Skip Navigation Israeli strike on mosque and school in Gaza kills scores, sparking international outrage | CNN

At least 93 Palestinians have been killed in an Israeli strike on a school and mosque in Gaza sheltering displaced people, according to local officials.

0 Lundbeck hervat de levering van Nortrilen en Redomex

Farmabedrijf Lundbeck hervat de levering van de geneesmiddelen Nortrilen en Redomex in België. Dit toont opnieuw de noodzaak voor structurele veranderingen.


One of the major points of our party for the upcoming election is to introduce a tax on people with a net worth of over 5 million euro. The tax has been calculated by independent checkers and it is estimated that it will rake in 8 to 10 billion euro annually.

Everyone and their mother is now saying that a tax like that would be a disaster as every rich people 'will just flee the country'. Which they will not, as has been shown by previous countries like France introducing a similar tax FOR DECADES with less than 0.2% of the rich people leaving.

But what saddens me the most is that so many people just accept this threat as normal. Like, what does it say about our system if rich people hoarding all the wealth without contributing to society can throw a fit and leave? Is that not a sick system to live in? You off all people are the one creating the wealth for these people. Be mad, please. Be outraged that they dare to do something like that, while our government is planning to cut the budgets of healthcare, education, public transport and whatnot. For fuck's sake have some dignity.

General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 18
  • Some Chinese company decided to sponsor the local pro basketball team here and instead of thinking: 'good for the team', the media is al like: 'SHOULD WE BE CAREFUL FOR CHINESE SPYING?'. Like, surely it is the utmost importance for China to be able to spy on a mediocre basketball team in a country that doesn't like basketball.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 18
  • Are you going to do anything special? Lots of marches and activities going on.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 18
  • A new week.

    We are having a party event this week. Looking forward to it. It's supposed to be better weather this week too but this is still Belgium, so I'll believe it when I see it.

    And, most importantly, it is labour day on Wednesday.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • Yeah. Just a shame I let myself get angry. But if they conceil their arguments behind a thin veil of 'concern' while the arguments contain the words 'mental disorder' and 'rape' and 'but our current heteronormative society mag not be ready' even I seem to have my limits.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • 99% was a bit of an exeggaration but over here in Belgium it is estimated that around 85% of the people in prostitution are actually trafficked into it. And then there are some people who fall into a grey area of being semi forced into it and then we have a tiny minority who do it out of empowerment.

    I used to work with human trafficking victims and almost everyone of them used to be a sex worker. There seems to be this liberal fantasy in which sex work is one of the highest tiers of womens liberation but the reality is just so far removed from that, that we need to abolish this system entirely.

    That being said, I am not going against sex workers who do speak up for better conditions and rights, etc. I support the sex workers struggle against the system of course. I have nothing against a free sexual spirit, I am all for it. I just do hope we, as a society, manage to move past viewing sex as labour in order to keep existing.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • You see, we need to have a discussion about that. And when the white people feel comfortable enough, maybe we will allow them.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • I always feel like a sour twat in my communist anti monarchist vibe this day. Luckily i live in Belgium now.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • I had a discussion on trans people with my family in law today and it got really nasty. As in, I walked out of the room out of madness nasty. Screaming nasty. I'm not proud of it but I snapped when I heard the 'rapist toilet' argument come up again.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • Got in a discussion on Reddit about sex work and the whole white, male 'WOMEN SEXUAL LIBERATION REEEE' crowd came crawling out of their basements to downvote. To them, sex work is this perverse fantasy of a white woman being empowered instead of the reality in which 99% are human trafficking victims in horrible conditions.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • Been watching Baby Reindeer on Netflix and I'm absolutely in love with Nava Mau

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    🤡Blinken🤡 discovers a genocide, just not the one his regime is aiding and abetting, turns out the actual genocide is not in Gaza it's in Xinjiang.
  • The majority of the world is not going against China on this one so why bother too much?

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    Americans be like
  • 29
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    Americans be like
  • 38
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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • My capybara collection is still in a box somewhere. I have to unpack it still.

