Lemmy since the reddit collapse
Lemmy since the reddit collapse

Lemmy since the reddit collapse
Yeah, you can call yourself a leftist all you want, but when 90% of your posts is calling Biden and Zelensky Nazis but you never criticize Putin or Trump, I get certain doubts.
Posting about Trump or Putin being bad would be akin to making posts about ISIS being bad: it goes without saying.
Like 99% of people on this platform already agrees with you, it's really not a contentious issue. There's no significant MAGA or Russian nationalist instance federated. None of their supporters would see it, it would be a completely moot point.
Oh how I wish that was true. Unfortunately I've seen far too many people support Russia in this war, both offline and online, including here.
Maybe I'm wrong about hexbear, I certainly hope that I am, but on lemmygrad I saw long posts with many upvotes explaining how this war is a good thing and Putin is a hero that is fighting against the capitalists etc.
Edit: and now lemmygrad had Hunter's laptop on the front page. Could they be any more obvious?
Edit2: lol, you almost had me believing that I was wrong and just too paranoid. Then in this very thread I got two people from hexbear telling me how NATO and Ukraine are evil, heavily upvoted. Still nothing bad about either Trump or Putin. Thanks.
While it should go as without saying I think it's pretty hard to take it that way when the following statements get made a) The legitimate Ukraine government was overthrown in a NATO croup, b) Ukraine government is a neo-nazi government, c) DPR and LPR are legitimate countries and d) NATO started the war in Ukraine. Every single one of those is a Russian state propagated talking point, all of them made around nuggets of facts (like the leaked chat where some US officials were discussing who should or shouldn't be in the new government) but ultimately warped into something that can't definitely be proven true or false. Thus whoever spreads those talking points wants to believe those statements as true, which begs the question of why to believe they're true.
You forgot the genocide denial as well. I don't understand why they worship Russia like the ussr is still around.
Anarchists didn't like the fucking USSR either.
Right? They react with appropriate frustration when someone denies the Holocaust happened, but then deny Holodomor with the exact same rhetoric as the Holocaust deniers.
Oop im feeling it, gotta worship Russia now.
Who are these "leftists"that criticize Biden but not Trump
are the pro-Trump leftists in the room with us right now?
Literally posted 3 articles yesterday criticising trump but go off.
Trump isn't in power, no one is defending Putin, the US set the stage for the invasion and knew exactly how it would play out. Trying to claim they are defending their right to sovereignty, which is bullshit.
no one is defending Putin, the US set the stage for the invasion
That has to be the shortest contradiction.
No one is defending Russia or Putin? They sure as shit are trying to smoke screen it hard.
I forgot how ignorant and self-righteous Reddit liberals were. The ones I've seen are easily the loudest and dumbest people on this network of federated instances. They have their "conviction" and "is wrong" sliders completely maxed out.
Your post is literally “DuMb LIbrhULS” with bonus noise. Self-projecting much?
You're right I haven't completely purged the liberal inside me and I hate myself for it being there still ::: spoiler spoiler
"communists are liberals"
Okay just... there's no such thing as 'self' projecting. It's just projecting. That's redundant.
And nothing they said is untrue. What kind of self flagellation is required to just say a type of political person is bad? Do you need permission from a conservative to talk shit about their faults?
They are a hexbear user. All the content coming in from that instance is "DuMb LiBrUlS"
I swear to god I'll buy sync premium if they give the ability to sort by controversial. This is the stupidest more redditesque thread I've run into and i don't want to miss anymore.
Stop for the slop god
I'll take that over believing pig shit memes are reasonable discourse any day.
Make pig shit comments, get pig shit replies
I defy you to find a use of that that wasn't preceded by something that deserves to literally be shit upon. I dare you.
Do you think that is intended as discourse? Or might it be intended as the opposite of that?
Even im weirded out by how thoroughly the left was suppressed on reddit and other platforms. People on reddit only saw themselves mirrored and thought they were the only ones who existed.
Right? You wouldn't recognize the place if the last time you were there was in 2016
well i was permabanned in 2020 so it actually has been a while
I mean Reddit's director of policy, Jessica Ashooh, is former Deputy Director of the Atlantic Council’s Middle East Strategy Task Force — she's literally a state department plant.
No one wants to talk about the thousands of extra bots that reddit released during the blackout and afterwards to keep up with the illusion. A whole lot of sub users on reddit are engaging with bots. In fact, some gullible people think r/place is run by users, and not the thousands of bots run by different subs, as well as reddit admins.
Yeah, it's so strange that people confuse you with a Kremlin bot when you repeatedly spew the same fucking bullshit talking points as the bots themselves.
