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What are some things that Linux can't do, but Windows can?
  • It's like the difference between learning how to read a book and learning how to assemble it in a foreign language and then read it, with many of the pages mangled and eaten away.

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    Ligma Male
  • You know, when I found out these weirdos believed in this stuff I thought 'eh, whatever, sounds odd but whatever', then I found out these weird losers considered themselves alphas, and it was the funniest thing ever. It's basically just celebrity worship when they call famous people alphas (which is nothing new), but that they actually consider themselves alphas is just hilarious.

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    Europeans searching for "Aryans"
  • ......she's an admitted Banderite? Does she not know about Bandera, or is she among the people who believe that Bandera only loathed Jewish people and that his troops mass murdered them without his consent/orders?

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    People who can don't get mad and just go with the flow, how do you do it?
  • Um...I just stay away from people to avoid the unexpected and I always stay home. I'm extremely predictable myself (you could set your watch to me) so I'm never concerned about my end, but other people can be unpredictable so I tend to avoid. I'm also not a pet person, so that's not an issue either. Driving to and from work is my greatest unpredictability factor.

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    Just before death you are granted one truthful, understandable answer to one question. What would you want to know?
  • In actuality though I'd probably kick up a reincarnation loop by asking for the full experience of every living and inanimate thing the universe has to hold, starting with everyone/everything I ever interacted with and branching exponentially from there.

    Congratulations, every worst experience and death you ever read about? Now you're getting hands on experience of it!

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    What is a video game that you'd love to play, but no one has developed yet?
  • Dungeon keeper but with immortal redneck play as a complementary aspect; there are DK clones where you can possess monsters, but they lack what immortal redneck has to offer gameplay-wise.

    Also a game similar to void bastards but with multiplayer, more monsters, less crafting and more guns, and better/more varied environments, and no time limits. Also immortal redneck with multiplayer. Also ziggurat with multiplayer. Also hands of fate with multiplayer.

    Actually forget game, I wish there was a program that could force any game to be multiplayer; or a dev team you could hire that would do that.

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    Israel-Gaza war: only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict
  • So here's a crazy idea:

    Why not give them a piece of land between the Russian held territories of Ukraine, and the rest of Ukraine?

    As I understand it, the settlers who went about committing the Nakba apparently believed they were superior because they were European and were colonizing whom they believed to be savage natives (apparently they also had really offensive views about Arab Jews); Ukrainians also view themselves as having inherited Western European culture and yet revere Nazism openly (whereas the rest of Western Europe has abandoned the branding without abandoning the mentality); What I'm thinking here is put Israelis face to face with the Western European culture they revere so much and meanwhile, force the Nazi-sympathetic among the Ukrainians to live side by side with Jewish people and force them to give up their antisemitis- okay that's not going to work.

    Yeah give them land in the Baltic states. Or heck give them Florida (I certainly won't miss it).

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    Israel-Gaza war: only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict
  • If a two state solution is agreed upon (and everyone can find a peaceful way to move the 700,000 psychotic and armed illegal settlers), Palestine will 100% need a military force to safeguard their state and their rights. Can you imagine stationing Chinese troops in Gaza or the West Bank and having to be the one to explain to them why they can't have water or electricity 24 hours a day? Most people don't say a thing about that because they've no idea this nonsense is happening, but good luck trying to stop the military from one of the strongest nations on earth from building water and power plants.

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    Israel-Gaza war: only a two-state solution can bring real peace, China president says in first public speech on conflict
  • Yeah but the West Bank is the two state solution; the problem with a two state solution is that Israel absolutely won't respect it and will just go ahead and build illegal settlements UNLESS a powerful third force militarily guards the rights of the second state, and good luck getting our government to go along with that.

    Also I found out from watching Hasan's videos that the illegal settlers are about 700,000 people, and they're armed as well; you are NOT getting those people to leave peacefully. Apparently those settlers are also the genuine hard-coded fascists; the blood and soil types, replete with mythical explanations and openly saying the Arabs should be treated as second class citizens and be grateful for it (which makes me concerned about what they say off camera), believing that strength is justice and apparently being the sort to hate holocaust survivors because they see them as weak.

