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October Make Something Month: Kickoff
  • Late, but present. I will be making.. A Halloween costume. It will be a wearable mask that covers my head and leaves my hands free. It will be open except on the front. I have no idea how I will do it yet, bit plenty of time to figure it out...

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    What apps/stack to automate grabbing content and adding it to Plex?
  • My main question is: what automates pushing new content to my Plex libraries and kicking off a library scan?

    Seems like there are lots of apps that do similar things (monitor trackers for example). I just need one that moves content from \Data\Torrents\ to Plex:\movies and tickles it enough to trigger a scan.

    Does Overseerr do this?

  • Is there a LLM/ChatGPT tuned to help with weekly meal planning that doesn't suck? Why not?

    As a home cook, I'd like to get a weekly meal plan for dinner plus a shopping list focused on my interests, so I can use it for inspiration.

    This seems like a really good LLM application:

    • it doesn't have to be factual
    • huge corpus of data to work from (recipies, meal plans)
    • can tune to suit my (or a users) taste
    • ideally it cood avoid repeats (by knowing what it suggested last week)

    And, so far the ones I've found seem... Underwhelming. Has anybody found somethig good? Ideas about why not?


    I want to be able to search for content on my phone, then have it automatically downloaded and posted to plex, so that I don't have to fuck around so much every time I want to backup a show.

    I am running Plex (on a TrueNAS Core box), Radarr, Sonarr, and QbitTorrent today. I have a preferred tracker.

    What other apps do I need to make it easy to find out of a show is avaliable, automatically hand it off to Radarr/Sonarr then download it and move it to my NAS share then get Plex to refresh and tell me it's done?

    What is your setup for riding in the rain?
  • Seattle year round commuter. For my current short commute: a rain cape (poncho).

    • it's comfortable to wear both wet and dry
    • easy on/easy off. Less fucking around trying to get geared up.
    • I don't sweat through my clothes because it ventilates like crazy

    So many more reasons, but good lord those 3 are reason enough. Putting on still-wet gear at the end of the day is nasty.

    I also wear rain-legs. I wear wool socks and sneakers (1 less piece of wet gear to deal with). No gloves (cape deals with the rain and wind).

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    What bugs the heck out of you at work but doesn't seem to bother your coworkers?
  • Good questions. I own priorities, my team owns operation. Fixing this is on our list of priorities, not high enough to get the amount of attention needed to really fix it.

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    What bugs the heck out of you at work but doesn't seem to bother your coworkers?
  • We have 3 (three. Three!!) redundant monitoring and alerting systems and have yet to detect the issues routinely found by our customers. Its not because we didn't detect them, it's because we have so many false positives we stopped looking (but still run the monitors).


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    TIL The first recorded human death by robot was in 1979 when 25-year-old Ford Motor assembly line worker Robert William was struck by an arm of a malfunctioning one-ton robot
  • There is a steel mill (recycling plant) in my town. They give tours every Friday. I have been 3 times, twice with teams of (software) engineers.

    If you want to go see what engineering means when lives are on the line, tour a steel mill. Fucking amazing.

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    What scares you most? And why exactly this?
  • Getting doored while out riding, then falling into the road and getting run over by a garbage truck.

    I ride my bike a lot. Somebody getting out of the back seat of a 4 door with out looking is a huge danger.

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    Have you ever been under general anesthesia? What was it like? Did anything strange happen?
  • Yes, several times. Surprisingly: my shortest surgery (10 min to remove a device) resulted in about 10 days of serious depression. A shrink says this happens about 10 percent of the time. I wish I'd known this in advance, I'd have opted out. I will be more cautious in the future.

  • On my pixel 6 the home button returns me to my home screen, or it used to. Recently, if I am on a google search (from the home screen google search widget), home does nothing.

    I'm expecting it to return me to the home screen - that's what it does on a pixel 7.

    I don't think I've made any changes to cause this, any idea how to get it back?



    View over a tressle on Vancouver island, summer '23


    Low effort post. Higher effort: change bees to beans.


    Am I right to be annoyed that I have two broken spokes after having a reputable shop fix 1 broken spoke a few days ago?

    I'm out doing a tour, tomorrow is the last big day - 45ish miles. The rear end felt a little squidgey coming out of the woods this evening. I figured I was low on air but No! Two new broke spokes (rear wheel, drive side, broke off in the J bend, holes are right next to each other).

    I got to practice using a fiber fix - and truth be told we aren't really doing anything rough, so I imagine things will be fine. But... Dang, I wish the shop would have told me the tension was off and I was going to break more - I would have brought another fiber fix!

    Btw: fiber fix is a neat little hack. But a PITA to install on the drive side. What finally worked for me was: make a 'clean' end by cutting the end I messed up trying the first time. Then, reenforcing the end with super glue and some tape (so the end would hold together while forcing it through the hub hole). A bright light and a tiny Leatherman squirt were required.


    I'm out rolling around Victoria with some friends, one is a wine buyer. He got the good local stuff for the gang to try. I really wanted some, just a bit... Decided to pass.


    Gotta be a pretty early bird to get close at zoo tunes. Nice to see some music outside!