Sounds like something a CIA bot would say
Bruh Idk how you got convinced there are so many bots around. Like, sure, if you write off everything that differs from the nato line of thought as bots, then sure, believe what you want. But ti me that's just absurd. I assume that people I interact with are actual humans, even if their opinions suck ass. But to be so far up your own ass, as to not even acknowledge that people can think other things than you without them being some evil, heinous bot is just fuckin stupid
Bot Detected.
I didn't get "convinced there are so many bots around," you absolute idiot. My point was only that if and when idiots like you use talking points that are identical to those coming out of Putin's Kremlin, people can be forgiven for mistaking you for a bot.
What part about this do you not understand? How can I dumb it down enough for you?
Meanwhile, there are literally bots that easily replace humans.
Its weird that someones life is only dedicated to be negative about one thing. And especially because Russia and China love to manipulate and do everything to convince people that what they are doing is great, its not unlikely they are bots. Especially with LLM its very easy to create a realistic bot.
Thinking that they are bots is more likely than not because of these facts.
Well, I guess I shall stop my propaganda and just accept that there are literal communities that are hardcore china or russia fans because of the leftism.
There are reasons why Elon Musk doesn't feel alone while having no gf. /j
If you really think that bots are this effective, then why don't liberals create their own bots?
If you think they don't work then what is your problem with them?
That's not at all what I said though, is it?
All I said was that people can be forgiven for being confused when so many Russian apologists are echoing Kremlin talking points.
How are they supposed to know the difference between an apologist vs a Kremlin bot?
Please do tell?
kremlin vocaloid reporting in ::: spoiler spoiler
Unfortunately I'm too old to know what that means.
What's a "vocaloid"?
its really wild that the russians are programming transgender communist robots, maybe they need some critical support now, maybe theyll make real catgirls next
When it comes to media attraction, what they call themselves (labels) don't really matter that much. It's the praise of strong men, authority, that crosses all mythological media systems. Be it bowing down to a burning bush story, Fox News, or Kremlin.
Yes, any ideology that relies on a theory of great men, a great man theory, is suspect in it's analysis.
Everyone who disagrees with me is a bot. They are a bot because they disagree with me. I am very enlightened and rational.
You're so vain
You don't think that this post is about you, do you?
Yes, I am the butterfly
In order to counter the Trump bot accusations going on this thread:
The Trump appointed Supreme Justices are conservative stooges that are clearly just trying to ram through as much conservative stuff into the justice system as they can. The cagey abortion rights the US enjoyed (though sometimes not in practicality) were abolished, which is bad. There were in fact a lot of posts about this on hexbear at the time it was happening. You can now search this if you so desire.
Trump escalated sanctions against Cuba. This comes up from time to time, but he's obviously not in a position to directly affect this at this precise moment, though the cudgel of "swing state" Florida Cubans is used to avoid any de-escalation.
Trump-supporting state legislatures are escalating attacks against trans people, both as a practical threat (bigots can attack trans people under the assumption that their state's law enforcement won't do anything about it) and as a legal escalation to remove any federal protections for trans people. This is also bad. Trump is also partly running on this. This comes up frequently on hexbear.
Trump didn't succeed in the wall (which itself has had varied response amongst his supporters), but he did increase funding for ICE, expanded detention camps etc. This comes up when it's in the news, but Trump specific policies don't tend to be news regarding this right now for some reason.
Trump's tax cuts for certain sectors and the ultra-wealthy. idk why you'd think hexbear would support this?
and so on
I'm not sure why I'm doing this. I'm not sure why people are surprised that a news aggregation and commentary site tends to talk about things that are currently happening as opposed to things that happened three years ago.
Tankies when you don't want your country to fall into fascism.
Just vote for the lesser of two fascisms
Now we just have to figure out which one that is
The Democratic party is already a sympathizer of fascism.
I mean they said it was to ensure republican losses in the general elections, but the DNC financially supported many fascists in the republican primaries.
For the majority of the world, the usa is alrwas inflicting fascism on them all the fucking time. Hell even people inside the usa live under a fascist state, especially minorities/poc
Tankies want there country's to fall to fascism though they claim to be on the left but fallow a right wing extremist in putin and spout rightwing talking points
The only good reply to my comment. Get a tankie drunk and you'll hear all you need to know they're full of shit.
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist" who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
There's no practical difference, just window dressing. They both cheer on oppression and pain for those suffering under Republicans.
And don't even get me started on communists. Left and right authoritarians, I've gotten death threats from both of them. Whether it's some leftist telling me I would "get the wall" when the Revolution comes or some fucking Republican telling me that the US was only for Christians and that they'll go after "traitors" soon, you get to the same fucking place at the end of the day. The only real difference is that there's far more Republicans, and they're far more organized than left authoritarians.
bOtH sIdEs
This is why libs get clowned on so hard. You claim to support "the only viable left leaning political party", and yet you're kneecapping large swaths of people on the ground engaging in direct action advancing left leaning values. Remember, segregation wasn't ended because black people voted, blood was spilt in the streets. Same with the LGBT community, see the stonewall uprising, aka, the first pride parade.