    There's no realistic way to have a two state solution without a military force ensuring peace and no breaches of territory or rights, and even a one state solution does not guarantee equal rights to all, merely gaining the second class citizenship afforded to Arab Israelis who will probably see a further reduction in rights to compensate.

    Actually now that I've typed all this up, I don't see a peaceful resolution to this. The Israeli government needs to be replaced with a better one, it's the central problem to any solution. Also if their democracy works the way I understand it, it sucks anyway; apparently you don't vote for the prime minister or the president, you vote for the Knesset and they elect a president and prime minister.

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    Sir, they've lost the Redditors
  • "You libs don't understand; we've oppressed them as hard as we can oppress any living creature and it hasn't worked, what else are we supposed to do if not outright genocide?"

    Seriously, going back to life as it was before the Hamas attack is just choosing bad over worse; the 'international' (Western) community needs to demand human rights and make it clear that people are going to be getting tried for war crimes on both sides (while respecting right of resistance).

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    What is the most exotic meat you've eaten? How was your experience?
  • A patty from McDonald's; I'd rather not do that again.

    Jokes aside, I've had abalone and it was absolutely fantastic. A Singaporean colleague of mine got it for me from Singapore and I still remember how awesome it was.

  • 20 years later we'll hear about how maybe this was a mistake, but no one will be blamed and no demands for sentencing made


    30 frames per second (60 if they're insane), 1800 frames a minute, 162,000 for an hour and a half movie

    324,000 frames if they're doing 60 frames a second.

    How do these people find the patience to do this? It starts to make sense when studios decide to stick with CGI movies instead honestly (though personally I prefer 2D movies)

    I understand that there are shortcuts, for example using the same background and just animating the characters, but even if you just animate the characters, can you imagine doing that for over 150,000 frames? Suddenly anime only moving characters' mouths and only adding a slight head bob makes a ton of sense.

    I get that making anything requires hard work and patience just how? At this point I'd settle with either 3D animation (itself a chore if you have to move the character's facial expressions every frame yourself) or just making it all live action. Heck, even with 3D animation, as I understand it there are many tools that will automatically move a character's facial expression between one moment in the scene and another's.

    I got to thinking this when I recently watched clips from an old 80's (90's?) anime that had extremely detailed artwork.


    My own knowledge on communism and how it was practiced by the USSR and Mao's China is severely lacking, but I work with a colleague who had some questions (most of them familiar, but I don't personally know the answer) and I said I'd ask some folks who'd know better; his questions were:

    1. Did people all have the exact same salary regardless of job?

    2. In positions that were similar and worked in close proximity, for example nurses and doctors, what were the differences in their salary if they had different salaries according to job? Even if a doctor made more than a nurse, was it noticeably so or only minorly? Were these salaries comparable to American salaries?

    3. If a colleague was completely lazy and did no work, did he get paid a salary, and in the same amount as hard working colleagues?

    4. I told him that under Mao, landlords were given the option of handing over their lands/apartments/additional housing and were executed if they refused. Was this accurate or was I mistaken? I'd read something here I think that said as much, or perhaps saw a youtube video about it but I thought I'd get a concrete answer to take back to him.

    5. He was saying that without a profit incentive, people won't innovate; what innovations from the USSR and Mao's China could I point to? I remembered some major stuff later on myself that were released for free and brought no profit to their creator, for example linux, but forgot to mention it at the time.

    6. Could someone start a business if he had an idea he wanted to pursue. I told him the government would own the business and himself and the other people working at the company would be government employees, but not sure how true this is.

    7. I told him people like farmers were effectively government employees and the produce they grew was owned by the government and rationed to the people, again, not sure how strictly true this is.

    8. If a person didn't want to work at all, just stay home and do nothing at all, what does the government do about it? Does he still have housing, medical care, payment to care for his family and himself, and a salary?

    9. Why did China begin to transition away from the communism it practiced?

    Could you folks also please give me references to the answers to provide him with?
