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Charlie and the Marvelous Turnip Factory [Hark A Vagrant]
  • Yeah Ducks was incredible. It gave me a completely different persepctive on available post-secondary options that resonated as my eldest step-son is navigating college. But I love going back to my Hark! A Vagrant books for some historical sillies.

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    CRTC expanding competitor access to big fibre networks, but too soon to know price impact
  • 100%

    Koodo called last week to offer me monthly internet for a $35/month contract. Just no. I will pay TekSavvy to continue not dealing with the monopolies directly.

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    RFK Jr admits to dumping bear carcass in New York's Central Park
  • Holy shit has John Oliver pranked yanks by popularising London Weekend Television? Or am I just the last person to make this connection? 😁

  • Inspired by my mis-reading of a recent post title, I'd like to ask if anyone has strong recommendations for an artist who can capture my beautiful boy in paint? Canadian-based if possible?