I don't care how you vote, but if you can't see the difference between an anarchist engaging in direct action against an oppressive state and fascists doing hate crimes; well, I'd say it's time to get off your high horse and do a little introspection.
yet you're kneecapping large swaths of people on the ground engaging in direct action advancing left leaning values
Direct action is meaningless if you're hostile to building a coalition broad enough to actually gain any significant political power. It doesn't matter how many lit memes anarchists and communists share on social media and how much they horn on about "direct action," this is a democracy and without votes going to candidates who can win, it is ultimately meaningless.
You want me to do some introspection? I did. I remember being young and convinced socialism was the way forward. Then I grew the fuck up and did some introspection.
This is delusional. Direct action absolutely has its place, but all the things you mentioned were ultimately won at the ballot box. As it should be. Don't let a childish revolution fetish blind you to what constitutes a viable framework for lasting progress.
Edit - "Has." As in he has a ball. Or she has a textbook.
Left unity is everyone dunking on this trash take.
Aye! 🚩🏴
the only viable left leaning political party in the US
I vote for Democrats because shit, why not? But what is the worth of a party that:
Where is that party going? It's never going to meaningfully address climate change, it offers only crumbs to the working class, and any social change has to be led from the outside.
the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
There is no "viable left leaning political party in the US" lmao. You are a far right country. Both parties are far right. If you were over here in the UK you would all be tories and even then I'm not sure if that's far enough right for the average democrat.
yeah a lot of dems are far right enough they'd probably be labour
Commies and fascists are the same thing because they do the violence. The reasons they do the violence is not relevant.
I, a good democrat, don't do the violence. Those bodies that keep piling up in other (dirty, evil) countries during Democrat run governments are coincidental. All the funding I give to police departments totally aren't related to the police blasting people in the streets daily. I know this because my ideology is totally not conservative.
the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
I might be misunderstanding you, so I apologize if that is the case, but if you are referring to the Democrats they are far from left leaning. They aren't even center leaning.
You can't even say they have a better track record than the Republicans. They bomb countries as much (or in recent years even more) than the Republicans. They advocate for wars. They fund ICE even more than the Republicans. They stand up just as much for reproductive rights (read: not at all). They just do all of it while waving a rainbow flag.
I really hope you meant the Greens or the CPUSA; which have their own issues but are certainly more left than either the Democrats or Republicans.
I think they must be referring to the SALT party in Seattle.
Link to them bombing more than Republicans? And also several blue states have abortion rights and protections while the red states have none.
Whatever lies you need to tell yourself, I guess.
the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
If you mean the Democrats (which you must to say ""viable"") you are too lost in the sauce.
"Come on guys, we should back the Strassers. They aren't perfect but come on!"
I really want to know what you said before the communist told you that you deserved the wall
Probably this
This comment is giving me so much whiplash.
I was sure it was gonna be ironic when they started comparing anarchists to fascists, but fun fact: no, they actually mean it. Anarchists are fascists, everyone. You've heard it here first!
I swear, if there's something liberals hate more than what's on their right, it's what's on their left.
Vibes based politics is endemic among liberals. We try to help them but it's mostly futile.
Absolute potato brained worldview
That's not fair to Estonians. This can only come from the mind of a Burgerländer.
The US has two right wing parties. Never mind nationally, I've had Democrat electeds oversee cops "sweeping" encampments just as brutally as any Republican would, what exactly is supposed to be the harm getting reduced here?
The Republican Party is blatantly fascist now. The next time the Republicans get the house, senate, and presidency, you can guarantee women and trans people will no longer have bodily autonomy nation wide. Children will be kidnapped from their lbgt parents and put into the system. All social safety nets will be gutted. Democracy will be eliminated. If they let public education still exist, it will just be used for job training and indoctrination of fascist ideology. They will shoot immigrants at the border instead of just laying traps. They will expand the mass incarceration program to make room for the dissidents and utilize them for more slave labor in prisons.
Basically, the U.S. will become Russia.
What’s the difference between a fascist and an “anarchist” who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
Sorry which party is this? Dems are not even a remotely left-leaning party. Joe Biden literally criminalized the rail workers using their legal right to strike.
This is also like a children's picture book-level of understanding of fascism. As if the Dems' policy of 4 more years of the status quo could prevent fascism at all. That has literally never worked as a way to combat fascism.
Joe Biden literally criminalized the rail workers using their legal right to strike.
And then used his platform and office to force the rail companies to address their concerns. You fucks are so dishonest
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist" who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
There's a viable left leaning political party in the US? What is it?
