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Day 59 of posting a Daily Screenshot from the games I’ve been playing until I forget to post Screenshots
  • I have ended every session of Sea of Thieves by setting my ship on fire.

    I still feel bad for the two guys who were laughing as my ship burned (while on my ship) when the gunpowder kegs exploded and killed us all.

    But only a little bad. They knew things would explode eventually, I was carrying a keg of gunpowder, and my ship was on fire!

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    Introducing Steam Families
  • We've been using it since it came available to test, and is such a lovely change from before. The check out system is so much cleaner than the old locked out of account while someone in the family is playing.

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    Magnavox Odyssey2 is here!
  • Looks good!

    I had the Odyssey (with overlays). Regret giving it to a collector before I moved continents, I'd love to get it hooked up and working!

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    Regain Control in my ass
  • Cure for me - in my arse.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • <insert flat joke here>

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  • Befriend magpies too. Saved me from getting swooped every spring.

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    What was "the incident" at your work place?
  • A male staff member was yelling at and berating a female for god knows what. She was trying to get away from him, and he'd followed her around the office down the stairs and into the washroom.

    She was the manager's fiancee, and there were three witnesses. We were honestly worried for her safety and the receptionist was about to call 911.

    Consequences for the abusive minidicked coworker? NONE.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I'm at the point where I no longer actively engage with hobby communities, I might join one and lurk (search for my answers without engaging the community). Unfortunately, they always seem to be cliquish, judgemental, and overly toxic, with moderation/admin who's are either complicit or actively adding to the bad barrel.

    Once in a while I find a gem worth engaging with, and it can turn a passing glance of an interest into something worth lifting up.

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    Vance agrees that raising grandchildren is ‘whole purpose of postmenopausal female’
  • And here I thought it was to look fabulous with silver hair and having no more fucks to give when dealing with morons like JD Futon.

    (And to have a cat)

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    Afraid of heights?
  • Not afraid of heights.

    The sudden stop at the bottom, OTOH...

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    I fell for it. Fuckin' SteelSeries
  • Once upon the SteelSeries keyboards were pretty good, I had a split one that I swore I'd use forever. One day a windows update flagged the driver as suspicious, and I was left with a keyboard that clicked and clicked but did nothing. MS support said it was up to SteelSeries to update their drivers, and SteelSeries basically told me to get fucked.

    I don't want pretty lights on my keyboard. I want all the keys in the wrong spots so people who don't touch type have an aneurysm when they use my computer.

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  • Make it low (decibel or height)

    Make it dough (money or bread)

    Make it disco

    Make it glow

    Make it tallow

    Make it mow

    Make it velcro

    [On mobile, my single spacing is on furlough]

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    I am the 11am friend
  • They could have brought about world peace to, but they had to wake the 11am friend.

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    Literally everyone
  • They also don't (or shouldn't) eat plastic

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    Mental health tip
  • Right up there with the people who ignore me, leave me alone or exclude me when I'm down. I'm depressed because I'm being excluded and feel isolated, jackasses.

    "Just show up and do the thing, you're always welcome!" (Ever tried just showing up when you've been removed from being told where the weekly thing even is and no one answers when asked?)

    The amount of oblivious hypocrisy I've run into while navigating the deep blue is astounding.

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    "I can never tell when he's joking." - Kira
  • No Pinkie Pie so it's only a regular nightmare, not a night terror.

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    Leaky bags
  • Won't be long before flour companies start packaging with fabric so people can make clothes.

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    I am 1pm friend
  • What I wouldn't give to be somewhere where stores don't close down while the sun is still up. This is a capital city, even.
