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Italy calls for Ukraine truce, peace talks with Putin
  • inevitably lead to a clash with other nations, which would not accept Russian tanks on their borders

    When we don't want foreign tanks on our borders, it's good. When they don't want it, it's bad.

    What was it?

    Our legitimate security perimeter buffer zone of 1500 KMs

    Their illegitimate war of aggression on their border 850 KMs from their capital city

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    Italy calls for Ukraine truce, peace talks with Putin
  • the negotiating third parties can’t get Russia to participate in a dialogue

    Did my brain just make shit up or didn't they nearly get to peace very early on1? Or are you saying that after Russia participated in a dialogue and Ukraine pulled out, they haven't been willing to participate in any new talks?

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    True democracy is only possible when the means of production are publicly owned.
  • I realised you can actually see (many of) the comments, it's just that the entire post/comments stuff is very differently displayed in mastodon.

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    True democracy is only possible when the means of production are publicly owned.
  • Do note that we are on lemmy, and lemmy doesn't use followers/following (that's why it's 0), and that where_am_i actually has some 292 comments, the reason you can't see any more has to do with federation stuff.

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    Today I got greeted on a Tor friendly website
  • Yes it is. Since what the arch repos have is a script to download TB from

    Add repos for torproject/guardian project/whatever it’s called now, or use the installer.

    You're thinking of F-Droid (on Android), at least that is what the Guardian Project repo is for.

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    Today I got greeted on a Tor friendly website
  • torbrowser-launcher (found in the extra repo) simply downloads Tor Browser from, unless you use some AUR version of Tor Browser that recompiles it, you are getting the exact same TB as you would by manually downloading it.

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    Today I got greeted on a Tor friendly website
  • Becuase creepjs uses JS to figure out the userAgent, WorkerNavigator.userAgent

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    Today I got greeted on a Tor friendly website
  • Trust me, I spent 3 years in the Tor community I know this shit, this thing comes up so often.


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    Today I got greeted on a Tor friendly website
  • That would be a fail of the fingerprinting protection

    It isn't.

    A properly set up TOR browser for example should not allow that detection by any means.

    Yes it should, through Javascript.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • LMAO.
    1. Having in mind its decision to secure a balanced representation of Korean opinion, the Sub-Committee, [...] decided to invite to a hearing the following representatives of leftist groups:
      Haw Sawng Taik (Chairman, Federation of Korean Trade Unions)
      Huh Hun (Chairman, South Korea Labour Party [Formerly Communist party])
      Kim Won Bong (Chairman, People's Republic Party)
      Paik Yong Hi (Chairman, All Korea Farmers' Union)
      Yoo Yawng Choon (Chairman, Women's Democratic Alliance)
    2. Taking account of the fact that the above persons were either in prison, under order of arrest, or under some form of police surveillance, the Sub-Committee approached the United States authorities with a view to securing an appropriate grant of immunity which would enable them, if they so desired, to accept its invitation to a hearing. [...]

    [Emphasis mine]

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 16
  • I just want a single letter from Molotov, referenced in one of your other documents UN. How hard can it be?

  • Oktoberklub - And Here we are Still / Oktoberklub - Da Sind Wir Aber Immer Noch

    Vietnam tycoon Truong My Lan sentenced to death in $12.5bn fraud case
  • Just to make it clear: "our penologists" is Amerikkkan penologists.

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    Vietnam tycoon Truong My Lan sentenced to death in $12.5bn fraud case
  • I'm not sure, but it's in line with what the Soviets did:


       In the first place there is no prison sentence longer than ten years, and few offenders serve that long. The authorities figure that a maximum ten-year constructive program will fit anybody for proper living unless he is irredeemable. There will be some cases, of course, where there is failure, but the idea is to fit the régime to the majority. Right here there will be the question always forthcoming as to what they would do with our own gangster type. Give them a ten-year sentence? Not at all. They have few of them and for armed robbery one may be sentenced to death. No arguments are listed here for or against punishment by death, but in order to understand the absence of a long prison sentence it is necessary to be informed as to what happens to those who would ordinarily be the recipients of such a term. The fellow who murders in a jealous rage or great anger may find himself in for a long treatment in a place for mental abnormals, or he may, if judged sane, be given a sentence of ten years or less. They do not consider this type of murderer to be, usually, a further social menace.
       With those disposed of the formulators of the policy believe that a longer sentence for others is not needed. They see no aid anywhere in having one languish in prison beyond that point where a sentence ceases to have the possibility of being constructive and begins to dull the senses and perspective of the prisoner so that he is worthless anywhere. Some of our penologists have said that it is better to keep a man either a brief period or for his life because after a certain time it is practically impossible for him to fit into a society of which he has no knowledge.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Left wing of fascism or something like that right deng stare

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • Do you think they even realize how many of the people who write the software they rely on are queer 🤔


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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 15
  • The future? What's that? How does that help with the next quarter?

  • I would have just added a comment under the current weeks general thread. If it weren't for the fact that I really like the book and REALLY think you should read it.

    Strong writes in a way that is easy to read. And, as she has done before, she writes about the successes of the Soviet Union and Socialism. My liberal brain-worms were writhing, chapter by chapter they could not accept what was written, too good to be true, propaganda! Though I must have gotten very happy reading about these success, because I at one point got teary-eyed.

    quote from where it boiled over.

    > When a winter childbirth in a distant Arctic station developed complications, the neighbors got the Dixon Island surgeon on the radio and for more than three hours he directed over the air every detail while the whole of a much-worried Arctic listened in. When the child and mother were safe, congratulations poured in from thousands of miles of icebound waterfront.


    Please read it, not because I made an epub (although yea, also that), but because I think it's a great book.

    Download my EPUB version: (or


    This Soviet World in EPUB format. READ IT.

    I have made what I believe to be the first reflowable version of "This Soviet World" by Anna Louise Strong.

    This book is incredibly fucking good. READ IT. (please)

    Download my EPUB version: (or


    The heads of government in America are not the real rulers. I have talked with many of them from the President down. Some of them would really like to use power for the people. They feel baffled by their inability to do so; they blame other branches of government, legislatures, courts. But they haven’t analyzed the real reason. The difficulty is that they haven’t power to use. Neither the President nor Congress nor the common people, under any form of organization whatever, can legally dispose of the oil of Rockefeller or the gold in the vaults of Morgan. If they try, they will be checked by other branches of government, which was designed as a system of checks and balances precisely to prevent such “usurpation of power.” Private capitalists own the means of production and thus rule the lives of millions. Government, however chosen, is limited to the function of making regulations which will help capitalism run more easily by adjusting relations between property and protecting it against the “lawless” demands of non-owners. This constitutes what Marxists call the dictatorship of property. “The talk about pure democracy is but a bourgeois screen,” says Stalin, “to conceal the fact that equality between exploiters and exploited is impossible. . . . It was invented to hide the sores of capitalism . . . and lend it moral strength.” [Stalin, Leninism, I, 46]
