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  • I need more than one fingers to count how many times i said "you too" when a waiter/delivery guy said bon appetit

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    Israel 'gone beyond self-defence' in Gaza, Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi says, calls to 'stop collective punishment'
  • They couldn't "gone" beyond self defence if it wasn't self-defense to start with.

  • World Bank accused of supporting evictions, rights abuses at Tanzanian park

    Farmers and herders in southern Tanzania say rangers at Ruaha National Park have committed extrajudicial killings and livestock theft in a bid to drive them off their land to make way for tourists. The allegations form the basis of a complaint submitted to the Inspection Panel of the World Bank, whi...

    0 Up in the air: Study finds microplastics in high-altitude cloud water

    The more we learn about plastic, the more we find it everywhere. Research has shown that tiny microplastic particles litter the world’s oceans and rivers, from the Arctic and Antarctic. Microplastics are in the soils where fruits and vegetables grow. They’re found in the internal organs of wildlife....

    0 Bolivian expert denounces harmful intention of US rating agency

    La Paz, Oct 5 (Prensa Latina) Bolivian economic analyst, Martín Moreira, denounced that the US-based international rating agency, Standard & Poor, is more interested in damaging Bolivia with its report on the Bolivian financial system, than in maintaining a constructive critical view.

    0 “Staggering. Unnerving. Bewildering.” Scientists alarmed as September smashes temperature records - Oil Change International

    Over the northern hemisphere summer that has been dominated by floods, fires, and unrelenting heat, with temperature records being regularly smashed, climate scientists have become increasingly alarmed.

    0 NY judge to Trump: Shut up or go to jail

    NEW YORK—Somebody finally ordered Donald Trump to shut up: New York State Supreme Court Judge Arthur Engoron. In the most notable development of the second day of the Trump fraud trial in Manhattan, Engoron pulled no punches after learning a Trump tweet on his Truth Social account, claimed, falsel.....

    0 Cuba has the most companies in ALADI business conference

    Havana, Oct 3 (Prensa Latina) Cuba participates in the Macro Business Roundtable of the Latin American Integration Association (Aladi) with 67 exporting companies and 39 importing ones, the nation with the greatest presence in the regional event that meets today in this capital.

    YouTube suspends monetisation of Russell Brand's channel
  • It means this is a controversial topic and there will be a lot of interesting opinions in this thread.

  • The Left’s Electoral Strategy Is Working. Let’s Keep Building It.

    Democratic socialists have made their most significant electoral inroads in years by operating as a left-wing faction in the Democratic Party. Chris Maisano argues that we should own that strategy, and push it further.

    0 End Capitalism Before It Ends Us: Claudia De La Cruz & Karina Garcia for President & VP - Liberation News Claudia De la Cruz and Karina Garcia are running for Pre

    0 DRC food sovereignty summit yields support for agroecology, local land rights

    “The last 20 years have taken their toll on our forests, with increased deforestation and the sale of our land by government decision-makers cutting us off from our main means of subsistence,” said Polydor Musafiri, an Indigenous Murega from the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo. Musafiri’s commu...

    0 Climate Activists and Frontline communities Call for Genuine Climate Leadership From African Leaders as Climate Summit Kicks Off

    As the Africa climate summit begins in Nairobi this week, grassroots groups and climate activists from across the continent will be holding African leaders to account to deliver concrete climate action and plans to address the continent’s pressing needs. “ We are calling on African governments to pr...

    0 Court order fails to stop poison fishing in Bangladesh Sundarbans

    It’s long been known that many people depend on the world’s single largest mangrove forest, the Sundarbans, for their livelihoods, as the forest naturally provides resources including fish, crabs, honey and timber. In order to maintain a balance between resource extraction and forest health, the Ban...

    0 Samidoun Network: We Dare to Speak Out for Palestinian Prisoners and Detainees

    Samidoun is an organization supporting imprisoned Palestinians, that is located in the Rotterdammer neighbourhood of the Centrum, Rotterdam Rechter Maasoever. Photo from Wikimedia Commons by Donald…

    0 Trump’s Mugshot: More Turmoil and Instability on the Horizon - Socialist Revolution

    Donald Trump has made history once again. This time with his mugshot, the first of any former US President. While the liberals crow over this ignominy, the Donald has monetized it as he campaigns undeterred […]

    0 Will the Clean Energy Auto Economy Be Built on Factory Floors Riddled With Toxic Chemicals and Safety Hazards?

    Workers at an Ultium Cells plant in Ohio are fighting for fair wages and safety on the job. What happens there could help set the tone for similar joint-venture plants across the country.