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist" who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
Left leaning? According to who or what? If you said socially progressive there might be a point here, but the democratic party is no where near left wing. And the social progressiveness only serves to take advantage of those being oppressed in order to win votes. It's hollow, and when people start losing rights (like women and abortion) the Democrats will make 500 excuses about why they can't do anything, instead of actually doing something. The democratic party serves as a ratchet to kill and absorb left wing movements and keep the acceptable discourse within the sphere of economic liberalism.
I'm begging Americans to read literally anything about their political system from a non American, non Eurocentrist perspective. Begging. I'll start by linking some here.
The specific combination of factors in the historical formation of U.S. society—dominant “biblical” religious ideology and absence of a workers’ party—has resulted in government by a de facto single party, the party of capital. The two segments that make up this single party share the same fundamental liberalism. Both focus their attention solely on the minority who “participate” in the truncated and powerless democratic life on offer. Each has its supporters in the middle classes, since the working classes seldom vote, and has adapted its language to them. Each encapsulates a conglomerate of segmentary capitalist interests (the “lobbies”) and supporters from various “communities.”
American democracy is today the advanced model of what I call “low-intensity democracy.” It operates on the basis of a complete separation between the management of political life, grounded on the practice of electoral democracy, and the management of economic life, governed by the laws of capital accumulation. Moreover, this separation is not questioned in any substantial way, but is, rather, part of what is called the general consensus. Yet that separation eliminates all the creative potential found in political democracy. It emasculates the representative institutions (parliaments and others), which are made powerless in the face of the “market” whose dictates must be accepted. Marx thought that the construction of a “pure” capitalism in the United States, without any pre-capitalist antecedent, was an advantage for the socialist struggle. I think, on the contrary, that the devastating effects of this “pure” capitalism are the most serious obstacles imaginable.
You should look up who created lemmy.
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist" who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
What party in the US is even left-adjacent? The dems still firmly support the police, Israel, massive corporations, prolonging the war in Ukraine. Their actions in Iraq alone should prevent them from ever being considered a party that serves the working class.
TIL you have to endorse letting the Ukrainians fall to fascist imperialism to be on the left
the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
we have one of those? what's the name of the party?
If the democrats truly are the only viable "left" option then the only reasonable course of action would be to burn the whole state apparatus down and start anew.
You won't advocate for that of course because the fact is you don't really care about things being better, you care about pretending to be on the moral high-ground, so vague platitudes about things getting better in the abstract you get from democrats is just enough for you, because you probably endure no economic hardship and politics is just an extension of sports to you.
The far-right is the most militant and by far outnumbers the far left. Right now, if things were started anew, it would be a new far-right government. A militant far-left uprising would literally just get murdered, and most republican voters would be ok with it.
A course of action that seems obvious to me (I may be wrong) would be for left-wing people to organize within the Democratic party to get left-wing people elected as Democrats. Kinda like the "Tea Party" or MAGA movement.
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist"
Is your issue with anarchists or authoritarians? I somehow doubt that anarchists are sending you death threats. Nor do I see anarchists kneecapping the Democrats. Anarchists don't want a state, though many do vote for the moderate right-wing (not "left leaning") Democrats simply because they think it's the right thing to do.
Your sweeping generalizations and attempts to paint all of us with the same brush betray your own lack of knowledge, but don't worry, I'm sure the planet will last long enough for the Democrats' slow incremental change, and I'm sure my family in border camps are very thankful to be in liberal concentration camps.
Is your issue with anarchists or authoritarians?
I think you're giving too much credit to "authoritarianism" as a political dimension beyond those weird conservatives who want ersatz father figure heads of state
I somehow doubt that anarchists are sending you death threats.
Nah I believe it a lot of Anarchists are fighty and wouldn't be nearly as indulgent with this absurdity as we are.
Democrats aren't right wing, sorry. Conservatives aren't reformers.
they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
Are you talking about the party that doubled Trump's deportation numbers, expanded oil drilling and fracking and striped the rail unions of their right to strike? I know you're not talking about THAT party, you think we've all been at brunch and hadn't been paying attention like you jackasses?
Am I allowed to PPB this dogshit take yet?
An anarchist is fighting against military/police. A fascist belongs, or wants to, to military/police. An anarchist is fighting against people who hold some power. A fascist is fighting against people because of their religion or origins. An anarchist likes to vote and discuss. A fascist likes to follow orders. An anarchist tends towards decentralization. A fascist tends towards centralization.
This are only some differences but spoiler alert : anarchist and fascist are not the same. They do not act the same way, they do not think the same way.
I understand that you hate them both, it is your point of view, and it's okay. But please, follow my advice : avoid trying to justify it with sentences as universal and strong as "There is no practical difference", it makes the whole thing ridiculous.
In the end, saying there is only "one viable [...] party", and even believing in a party itself, are also part of the problem imo. If you truly believe in this sentence, no wonder why you dislike anarchists and why they probably dislike you. But does it imply that either you or them are fascistic ? And if yes, did you considered that it could be you, who are defending a single "viable" party as the only solution, hating on every other option ?
