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How do you make someone understand that being drafted by force and ordered to invade another country is not a good thing?
  • The automation is because it’s always been a felony not to register, same as it is in virtually every country with mandatory service, so to avoid the horrifically needless societal effects that come from giving someone a felony for a random crime, they simply automated it.

    Basically what they did with social security years ago. Used to also be a crime to not sign up by a certain age, so they just started immediately registering all children at birth.

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    Supreme Court set to begin hearings in April on a case that could potentially make it a crime to be homeless
  • Military service gives free barracks housing and families get free houses.

    Officers get very nice houses all things considered.

    Utilities are fully paid for, home insurance is paid for, free moving services, no rent, and free security.

    They want people to join the military.

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    Anti-woke grifters are more dangerous than corporate shills
  • Anti-woke grifters affect quite literally no one but the most terminally online people.

    Just go outside. Those people exist only on a screen.

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    The Russians Are Rushing Reinforcements Into Their Ocheretyne Breakthrough. For The Ukrainians, The Situation Is Desperate.
  • Mechanized units have very little armour with them in general. The point is to rapidly deploy infantry into breakthroughs with APCs from which the infantry continue on foot. The APCs in turn are supposed to immediately retreat. Troops fighting alongside IFVs or tanks would be titled “Armoured”.

    Essentially modern cavalry troops.

    Still hilarious because I bet they don’t have any APCs.

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    Chad move
  • Doesn’t China have one too? Like identical to the US space force?

    All either branch does is cyberwarfare, they aren’t really doing anything in space at all. It was mostly for PR.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • I would argue film is up there as well. Look at how prevalent Soviet and Russian films are, along with K-Films and K-dramas. They're usually peoples first interactions with another culture.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • You’re right, for some reason I thought they said Sasuke at first glance.

    That makes a lot more sense lol

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    The birthrate in Finland has plummeted by nearly a 33% since 2010, despite parental support policies
  • The phrase is “The data tells a different story”

    Data itself is singular as it’s a defined entity. It is the sum of its parts.

    If it said “data points”, then you would be right.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • There is already an organized push in Congress to ban WeChat that is backed by Facebook as WeChat is in direct competition with WhatsApp, Messenger, and to a lesser extent Instagram and Facebook.

    It’s called the “ANTI-SOCIAL CCP” Act and is set to be decided on later in the summer. Much how the Tiktok ban bill was announced then decided a few months later.

    “Aimed to protect Americans by blocking and prohibiting all transactions and communications from any social media company in, or under the influence of, China, Russia, and several other foreign countries of concern unless they fully divest of dangerous foreign ownership.”

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • They want mainstream media, and news from American mega corporations like Facebook to be all that people see.

    Tiktok has let regular people who care nothing about politics see the atrocities.

    That’s what they fear. They can’t control the narrative as easily.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • No this TikTok ban provision was titled under the “21st Century Peace through Strength” Act.

    The RESTRICT Act is far more wide reaching, and is currently on the House floor, but it has not passed.

    This bill does not ban VPN’s, but it opens the door to target other Chinese and Russian based services such as WeChat, Telegram, and so on.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • Don’t forget that as a slap to the face to students calling for divestment from Israel, both parties sneakily shoved in another bill alongside this one that sends another 26.3 billion dollars to Israel.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • An Israel funding bill was one of the other bills shoved into this one.

    Israel is going to get an additional 26.3 billion dollars in aid because of this passing.

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    Biden signs TikTok ban bill into law after passing it as part of the Ukraine Funding Bill. ByteDance has been given 9 months to fully divest.
  • It’s very common to shove several unpopular bills into one that is more popular or has better PR.

    Let’s Congress sneakily avoid PR disasters while getting their way.

  • Free speech in AmeriKKKa is looking good! Americans should only rely on true, red-blooded, patriotic, and megacorporations like Microsoft and Google with their data!

    Another bill that was added on was an Israel aid bill that sends Israel and the IDF a further 26.3 billion dollars.

    Americans be like
  • This isn’t entirely true. A large part of a credit score is the age of revolving credit accounts. So you can get a very high score but just having a credit card with a $200 a month limit and paying it off each month on time. By year 2 your score should be very strong.

    Or take out a higher limit card and just pay all your bills with it.

    You don’t need massive loans or multiple accounts.

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    I hate that many think lgbt is a trend among white, "middle-class" people
  • That just seems like a reskinning of the classic biphobia line that bisexuals are "greedy" and "selfish".

  • NSFW
    He fucked around and found out CW: settler down
  • Can a guy getting blown to bits please get marked NSFW? It isn’t even implied, you see body parts and bits of them flying in different directions along with a massive blood splash as they get turned to dust.

    Got what he deserved though.

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    Chinese ambassador to the UN says that if US is opposing Palestine's full membership of the UN out of political calculation, it would be better to simply say so, instead of making excuses.
  • I never said you wanted Chinese boots on the ground. I just said that China sees nothing to gain from shaking the hornets nest that is the Palestinian question at all. That includes making a statement.

    Diplomatically China has little to gain from “challenging” the status quo. Even if it’s with something as small as a statement.

    If they wanted to they obviously would have by now.

  • B2 Bombers spotted over Saudi Arabia heading on a bearing for Yemen, with US ships launching cruise missiles in the Red Sea.


    "Western Alliance" of California, Texas, and Florida teaming up to take on the entire US after the "first" "explicitly" fascist US president gives himself a third term. Supposed to be a "Liberal People's Revolution" in support of """true""" American democracy. There are absolutely no leftist symbols, analysis, slogans, flags, or rhetoric to be found.

    Seemingly very little focus on politics except surface level liberal centrism of "uniting against authoritarianism". Also, absolutely no mention of leftism except as a hostile force, as LGBT characters are seen prominently as part of the invading rebel forces. Also a scene of the rebels blowing up the Lincoln monument for some reason.

    Weird "civilian" discourse that seems bizarre in the face of Palestine as there are scenes where the US Air Force bombs US civilians, soldiers fire indiscriminately into crowds, and its all played off as a horrible tragedy despite the common American sentiment in favour of Israel doing the same thing.

    The trailer's ending seems to imply the rebels miraculously take DC and save American democracy in one fell swoop.

    Lastly, the fascist US president is Nick Offerman. Yes... The Parks and Rec guy, and the gay Last of Us character.
