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Is "disk" just a different spelling of "disc" or are they actually different words?
  • It's from diskette which is a portmanteau of disk and cassette which is from the early days or portable storage where cassettes were used to house disks to keep them safe from damage. For example floppy disk.

    Because they form a similar job, portable storage, modern day usb pen drives and ssds are often referred to as disks.

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    What is the most severe case of brainwashing you have seen?
  • Pandemic.

    Person who I used to consider a friend was relentlessly posting anti-vax and anti-lock down stuff constantly. I would continually refute what he posted, with references and data etc but he wouldn't listen.

    Highlight was when he posted pictures of an anti lock down protest in "Lisbon" and I went to the lengths of finding the pictures that had been stolen and they were of a dance music festival he attended.

    Even though I cross referenced his own photos with those that had been posted, including one that showed him next to someone who was in on of the pictures from the supposed protest, he still wouldn't listen to reason.

    He is no longer a friend or even an aquaintence.

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    Actual fucking cover of this book
  • Might I suggest you read Imperial Women in Byzantium 1025-1204 by Barbara Hill so you can adequately appreciate my genius.

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  • Interesting aside. The word faggot is derived from the Latin fasces. Which was a ceremonial weapon carried by the preatorian guard. Which is where the term fascism also is derived.

    Basically what I'm saying is, nazis are the faggots, not homosexuals.