His point was that "anarchist" was in quotes because they self-identify as an anarchist but behave in contradictory way.
And I would say my experience with a few lemmy instances is exactly that. "I am an anarchist" is a way of creating group lines, consisting of the in-group of anarchists, and everyone else in the out-group (fascists and liberals together).
It's really silly because it's an inherent contradiction. The point of being an anarchist is that there is no out-group, and yet they've just recreated the in-group out-group mentality all over again.
If an "anarchist" is trying to undermine any politician with a realistic chance of making office who is at all sympathetic to efforts at police reform, they're not fighting the police, they're fighting reform efforts.
Don't lump anarchists with way too online MLs.
That's why I am specifically criticizing people who spend all their time undermining the Democrats rather than trying to engage in real activism
What's the difference between a fascist and an "anarchist" who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
Mutual Aid: A Theory of Evolution is available on Gutenberg. Go learn something.
I will repeat this until the heat-death of the universe:
Personal liberty and self-determination are assailed by many threats: the theocrats, nihilists, corporatists, fascists, and so-called "collectivists". They all claim to be the true authoritative “voice of the people”.
Extreme authoritarian "leftists", A.K.A. “tankies” (i.e., apologists for Lenin, Stalin, Mao, the CCP, the DPRK, Fidel Castro, Che Guevara, Xi Jingping, etc.), are threats to a free, egalitarian, and open society, are just as violently authoritarian as their religious, corporatist, and fascist competitors, and should be treated with the contempt, distrust, and ridicule they deserve.
They claim to speak and fight for the proletariat, promising a new utopia, never before seen, once their revolution executes the last “class-traitor”. In practice, once they’re finished with “seizing the means of production”, they’ll never relinquish control and become the new ruling class. Beware of their cults. Understand what they really are; power over everything and everyone, forever, is what they seek. They want you either as a true believer (a willing pawn) or dead, just like all of the other supposedly benevolent dictators who promised utopias throughout history.
They’ll assume the mantle of an enlightened elite post-revolutionary administration to guide the proletariat to their promised utopia of “each according to their ability, to each according to their need”. In practice, "the party leadership needs the most, because they’re obviously the most able” in reorganizing the economic and political structure of society. The utopia of the “dictatorship of the proletariat” will never exist, only the dictatorship of the “revolutionary party”. Repression and execution await those who question their claims and decisions. These supposed champions of labor are really harbingers of death - of the mind and the body politic.
They’re akin to the pigs in Orwell's Animal Farm, the loudest voices in the revolution, usurpers of a righteous cause, but a bit “more equal” than everyone else after the farmer is done away with. Fortunately, the pigs, like the farmer, got their comeuppance in the end of the story.
Make these pigs squeal.
What’s the difference between a fascist, a democrat, and a Republican? At least the fascist makes the trains run on time while he’s running concentration camps and murdering minorities in the streets.
You're deranged.
Left is literally the opposite of authoritarian. You seem to be conflating a whole lot of ideas and terminology here. You sound like an ideological leftist who has been confused by the right's deliberate language-muddying.
Left is egalitarian. That takes many different forms: socialism, communism, direct democracy, anarchism, etc.
Right is authoritarian. That also takes many different forms: monarchy, feudalism, oligarchy, corporatism, etc.
Authoritarianism (or vertical/hierarchical power structure) is THE defining characteristic of the right. "Auth-left" is Doublethink; an oxymoron meant to distract from the fact that wealth and power are one and the same.
State-imposed collectivism is left-leaning authoritarianism. It is the authoritarian and non-voluntary implementation of leftist economic policy. It is an extremely simple concept that I cant fathom how you aren't able to grasp.
Authoritarianism (or vertical/hierarchical power structure) is THE defining characteristic of the right. “Auth-left” is Doublethink; an oxymoron meant to distract from the fact that wealth and power are one and the same.
This is so incredibly naive. Stalin? Mao? Evil authoritarianism comes in all flavors left and right. If you truly believe leftists aren't capable of evil you need to study more history.
Authoritarianism is literally a defining feature of communism. Redefining terms to escape the reality of what ideologies look like when implemented is just dishonest.
Unfortunate and very true.
What’s the difference between a fascist and an “anarchist” who does everything they can to kneecap the only viable left leaning political party in the US?
what's the difference between a cuckold and someone who votes for racist, homophobic, classicist establishment politicians no matter what; there is no difference.
Whatever lies you have to tell to make sure America gets worse, I guess. No honest, thinking human being could think there is no difference between Democrats and Republicans. That's how we all know people like you are either useful idiots or just cosplaying Republicans.
Honestly it's exhausting to the whole lemmy experience that every time something gets even slightly political, there's an extreme communist in the comments pushing their agenda.
