. The only file with issues is the online fix, which makes sense that it will find something about it, because most cracks will show some false positives. Take a look at the results and check what it says.

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    Google settles $5bn lawsuit for 'private mode' tracking
  • A lot of computers people buy from box stores are preloaded and configured to use chrome as the default for many years. Newer prebuilt a May no longer do that, but I doubt it.

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    What's an elegant way of automatically backing up the contents of a large drive to multiple smaller drives that add up to the capacity of the large drive? (on Linux)
  • Not that big of a deal when it is a backup. Raid is not a backup solution, it is a 24/7 uptime solution. If the main drive dies with JBOD, then you have the backup. If a backup drive fails, then you still have the main. Trick is to ensure any drive issues are dealt with immediately and no backup runs if there is a smart error or similar on any drive.

    So having software that monitors drive health and email/notifies you is necessary.

    Secondary benefit of JBOD is all drives in a pool are still readable separately.

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    New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease
  • With my beginner understanding of the immune response, they could if this is successful. Since allergies are the immune response to an external stimuli instead of an internal stimuli like an autoimmune disorder.

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    NASA Release Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Final Report [pdf]
  • Yeah, they are talking about what they need and basically saying they have nothing. But you know, lawyers need to be paid so they write this lol

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    New Vaccine Can Completely Reverse Autoimmune Diseases Like Multiple Sclerosis, Type 1 Diabetes, and Crohn’s Disease
  • TLDR would be that any autoimmune disease could see this helping. It “removes/erases” the white blood cells memory of the bodily molecule that we don’t want destroyed from their list of things to destroy.

  • Hey there, I’m looking to convert any of my old phones (iPhone or android) into a wireless camera that I can set up around the house and use from another app on my daily use phone. I could run a server app on my home server or have it cloud based. Any recommendations would be welcome.
