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How do you holistically document microservices in a multi-repo setup?
  • If you don’t mind the runtime overhead OpenTelemetry would do the job (with maybe some sort of manual instrumentation for things like timers) and builds a service map.

    IMO however if your services are closely tied together then how about grouping them together into one or multiple mono-repositories ? Or at least start designing your bounded contexts so that documenting by hand doesn’t become a maintenance burden.

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    Copy, Acquire, Kill— How Meta could pull off the most extraordinary pivot in tech history
  • Lots of options here TBH and I haven’t put much thought into it. Providing a service by running and managing software updates, migrations etc…, is one. MongoDB Atlas and Confluent Cloud are good examples of what I had in mind.

    Why do people hate the “as a service” model?

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    Flipboard has begun testing ActivityPub federation of user accounts
  • I don’t know how I’d feel about following users from Lemmy TBH. It’d feel like trying to compete with Mastodon or other microblogging platforms and I’m not sure we need it in this space.

    I’d find it interesting to have a unique identity for services in the fediverse instead.

  • Pay for Privacy. Si c'est fini le gratuit ... qui est le produit ?

    Lentement, sûrement, inexorablement nous sortons de l'ère non pas uniquement d'un "web" gratuit mais essentiellement de médias et réseaux sociaux gratuits. Le "C'est gratuit et ça le restera toujours" a disparu du frontispice de Facebook ; Youtube est passé depuis longtemps déjà

    What's the biggest change you would like to see in computing/tech?
  • More privacy and less profit 🫣

    I realize most people could rather not pay for a service they currently have for free (which is partly due to the lack of transparency regarding our data usage).

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    If you had to choose one programming language that you had to use for the rest of your life, what would it be?
  • I’d pick JavaScript, mostly because of the ecosystem (even though we could argue about this point 😅)

    I’d love to give Rust a try however I don’t have much time nor want to dedicate to coding in my spare time!

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    VSCodium - Open Source Binaries of VSCode
  • I believe part of what makes the VS Code experience is the extension store. Is this managed in some way with this distributed flavor ?

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    Filigrane Facile : Un site gouvernmental pour rajouter des filigrane à n'importe quel pdf
  • C’est une bonne idée d’avoir fait ça! J’avais galéré à faire ça pour un dossier de location, ca mérite d’être partagé pour le coup vu le nombre de vol d’identité! 🤨

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    Interaction avec Mastodon
  • Les posts Lemmy apparaissent dans le feed mastodon par exemple si tu suis un utilisateur Lemmy (que tu peux chercher depuis mastodon et t’abonner). J’ai pas l’impression qu’on puisse s’abonner à un utilisateur depuis Lemmy cela dit donc tu ne pourra pas suivre de compte mastodon depuis Lemmy.

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    Pixelfed stories
  • Right. I suppose the things people don’t like in traditional social media are different and we’re probably here for different reasons.

    IMO ephemeral posts are interesting also because everything may not be worth archiving (and hence increase the overall impact of social media storage), I get it that we can have divergent views on this.

  • Hi all,

    I recently discovered Pixelfed supports stories (both picture and video from what I understood) and was wondering how it works regarding federation (wasn’t quite able to find info about this apart that federation is supported).

    Can I view stories posted on Pixelfed from the mastodon app for example ?

    What do you think about stories in general ? It has taken over most social media apps and would be nice to have in the fediverse.

    [Fédivers][iOS] Bean, un nouveal client Lemmy pour iOS est disponible sur TestFlight
  • On commence à avoir bcp de client natifs pour Lemmy! 😍 ça manque un peu côté Pixelfed (pas super stable à mon goût) et du côté de Firefish (CalcKey) pour l’instant

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    [Reddit] Les front-ends alternatifs (LibReddit et Teddit) de plus en plus inaccessibles suite aux changements des limites d'API
  • Je suppose que ces frontends utilisent également les APIs Reddit. Étrange qu’ils n’aient pas été affectés plus tôt, peut être qu’ils passaient en dessous des radars grâce à leur faible traffic ?

    Les solutions envisagées dans les liens sont plus du ressors des hacks qu’autre chose… 😒