I can literally say "hey man they all suck yo fuck politics am I right?" And in comes a guy who tells me I'm a Republican or Democrat or fuck America, whatever. I can even agree that the news is biased in America, and I'll still get the same response.
It makes conversations for the average consumer on the platform unproductive at best, unsettling in its worst form.
For me it's just the fact that people have delved so deep into their echo chambers that they've lost all sense of what regular people think. Like I'm fine with someone being an extreme communist, they can have that opinion, but it seems like a lot of people on here talk to other extreme communists so much that they think more nuanced communists are somehow right wing. It doesn't matter how much you try to concede to acknowledge their viewpoint, their personal Overton windows have shifted so far that they exclude everyone but people exactly like them, and it just makes conversations impossible.
I'm convinced everyone from h*xbear is a bot. (censored b/c I don't want any of those fuckers noticing).
You have a very generous opinion of computer scientists
We spell it X-treme communism
Don't let perfect be the enemy of good. Bad is the enemy of good, and right-wingers are bad.
Biden doubled Trump's deportation numbers and gave record breaking funding to corrupt police departments all over the country, also striped one of the largest unions in the country of its right to strike, something Republicans haven't managed to do since the Traffic Controller firings in the 80s
Yeah keep telling me about the "bad guys"
So easy to find these sources, but as you can see below me, libs don't know how to read basic statistics
Biden doubled Trump’s deportation numbers
2021 was the lowest deportation year on record (owing to COVID). 2022 was the second lowest deportation year in modern record.
Biden moved to prioritize ICE focusing on criminal immigrants, and the Texas Republicans blocked that behavior in the courts, a block that only failed in June of 2023 when SCOTUS gave the only reasonable result (a phrase I can't say very often anymore).
So 2 years of record low deportations and 1 year of his hands tied in the courts (of which I can't find numbers anyway). How exactly is he "doubling" Trump's deportation numbers?
What you MIGHT have misunderstood is that the number of border crossings have gone up dramatically under Biden, likely because he's against the draconian and horrific policies of his predecessor. More border crossings than ever. Fewer deportations than ever. Whatever your opinion is of that, your claim was wrong.
And I'm pretty sure it would be turn into a shitfest if I tried to discuss the rest of the issues because I know you see them with Marx colored glasses. But you're making some factually incorrect statements and it can't be more clear than the deportation numbers. And more refs.
https://www.cato.org/blog/biden-administration-has-reduced-deportations-more-trump-administration-not-much-0 (I love the "not by much" when they show a graph depicting an 80% drop! I love propaganda mags)
I swear to god the next time tells me that BS I am going to shit myself, vomit, and cry.
There is a literal anti-Trans genocide in the US. That's "The good" you're defending.
Democrats are right wingers. And they're worlds away from anything I'd call "good"
If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you end up with the worst evil imaginable.
But we only ever have 2 evils. There is no "other" to choose. The old folks make sure of that during primaries, they vote and they choose people who look like them and are their age, so we always end up with the 2 worst choices.
If you always vote for the lesser of two evils, you end up with the worst evil imaginable.
i accidentally deleted my comment ahhhhhhhhh sorry for double ping
Could you explain this?
If I have a truly evil person, say a Hitler like figure. Then I have a guy who is kind of an idiot. How does voting for the slight idiot end up way worse than a guy who wants to commit genocide. The slight idiot becomes the worst evil imaginable, but how?
Lmao that hat reminded me of this (short) video:
Edit: Piped doesn't seem to be working? Maybe an issue with Shorts. https://youtu.be/qowJStEn534
Also check out his other shorts, he never misses, legitimately great content.
hahaha thats great
What exactly is a liberal in this context? Is a social democrat a liberal? What about Jeremy Corbyn or Bernie Sanders?
Why are people hating on "liberals" more than conservatives?
This is why. Well, this is one of the reasons.
First, we have extremely few liberals in America. The Democratic party is mostly made up of people that would be best described as center-right anywhere else in the world. They don't actually want to fight to roll back changes that Republicans make, and actually try to internally sabotage the few members that do want to undo changes the republicans make. They actively prevent change, and then active work against those who do want change all while professing to want change and to do their best to fight for it. But they're lying, and people are catching on. People are even starting to realize that the whole "We'd do stuff for you if it wasn't for that bad bad manchin, and Sinema" thing is as much of a lie, too.
The second reason that is more for the communists is something along the lines of the old joke "Scratch a liberal, and a fascist bleeds" Communists don't like liberals (And the use of the word liberal is pretty different from the usage in the first case) because they view them as people that profess to want these better for others, until it requires any, even minor, amounts of sacrifice from the liberal. The whole Moderate Rebels thing in Syria? It was always a lie for one simple reason. Fighting is an extreme action. Moderates don't fight, they just don't. That's one of the reasons they're moderates. Liberals are like communists that aren't willing to fight or do what is necessary to enact change.
