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JD Vance
  • Especially if your lies are demonizing a group of people who have certainly faced their own struggles.

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    'I HATE TAYLOR SWIFT': Trump Is Big Mad That the Star Endorsed Harris
  • How is it not a full blown endorsement? She has publicly stated that she is voting for her, and gave a host of reasons why. Quite literally and explicitly an endorsement. What more needs to be done for it to be a full endorsement? Does she need to say "don't think and vote like I say"? Because that's what it sounds like you are saying that by telling people to get informed, that makes this less of an endorsement.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Who said I lived in SK? Oh, that’s right, I did. I meant Belgium.

    Admitting to arguing in bad faith while calling me a troll. Should have known it was a projection.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • I can only assume

    You made it obvious before that you understood my implicit question...and you're trying to play it off as if you have to "assume." Lol

    South Korea, New Zealand, England, Australia, and Canada.

    Still avoiding where to currently live. Lol hilarious. And to live in South Korea and think America is bad when it comes to celebrity worship exposes a special type of ignorance about the us.

    simple or a troll.

    Definitely not a troll. Maybe simple. But at least I'm not dishonest, like some people still posting here.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • So confident in your position that even after being called out for not offering up where you live, you still very vocally dodge the question.

    Also, if you think the us is the worst in the world for celebrity worship, you aren't well versed in the topic at all. Many countries in Asia are far more obsessed with their celebrities than the us.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • You just quoted me saying "I believe it's true" but now you are saying that I'm not self reflecting because I noted that another also believes it to be true and they originally stated it.

    You keep accusing me of acting in bad faith, but I'm beginning to think that this is maybe a projection.

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    Putin: lifting Ukraine missile restrictions would put Nato ‘at war’ with Russia
  • They've been calling it for basically the last whole war.

    In fact, it's been done pretty masterfully by not making one huge step, but small steps where no single one would force him to do something, but just over time each small step eventually gets to the point where he said he would have to do something...and hasn't.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • Confirmation bias is a hell of a drug; I always question whether I simply want something to be true or whether I have the evidence that it is true.

    It's scary that self reflection is viewed as bad faith.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • ? You said you had no evidence for it and it was just how you feel. I asked if you had evidence for it.

    This seems to very clearly validate my question and reveal that I wasn't confused.

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    MAGA is straight up losing it after Taylor Swift’s Harris endorsement
  • Of course you don't list where "here" is. I'm willing to bet that not only do they care about celebrities about the same as Americans, but also that many of those celebrities they care about are Americans.

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    Meta fed its AI on almost everything you’ve posted publicly since 2007
  • Im not one to say you can never speak ill of the dead, but man to bash someone right after they die among a group of people that likely includes his friends requires a special type of social cluelessness, or straight up being a bad person.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • If she did endorse Trump, the harassment would have been a magnitude less. Individuals will be individuals, but the leaders of one group are denouncing harassment and violence while the leaders of the other group are inciting it.

    I get the logic of this, but you feel pretty confident that it's true. Do you have the numbers to back this up? I believe it is true, but that's not based on any actual evidence.

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    Trump refuses to commit to 2nd debate with Harris -- saying she wants to because she lost
  • There are people who are definitely going to go out and vote for Harris. There are people who are definitely going to go out and vote for Trump.

    The debate isn't for these people. It's for the people who are shockingly on the fence about who to vote for, and those who may not vote at all.

    The more you get trump on screen being easily manipulated by Harris, the more you make him look weak which will make some of his less ardent supporters less likely to vote, while also convincing others then Harris is the more sane choice.

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    Navy officer lost job for secretly installing internet on warship to check social media
  • No one in the military

    Okay, but is the person still an officer? I mean, it is in the name. The way I see it, as a layman, it is kind of hard to ding the author for getting this wrong when they are technically correct and a laymen would consider them an officer, and the only real complaint is that colloquially military members don't refer to them as officers.

    What am I missing or wrong about?
