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"Zombified Nation: How Young Ukrainians Were TAUGHT to Hate Russians"

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Article about Banderite children's books in the Ukraine, including a very charming "Insurgent ABCs" for tots.

> "Muscovy is the khanate of fear,

> Massacres and masks of the Mausoleum. There Liliputin is the emperor,

> Medvechukovych is the local lackey.

> Alarmik will put on a Mazepinka, [a hat worn by Ukrainian Sich Riflemen]

> He will load his maschinengewehr [German for ‘machinegun’] and finka, [slang for Finnish knife],

> For the avenger knows that the days will come,

> When Medvechukovych and Liliputin,

> Just like in his own time Vatutin*,

> Will fall into the hands of the insurgents."

> *Nikolai Vatutin, was a Red Army general who took part in the liberation of Ukraine from the Nazis. He was killed by UPA fighters in April 1944 in Kiev.

  • Excerpt from Oleh Vitvitsky's 'Insurgent ABCs'