Two party system. This duopoly kind of politics prevents the emergence of new parties as well. The system of voting "one person" favours the two party system and even if there was a new party people are less likely to vote them cuz they think they are less likely to win.
I mean all the people arrested and rioting would disagree, but I imagine you're more talking about our "liberal" politicians? In that case I would agree.
We have corporate shills that wave a Rainbow flag and we have corporate shills that wave a Confederate flag. Then we have like maybe 3 oddballs in all of government that might actually care about people.
In the United States, we refer to anyone in the Democratic party as "liberals". Many people refer to Bernie Sanders as "liberal". It's kinda dumb, but easy to get caught in when you live in it.
Anarchy and Communism are not the fucking same, what a retarded meme
To anyone offended, Go watch "The Ringer"
They have the same basic endgoal. Also stop using the r word.
It's a word describing a lack of mental capacity, get over it ya. You views are pure humbug
Stay classy with the slurs friendo
When the fuck did a word to describe a state of someone's mental capacity or therefore lack of become a fucking slur? Pure humbug
As an anarchist-communist, to me they're pretty darn close.
Abolish capitalism, smash the State.
That's like calling all meat eaters cannibals
Good luck teaching that difference to the typical 'murican
Let's get to work
There is overlap especially when you don't confuse communism as the broader framework with state communism or even worse soviet communism.
Have you read "On Authority" by Engels?
I have an idea of what a state is, but what's a "soviet"? That's not an English word.
What does "soviet" mean in Russian?
The meme isn't stating that they are.
Well to be clear, the "joke" is that the blue hat doesn't know the difference.
nice l77tspeak bro. You must be a genius hacker who's so much better than those r-words right. Such a super special boy who knows how use a torrent. Most of those normie r-words don't even pirate bro.
nice l77tspeak bro. You must be a genius hacker who's so much better than those r-words right. Such a super special boy who knows how use a torrent. Most of those normie r-words don't even pirate bro.
Sure am, yyyaaarrrr
There is still overlap in the societal aspects, just not the governmental aspects. Mostly because anarchy has no government. That's the point. People can still choose to work together and basically create a communist society, without any enforcement from a government. Unlikely, but it's not impossible.
lmao, i've been getting that constantly
This but unironically.
Do you think pro-Trump Russian bots are building up anarchist/communist post histories to throw you off? Or that anarchists/communists are de facto Trump supporters by not voting blue no matter who?
I don't go through people's comment histories to try to validate them.
And there's a shocking overlap in vernacular and memes between tankies and alt-right. Obviously they're diametrically opposed on almost all issues. BUT neither really believe in good faith discussion, it's mostly trolling and "dunking". Mix in sarcasm that's not obvious to an outsider, and the jokes are hard to tell apart from misinformation or "muddying the water".
It's way more present since Hexbear federated in, every first impression is that it's an alt-right troll farm. After some interaction it gets clear quickly that it isn't.
Just expect us normies to have that first impression.
Do you think pro-Trump Russian bots are building up anarchist/communist post histories to throw you off?
Of course. They even set up entire subreddits like wayofthebern and walkaway doing this very thing. You must be very naive and inexperienced to never have noticed any of that.
You seem to be under the impression that my beef with Russian trolls is their lack of sincerity. It's not. If you act like a Russian troll, it makes no difference to me whether you're being sincere.
Ayyy Krolden! Long time no see, I remember you from the beforetimes! Hope you've been doing well!
It's a hard knock life for we bots
I love this comment section
i dont, im so fucking tired of it already and it isnt even a US election year
edit: wow what a surprise, out of my inbox, the only two msgs with people bitching at me are the replies in an inherently inflammatory political post. in response to a fairly innocuous comment too! this kind of bullshit is bad for the brain
I think the level of passion people feel about this is roughly equivalent to the level of gaslighting they've experienced by people who can't fathom people to their left that they consider inferior not falling in line with their privileged positions
Wish this sub would not allow politics and move the shit over to the politics meme place instead.
The only issue is what is considered a political issue? Are we filtering based on US politics? Based on the politics of other countries?
I could post a meme about the wealthgap or the cost of living right now, and I would probably get a lot of concurrence because despite it being a political issue, it is something most people can relate to and agree with.
On the otherhand, I could make an LGBTQ related meme, and I would get some backlash because it is controversial to some people.
I could probably agree with OP's meme being political because it is literally an Anarchocommunist poking fun at liberals or American Democrats. On the otherhand, there are several memes here posted daily that are going to "political" to some, and completely benign to others. And in the end, when a sub bans "political" content, it usually comes down to what are the political leanings of the moderation or admin staff.
the "no politics" crowd is speaking from a place of intense privilege and i know this because politics and fucked my life and seeing people support politicians who are responsible for those politics is maddening.