    0 Nests of hope: Nepal’s vulture colonies hold on amid new threats

    KATHMANDU — On a bright morning in the hills of Nepal, among the green needles and brown cones of a chir pine tree (Pinus roxburghii) a pair of white-rumped vultures (Gyps bengalensis) is busy building their nest. They choose a sturdy trunk, high enough to avoid predators and low enough to catch the...

    What is your favorite insult in your native language that doesn't exist or cant be directly translated in English?
  • Once i heard someone curse someone else out with "May cancer feast on the bloody spunk in your lungs."

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    What is your opinion on men that make use of sex worker services?
  • Worked night shift at a hotel next to a night club that doubled as a brothel, could talk to the girls who were always taken to our hotel, heard how the dudes talked about the girls they had sex with, i say kill everyone who pays for sex.

    And this was supposed to be a "good" place btw.

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    They're not supposed to look like that
  • Gas is stored in the nuts

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    Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Anarchists in civil war in spain (until some of them decided to fuck off), I would say the makhnovshchina defended itself pretty well with the scarce resources they had, greek anarchists with their decades old squats, bolivian grassroots movements who helped Evo Morales get in power in Bolivia, etc.

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    Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • No, since states can get couped. The most effective way of protecting the revolution is gathering the masses which can happen without the state, indeed, it has happened multiple time throughout history.

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    Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • Literally posted 3 articles yesterday criticising trump but go off.

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    Lemmy since the reddit collapse
  • I have, its a terrible "rebuttal" of anarchist criticism of marxism, conflating self-defence with authority.

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    McConnell on Ukraine proxy war: "We haven’t lost a single American in this war. Most of the money that we spend, is spent on replenishing weapons, so it’s actually employing people here."[paraphrased]
  • That's a good question. Let me tackle it from a different angle though - why do ex USSR/Warsaw Pact countries actively want to join NATO?

    Fellow ex Warsaw Pact resident here.

    They wanted to join NATO because after the dissolution of the USSR these countries were pushed into a deep economic crisis, to which one of the solutions, apart from relentless austerity programs was the privatization of the shit ton of public assets they had. Of course lots of western companies were in on this since for them these assets were really cheap and they had a lot of money. The city hall of the town i went to university to became a fucking McDonald's.

    Thing is, a lot of people didnt like this, not just the austerity, but the handing of domestic assets to western companies. And they were not even that wrong about it! In Albania, in 1997 a series of bankruptcies of asset managing companies (most western owned) who were basically scamming people who barely came into contact with capitalism, telling them theyll get 50% interest rates for their money, led to a brutal uprising where ordinary people were sacking military bases, setting up machine gun nests in the borders of cities and overthrew the government (after half a year of protests).

    In the meantime Russia was led by well-known alcoholic, Boris Yeltsin, who doesn't strike me as the napoleonic conqueror people make him out to be.

    So why did these countries join NATO? Because they DESPERATELY needed the money, but western companies wouldnt invest in (exploit) them if they dont have insurances (troops that could be sent against the people anytime an Albanian-type revolt breaks out or an anti-western government come in power who would try to renationalize assets) that their investments (exploitation) runs as smoothly as possible. And it works. People like to say that "ackshually the living standards went up in Eastern Europe", but they never stop to check that it only went up because the rich got richer, pulling the average up. The working class' lives stagnated at best, except the social net around them is rapidly brought down. Older people are not nostalgic for socialism here because theyre becoming senile, but because they see every time that they go to a hospital that the increasingly privatized healthcare system is crumbling.

    Don't believe me? It's fine. But i would suggest that you examine who the current pariahs are in NATO: Hungary, whose government has to rely in a lot of things to the cheapest due to a ravaged economy (both by corruption and privatization), so they rely a lot on domestic production and trying to hand off as little stuff to western corporations as possible (and still fail at it, hence why they are still intact), and Turkey, who makes no secret of wanting to standing on its own feet and not rely on western corporations.

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    China courts Germany's far-right populist AfD
  • True, engaging with actual sourced comments is equivalent to arguing with drunkards, as opposed to going on tirades about how all the hexbears are bad bots.

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    China courts Germany's far-right populist AfD
  • I mean i am yet to read any convincing arguments that we aren't, even though there are plenty of opportunities to debate us in the free market of ideas.
