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One big happy family.
  • I don't miss AUR. Well, I do but opensuse has OBS. Technically OBS is better as packages can be rebuilt automatically when dependencies are updated, but there are a lot more users on the AUR than OBS so AUR has more stuff on it.

    OBS packages are less likely to break your system in an update, but the AUR is just flat out bigger.

    There hasn't been anything I've needed that I haven't been able to find either on OBS or as a flatpak. When something isn't in the disro repos, I look for a flatpak first, then check OBS. Mostly cause flatpaks are easier to search.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • The only game that is a PS5 exclusive that I really want is the new Gran Turismo. But I'm not going to buy a PS5 just for one game.

    Every other game I want on the PS5 is eventually going to be on PC anyway.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • There's a workaround where you can install Chrome then install ipp/cups printing from the chrome web store, then save whatever file you need printed to Google docs.

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    There's a reason we aren't as harsh on the Steam Deck. Actually, a couple.
  • I didn't play much of it but it ran well when I tired it. I just decided it was the type of game I wanted to plat with all the settings maxed on my laptop.

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    If it works it works.
  • I ran Arch flavors for a while, (Endeavor, Crystal, Garuda, and mostly CachyOS) and I eventually got tired of the tinkering, so I'm back on Opensuse now. Benefits of the perks of rolling release with less tinkering than Arch.

    I personally use Tumbleweed, then I use Slowroll on my media PC and my dad's laptop.

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    If it works it works.
  • Did you miss a required manual intervention on an update? A while ago there was an arch update that needed manual intervention cause of a dependency circle. Might be worth looking up the past year or so of manual intervention newsletter posts for Arch.

    Last time I had a dependacy issue I was able to remove the conflicting package, update, then reinstall the package and it worked fine afterwards.

    My own system was working great for a long while on an Arch flavour. But a bit ago HDR stopped working properly after an update and I just couldn't get it running right. Would display very dim.

    Eventually gave up on my 2 year old install and went back to Tumbleweed.

    I loved all the tinkering on Arch, but I just don't have it in me to do the tinkering anymore.

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    One big happy family.
  • Eventually yes, but no estimate on when that will be, I know there has been a statement by the PopOS team that they're working on it.

    Right now if you want HDR you pretty much have to be running KDE for your DE.

    Mint with KDE if it doesn't support it already it will the next major release.

    No idea when Gnome HDR support will come.

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    One big happy family.
  • I'm on Tumbleweed right now. Used to be on Arch flavors, Garuda then Cachy OS.

    Tumbleweed is almost as fast for gaming performance, I just don't have it in me to do all the tinkering anymore. Just want something up to date that works.

    Arch was... great and pretty reliable, just got tired of the tinkering.

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    TIL there's such a thing as vegetarian Spam
  • Pan fried this stuff was good, mixed in with a bunch of stuff in a rice cooker, just awful. Every other fake meat I've tried works fine for lazy rice cooker cooking, not this stuff.

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    My eyes and attention are for me to waste, they are not for ads.
  • Saw one waxing poetically about how good fracking is.

    My favorite ads I've seen are ones that play videos about basic traffic laws.

    "When you're out driving, remember, it's illegal to pass on a double yellow line! It's the law!"

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    What a lovely thing to do.
  • Thing with the video, I already get it from alternative means even while paying for it because Amazon doesn't like to play in full quality on Linux.

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    What a lovely thing to do.
  • I'm not going to renew my Amazon sub when it expires. I say it's for moral reasons but honestly it's cause they've made the search so incredibly awful.

    I'll search for things with the exact product name, still end up having to scroll down a ways to find it.

    I'll go back to buying direct from manufacturer websites.

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    Plant-Based Meat Alternatives Healthier And Better For The Planet, Report Finds
  • Yeah, many plant based alternatives are cheaper than meat to produce, but it has become a thing that vegan alternatives are expensive so everyone raises the price to match.

    I forgot the company but around 2015 there was one brand talking up about because of how cheap it was to make it would be a great thing to help with hunger levels in impoverished areas. Just really talking up how they were going to be cheaper than meat. Year later, priced up to match the rest of the brands.

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    I was only gone for a day or two...
  • It can be done, but it involves at minimum, monthly trips to the vet to make sure your cat is healthy, and if they're not healthy, you don't know until they are VERY unhealthy without the regular tests. So in general it is not a good idea. Keep a pet that naturally thrives on a vegan diet. Or wait till lab grown meat cat food is available if you really must have a tiny murder machine as a vegan.

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    I was only gone for a day or two...
  • You can feed cats a vegan diet and have them be healthy, but it is a pain in the ass to keep the cats healthy, something that most the owners do not do. They buy the food and feed their cats without doing the tests, and their cats suffer for it

    You need to regularly test their urine ph levels about once every couple weeks in order to adjust their meals so they're getting the right nutrients. I've seen one owner, one, where their cat is fed a vegan diet and is healthy, and it looks like a nightmare of hassle to go through because without the tests you don't know something is wrong until it is VERY wrong. And once you get the right food figured out for your cats, you still need to take them to the vet once a month to get their urine tested because the nutrients they need can change. And yes, if you go through all of this on average your cat may be healthier than one on a typical meat diet, but you're still dealing with monthly visits to the vet to maintain that diet.

    My solution to all of this as a vegan is to not have a meat earing pet. Parrots are amazing. They're smart, they don't constantly think about murder, they're social and fun and live a long time.

    Or bunnies, they don't need as much socialization as parrots do to avoid going crazy.

    Dogs don't need near as much work to live on a vegan diet cause they're carnivores that adapted to being omnivores to be around humans over a very long period of time.

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    Autocorrect Rule
  • Women waiting for me as well as uncomfortable and I don't want to be rude to me anymore because I don't want anything in the room so you don't need them to be a fellow Viera

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    And nobody would get your references
  • Short Circuit and Flight of the Navigator. Had them both on one tape and I'd sit down and watch it all in one sitting.

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    Trump accepts RFK Jr endorsement and vows to release JFK assassination files
  • Well, he'll have his money from Russia at least. I listened to his whole speech, the part about Ukraine is straight out of Russian state media talking points.

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    YouTube is Losing The War Against Adblockers
  • I'm a lesbian, Google has enough data on me to know I'm a lesbian, I live with women, don't really hang out with men at all. I use a bunch of Google services so I know Google knows this about my living situation.

    SO MANY FUCKING ADS FOR MANSCAPED, WHHHYYYYY. I am not the target market for this Google.

    I've taken to blocking the ads, still more Manscaped. Is it cause blocking = engagement? "Oh wow, she interacted with this ad to block it but ignored the others, what a good ad placement!"

  • Framework Laptop 16 Deep Dive - Memory and Storage

    We’ve taken both memory and storage to the next level on Framework Laptop 16. As always, we want to empower you to choose what you want your computer to be, from minimal, functional configurations all the way to extreme overkill!


    Finally pulled the plug on upgrading my ssd.

    For the longest time I resisted, but I snagged a 2 tb sabrent drive.

    What did it for me is I needed a new thumbdrive, and instead of doing the smart thing and spending $30 for a random generic thumb drive, I instead decided that a small nvme enclosure would be a neat thing to have. So I've got the new drive coming from Amazon and a neat little enclosure coming from aliexpress To shove the original 512 deck drive into.

    Also just got tired of the dance of "What do I need on the ssd for performance, and what will be fine on the SD card"