Politics, like it or not, is a big part of our culture. Art (memes included), comments on culture. I agree it can get exhausting, but it’s not something that we can hide from either. Personally, I prefer white quips about the subject compared to the doom scroll articles seen on political news communities.
Block the sub and find a meme community that's sanitized to your liking.
is this you @TheObserver@lemmy.world
All the fuckin normies on lemmy.world. No piracy, no politics, no fun.
You're in the wrong instance if you don't want politics, the .ml is short for Marxism-Leninism
Actually it's short for Mali
actually its short for mike lindell
Actually it's short for mein leben
I agree. I had Reddit filtered pretty well to avoid politics, but Lemmy has very few communities which outright ban politics which makes it very difficult to avoid. I even agree with most of the politics on here but it gets annoying and exhausting when it's absolutely everywhere. I've seen the above meme like 5 times already, I didn't enjoy it the first time and I'm sure as shit not going to the fifth.
I too hate how lemmy doesn't censor people and communities...
Correct. Fake progressives who are in effect right wingers because they vote as a block continually for war and Wal street over working class people. They're experts at gas lighting as well.
Watching communists/socialists and conservatives/fascists arguing about whose ideology is better
Grabs popcorn..
Most of those conservatives are Democrats, as the OP also states
The important thing is that you personally found a way to feel superior to all of them
Love my Hexbears
Where are the domlemmys?
Is this from a Ghibly movie?
The CCP, the RNC, and the DNC are not your friends.
Vote your conscience. Always remember to see who's funding who, who will gain, and who will lose. There are better choices than others, even when confronted by only bad choices.
American politics in a nutshell.
I just wish they don't go around force feeding everyone their shit...
Lemmy has a lot of legacy ussers and early adopters that genuenly believe this shit. Be it they are ccp shills or counter culturall or simply a bunch of kids that never grew out of their soviet comrade LARPING face (which i think its the most likely since i used to be like that too thoug not as intence ). But they are not bots, probably have a bunch of bots to promote their bs, but its not like anybody is gonna change their mind no mather how much footage of the tianamen square massacre you show them, they are too far into it to change dogma.
Maybe the smug "real leftists" would be better off on reddit? I thought I'd escaped this kind of pointless masturbation
Nah, too many tankies and terminally-online armchair political theorists on this instance. It's actually fucking disgusting.
I'm not sure how you think I'm disagreeing with this. "BoTh SiDeS" being an argument, and the idea that there aren't a shit-ton of pro-Trump bots are all I'm opposing, which are two things that this moronic post seems to be in favor of.
How is this even relevant to the thread lmao.
ya basic
good one, lib
When was this I haven't really been paying attention to the circus?
I love watching the left fight amongst themselves. Maybe they should try focusing on beating the other party.
“The other party” implies that there is a party representing the left/workers. I assume you are talking about American politics, and are specifically implying that party is the Democratic Party. To which all I can say, if you are actually serious, is LOL.
The Dems are capitalists they have much more in common with Republicans than they do with my beliefs
“There is only one party in the United States, the Property Party … and it has two right wings: Republican and Democrat. Republicans are a bit stupider, more rigid, more doctrinaire in their laissez-faire capitalism than the Democrats, who are cuter, prettier, a bit more corrupt — until recently … and more willing than the Republicans to make small adjustments when the poor, the black, the anti-imperialists get out of hand. But, essentially, there is no difference between the two parties.”
This is out of date, of course. Now the left wing of the Property Party is completely unable and uninterested in wielding power, while the right wing of the Property has descended in to Christian Fascism. But it conveys the essential reality of the situation.
Classic American chauvinism. Not everyone is an America, both parties are imperialist.
Agreed. There is too much leftist infighting and splintering. We need to focus on defeating the liberal party.
i've lost track of the number of times this has happened to me since joining the fediverse and part of me wishes i had stayed on reddit to remain ignorant of the of ignorant liberal masses.
Bigot and transphobic label thrown at people who are not blue.
I mean, a lot of "leftists" are pro Russia...
Pro-Soviet (no longer exist) ≠ pro modern Russia
Against continued war in Ukraine ≠ pro Russia
How does one end the war in Ukraine without Ukrainians having to acquiesce?
if you don't want ukraine to defend itself, you're giving putin exactly what he wants
Okay. But that's worse. You do know that's worse, right?
Only the stupid ones.
@awwwyissss @Nerorero, I have nothing against Russian people, but a lot against certain Russian people
True, but some tankies refuse to believe that. They're literally pretending that Christofascist dictator Putin is a good communist 🤦😂
The history of the Soviet Union is not great BTW
Also tankies do in general support Russia
I'm not saying all leftist are tankies (I'm a leftist) but what I am saying is that all tankies claim to be leftist while simultaneously supporting fascist and their imperialism.