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Israeli Media vs Western Media
  • The k makes it sound more islamic and triggers western audience's latent islamophobia

    With all due respect, I don't think it's the K-sound that triggers the "western audience's latent islamophobia".

    That probably has more to do with the news from England and Germany.

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    A surprising number of 'iPad Kids' are on X, study finds
  • Do you know what the great thing about 2024 is? People actually understand that digital doesn't have the same restrictions as analog.

    Applying those very same restrictions would be foolish seeing how it wouldn't work as well, or even at all.

    Nuance is sometimes important in these topics, no matter how much you want to act like your bullshit argument actually holds any water for some overarching topic no one was talking about.

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    A surprising number of 'iPad Kids' are on X, study finds
  • Do you know what the great thing about 2024 is? People actually understand that digital doesn't have the same restrictions as analog.

    Applying those very same restrictions would be foolish seeing how it wouldn't work as well, or even at all.

    Nuance is sometimes important in these topics, no matter how much you want to act like your bullshit argument actually holds any water for some overarching topic no one was talking about.

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    A surprising number of 'iPad Kids' are on X, study finds
  • Nah I don't want corpos to have even more information on me than they already have.

    It's time for people to finally accept again that you can't shield kids from anything, especially if it seems forbidden and interesting.

    Also if you really wanted to pick a verification age you would have to go with 25+. 18 years old are just legal 17 years old and 20 years are barely out of school and don't have any experience about anything. 30+ years are stuck in the system and 65+ simply don't care anymore.

    Actually raise the verification age to 99+. No wait just ban social media for everyone, it sucks and is unhealthy, go tough grass or something.

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    Time to start an internet war!
  • Yet another thing we should hold Canadians responsible for, apart from clubbing baby seals.

    What does it taste like though?

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    Bronze Age technology could aid switch to clean energy
  • *becoming hot and damned. There's gonna be a generation in between who's living in a tropical paradise, depending on where they live.

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    China to Achieve its 2030 Installed Clean Energy Target in July 2024
  • That not what I said and doesn't pertain to the topic either.

    Keep your strawmanning bullshit to yourself if you can't hold a decent conversation.

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    China to Achieve its 2030 Installed Clean Energy Target in July 2024
  • Truly the words 'racism' and 'classism' have lost all of their meaning nowadays. Well alright classism I might be to see in there if I squinted at it, but racism?
