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I've Been To Over 20 Homeschool Conferences. The Things I've Witnessed At Them Shocked Me.
  • I grew up homeschooled for my entire K-12 experience through the 2000s and 2010s and went to my fair share of homeschool conventions throughout it. (They're really popular and they always have separate events for the kids.)

    There's no governing body for any of these curriculum. My science education would always change depending on the book. At one point, I was told that all the animals in the world were vegetarian before Adam and Eve ate the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil then turned carnivorous. Another series of videos I received spent a literal hour and a half "dunking" on evolution before actually giving a much more valid argument for its existence. (I actually am trying to find a way to convert the crappy flash swf files into video so I can share the insanity if anyone knows how to do that. FFmpeg hath failed me.)

    Math was less volatile but had its quirks. I had one curriculum (Life of Fred) that quite literally was made with crappy clipart and not really even written by a person who was qualified to make kids content. It was just purposely obtuse and my mother took me off of it once I wasn't making any progress on it. I made it through two of those books for what it's worth.

    Economics and "stewardship" was also high-key Republican trickle down economics and one time they actually blamed social programs for causing the Great Depression.

    But, all that said, I got a super advanced education that put me well ahead of most other kids my age and I'm only listing the worst aspects of Christian homeschool curricula. Generally, homeschooling (Christian or secular) is almost entirely dependent on the parent actually giving a crap about their kid's unique needs and strengths. At the very least, if you're going to homeschool (no, I don't mean charter school) your kid for an extended period, make sure that you're involved with activities with other kids and that you really look through what your kid is reading.

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    'Kids Online Safety Act' will deliberately target trans content, senator admits.
  • Working backwards, we could reasonably expect Italian, Irish, and Polish people. Discrimination really isn't about the color of your skin if history is anything to go off of.

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    What's a skill that's taken for granted where you live, but is often missing in people moving there from abroad?
  • Hiking and basic wilderness knowledge.

    I live in the Mojave Desert. Simple stuff like knowing not to cut through bushes, wearing proper shoes, avoiding feral dogs, and always having something to defend yourself with when walking in the desert aren't common among a lot of people who aren't originally from here.

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    Rent requirements in the US are nuts
  • I remember the first time I ever saw that video was when I tried playing Enter the Gungeon. I didn't even pirate it. I just screwed up when I was installing some mods lol

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    Oh where, is my hairbrush.
  • There's also a Veggietales episode where they do a spin on the story where King David essentially rapes a lady named Bathsheba then indirectly murders her husband to keep it quiet.

    The Veggietales version involved Larry the Cucumber stealing a rubber ducky from BATHsheba.

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    Video game DLC now vs then
  • I live, breathe, and sleep video games but this is a problem we made for ourselves. You don't have to buy the latest and greatest games from million dollar companies. Heck, you don't have to buy any games at all. Stop buying crap and they'll stop making as much of it. Go play something else or, and I say this as someone who's currently designing homebrew for a TTRPG in another tab, go touch some grass.

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    Milk creme
  • Yeah, in the same shop where they bought popsicles, an elephant was also scooping ice cream "with an ungloved trunk" as Judy points out while threatening to issue them a citation.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • I can't ever help troubleshoot control issues on Minecraft because I remap everything to be sensible inputs (who the flip thought sprint should be CTRL?!)

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    The Adblockalypse is coming
  • I use Google Docs a lot and the only reason I haven't uninstalled Chrome is that, for whatever reason, the fonts don't display right on Firefox. They used to years ago but I suspect they changed something to negatively impact other browsers.

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    Irony with a capital 'I'
  • It's not even the right flag. The rebel flag we see nowadays is a bastardized version of a battle flag that was flown incredibly briefly and not recognized by most at the time. The original was square because they were too broke to afford the cloth to make it a rectangle.

    The more common version of the flag still included the symbol but on a white background which was literally to show the "purity of the white race" but then people were confusing it for the flag of surrender. Fitting, in my opinion.

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    TunnelCrack: Widespread design flaws in VPN clients
  • I've seriously considered switching away from them since they dropped support. I've stuck with Mullvad for so long because, while they've never been the absolute best option out there, they were reliable, affordable, and respected.

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    The official reddit app now has more 1 star reviews than 5 star (edit: on the Play store)
  • The video player rarely works properly, ads are pretty egregious, it's hard to navigate with so much stuff bloating the UX, there are literal NFTs, and the app is generally much slower in general. And that's just the app itself.

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    Actor Paul Reubens, of PeeWee Herman fame, dead at 70
  • You sound like a nice person and I'm sure your family is very proud of you.

    Context since I'm deleting the comment above: I accidentally made the same comment twice because of a bug in the Connect app.

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    What's a word you haven't heard used in years?
  • I've watched the Irish YouTuber Jacksepticeye since I was a teenager and I remember in his earlier years he played a game about bumming cigarettes from people so naturally, he used the word "fag" a lot since it's super common slang in not-American countries. IIRC the response towards him after the fact pushed him to make a very serious but very informative apology later on.

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    What's a word you haven't heard used in years?
  • I've watched the Irish YouTuber Jacksepticeye since I was a teenager and I remember in his earlier years he played a game about bumming cigarettes from people so naturally, he used the word "fag" a lot since it's super common slang in not-American countries. IIRC the response towards him after the fact pushed him to make a very serious but very informative apology later on.

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    Actor Paul Reubens, of PeeWee Herman fame, dead at 70
  • He also had vintage photos that could be (and were by the police) considered child pornography. That's probably more important than the porno theater incident.
