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What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • You can tell them you're not wasting any of it because eventually it will be used, none of it will get spoiled and people tend to actually need that bog roll within a week or two. Also, it's a ONE time "double" buy, because from then on you buy everything once just the same; you just make sure you don't end up spending even MORE when you run out of the 24 roll TP bag and have to quickly buy a less eco 6-pack.

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    What’s your “I can’t believe other people don’t do this” hack?
  • Buying another box, bag, etc. of soap, toilet paper, tooth paste and whatever long lasting product before it runs out. It doesn't expire (fast), therefore I always have a second, full bag as a buffer, and as soon as I have to open the second one, I put it on the shopping list so there is always a buffer bag and I don't get annoyed if I still forget to buy one or it's out of stock.

    It's been years since I had to use some weird substitute for toilet paper.

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    Activate Linux
  • Oh, there was 0 offense taken, mockery didn't even cross my mind. I just simply realised I was probably misleading first.

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    Activate Linux
  • So the thing is, English is not my first language and I used the wrong word. I guess it's more like greasy bread. Just plain pig fat spread on a slice of bread. But what you just described actually sounds awesome.

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    Subscribing to YT premium is also an evil act
  • Even if there was a single ad that I would want to click on, ever, I would still just simply look up the site instead. The only reason I've clicked an ad in the past 20 years was when I did it accidentally. They know that (as in, they know that the click ratio will be low) and I'm sure their goal is just for you to see the ad.

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    Activate Linux
  • The good old 2000s when you could host and successfully distribute any virus disguised as something popular by slapping a _full, _HD or .rar/zip (or any combination) at the end of the file name.

    I used to look up lard bread and there was a hit for lard bread_full.rar on the first page.

  • 1
    • You spawn. Not in the best spot, but you have just enough time to pick your weapon before you get slapped from a random corner.

    • You spawn. After taking 2 steps you run into a Brimstone, crouching in a corner, spamming his Odin. Easy kill. This will be a great DM.

    • You Face Jett. Both of you start shooting, but you die to a 3rd party before your 2nd bullet.

    • You spawn. Right between two agents fighting. You get destroyed before you can turn.

    • You spawn. You run into Brim, still crouching in another corner. You delete him. Right after that, 3 people appear from 3 different angles at the same time. You stand no chance.

    • You spawn. You take two steps, then a Reyna swings from the corner, instantly killing you. She's been there for the last 6 seconds, waiting for someone to make noise.

    • You spawn. You see from afar the same Brim crouching behind a box. You aim at him but you get 3rd partied.

    • You spawn. As you run, you hear someone desperately trying to get after you to get a backshoot kill. You decide to teach them a lesson. At the 3rd corner you turn around to greet them. As soon as you turn around, Reyna kills you from behind.

    • You spawn. Reyna spawn kills you.

    • You spawn. Sova runs out of a corner. You take him down quickly. You hear noise from the left, so you turn. Grave mistake, Gecko spawned in the same corner, right after Sova died.

    • You spawn. Right behind Gecko, because spawn algorithm. You start spamming, the first shot misses, you get 3rd partied.

    • You spawn. You find Reyna shift walking around a corner. You open fire but Brim spams you down from a nearby corner with an Odin.

    The match is over, Jett has 40 kills and the 2nd best has 22.

    I've played DM several games, but this takes the cake.


    So the 2 guys I usually play with are champ2 and dia3-champ1 level. I'm also champ1. NONE of us were ever in GC, not for a single match. We play 2v2s and 3v3s, depending on who's available.

    This season we got absurd amount of GCs in our matches. Both 2v2 and 3v3, but 3v3 seemed even more infested with GC titles. Interestingly, whenever they actually say something about their rank, they say they are GCs in another game mode, or that they played a long time ago. But most of them still do stuff that we have never been able to, and the rest is just as bad as us, or even worse (which isn't too rare). But this many "GC in another mode" players, suddenly, out of thin air?

    What happened suddenly?

    Before this season, seeing a GC title in our games was definitely a rarity. We saw ~2-3 every season, and that was pretty much it. Whenever we ran into one before, they actually played like a GC and they hard carried their suspiciously clueless teammates. This season GC matches are more abundant than the ones without.

    Is it because the player numbers are falling so hard that Psyonix resorted to widening the matchmaking search, allowing significantly better (or worse) players to match against us, just to keep the waiting times low? Now that I think of it, as many GCs we get against us, we definitely don't see just as many clueless opponents. If it's not the waiting time, then why did matchmaking change so drastically? Is it boosting? Because that didn't just happen overnight between the two seasons.

    What do you think?

    EDIT: People starting ranked at a lower rank than what they had in the previous season also can't be the reason, since we would also be somewhere in low diamond then; it's the middle of the season, so I doubt THIS many people whould start their freshly deranked season now.
