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Adult daughter. Should I disown her!?
  • You have to run a cycle in the dishwasher semi regularly to keep mold and bacteria from growing inside it, I had to take apart my parents dishwasher and deep clean it out since they were using it only as a drying rack.

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    How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide
  • I have a basic respect for the environment that everyone should have by default, regardless of their financial status. And I would do everything in my power to keep it reasonably clean if I was in a similar situation.

    If the dirt is all I have, then I would find something to grow in it. Not a pile of sharps.

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    How far can cities go to clear homeless camps? The U.S. Supreme Court will decide
  • I feel conflicted, I have been noticing a homeless camp growing very close to my neighborhood and they are absolutely trashing the area, letting their dogs run loose in the streets. I want to sympathize with them but they harbor no respect for themselves or their environment.

  • The voice is from the Fiona & Cake series, Bandit's voice actor plays a character called Orbo.


    [screenshot of the JOSM editor software downloading an absurd amount of GPS points, dialog box says 'downloading points 1,445,000 to 1,450,000...']

    Why are there so many points here wtf.


    Two anthropomorphic characters looking at a CRT monitor with the website searching for any job anywhere


    Not an electrician, but I wired in my first receptacle for my new RV power converter

    I was calling around my local electricians and they were either too busy or refused to work on motorhomes, so I had to learn how to do it myself. It was actually very easy and fun to do!