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    General Discussion Thread - Juche 113, Week 17
  • I moved this weekend and I am sore as fuck now. Always a stressful thing, moving. But it was worth it I think. It's a nice new place. Life is sort of tiring at the moment and I hope things get better soon. At least it is supposed to be better weather soon. Can't wait to start my herb nursery on my new balcony.

    I hope everyone has a nice week.

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    Roderic Day talking about {Hexbear}
  • I mean hexbear is just one online place. It's not like the revolution depends on how hexbear is operating. Same for Lemmygrad. If I look at my own work for our party I think my real life efforts are endlessly more important than the shitposts I make on Lemmygrad. To me he comes off as a bit sour because he sees people having fun and he decides that's a problem to him lol. Sure, we could turn this place into a discussion board majority only but I have a feeling that we will be without users at the end of the year. Discussion is always welcome of course and we encourage it even. Everyone is free to ask whatever they want.

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    Roderic Day talking about {Hexbear}
  • I'm not really understanding his point in the second screenshot

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    Israel launches missile attack in response to Iran assault: Report
  • Israel is really becoming unhinged lol

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    Argentina asks to join NATO as President Milei seeks a more prominent role for his nation
  • What's the CIA expecting in South America for them to do this

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    “Lesser evils”
  • Don't worry we now blocked us for you <3

  • Vietnam tycoon Truong My Lan sentenced to death in $12.5bn fraud case

    The largest case of fraud in Vietnam’s history has been uncovered as part of a major state anticorruption drive.

    21 Gaza ceasefire hopes ‘drowned out’ by Israel’s non-stop bombing

    Israel ignores UN resolution demanding an immediate truce with dozens of Palestinians killed in ongoing bombardment.

    0 Arrests made as death toll from Moscow concert hall attack rises to 93

    ISIL claims responsibility for the attack on Moscow’s Crocus City Hall that killed at least 93 people.

    Source: Al Jazeera live blog


    Please be gentle for my choice of corporate core image.

    Today is International Womens Day. This day is on March 8th to remember 15000 women going on a strike in 1908 in New York's textile industry. It sparked years of union actions demanding better wages, better conditions and the end to sexual harassment at the workplace.


    So I like plants and gardening. My appartment is full of plants and I have a small herb nursery in my window sill. I'm currently growing three basil plants and a pepper plant.

    I go to social media for tips and tricks and as usual it's full of people with grade A set ups producing lots of herbs and veggies and stuff. I started growing my pepper plant and after weeks I managed to produce a whopping number of 1 pepper. The weird thought that occurred to me was: I failed. I failed because my pepper plant isn't as productive as the plants I see online.

    Meanwhile: did I have fun doing this? Yes, I loved watching the progress of this plant. I did feel cool when I added my home grown pepper to my dinner. Isn't that what hobbies are about?

    How many people are out there quitting things because they aren't immediately good at it because social media primed us to crave instant satisfaction through constant dopamine hits? Pick up hobbies, be bad at them, learn, have fun.

    0 US election 2024: Putin says he prefers Joe Biden over Donald Trump in the White House

    It's a change in tune for the Russian leader, who praised Mr Trump during his first presidential run.

    0 In shock result, allies of jailed ex-leader Imran Khan win most seats in Pakistan election | CNN

    Independent candidates affiliated with jailed Pakistani political leader Imran Khan’s Tehreek E Insaaf (PTI) party won the most National Assembly seats in Pakistan’s general election, delivering a surprise victory in a vote marred by a slow count and rigging allegations.

    12 China's President Receives Afghan Ambassador; Taliban Seek Recognition From Russia, Iran

    Chinese President Xi Jinping received the credentials of 42 ambassadors, including one from Taliban-ruled Afghanistan


    I've noticed that in both Belgium and The Netherlands there has been an increase in war talk lately, saying how we need more military personnel and that we need to be wary of Russia. I've seen some British articles about it too.

    Now, I hope it is purely coincidental otherwise I'd have to get worried about EU+UK being complete idiots and preparing for war.
