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What happened to Anonymous? Why at this time they are not doxxing websites, leaking stuff, or shutting down porn websites?
  • all of the people who were part of Anonymous who were worth a damn at hacking back in the day work for the state department now. The movement could very likely have been a psyop, given how many high-level hackers from that era there are on government payroll.

    I stand in solidarity with the gay furry hackers.

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    Why American left is so right-wing?
  • The simplest explanation is that the American "left" is rightwing, because they've been told that actual leftism is bad.

    We're only told about leftist ideology or politics in the context of "these bad people in the past did bad things", and many Americans refuse to actually tackle those lies. because of this, no one in the American "left" is willing to be anti-capitalist in any way that actually matters. Nor are they willing to use materialism in their dialectics, because their political education comes from Liberalism, so they're more willing to listen to right-wing talking points and integrate them into their views.

    This is why you'll see Americans who'll call themselves "leftists" pair a statement for working rights with a statement against immigration. Or you'll see them decry the horrors of fascism, then support whatever new war NATO has wrought.

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  • Anarchists will really try to rip us apart for being "authoritarian", but when you ask them how their system would deal with crimes, upholding socialism, or maintaining any semblance of order, their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours.

    Genuinely had an Anarchist call me an "evil person" and a "future baby killer" for saying that I'm ML. Then when I asked them about their proposed methods for preventing counter-revolution, they described a system where anyone can murder anyone else if the victim was suspected of wanting to act against the revolution. No trial, no investigation, just the word of the murderer.

    Edit to add another thought to; "their responses are almost always far more extreme than ours."

    If it's not more extreme, it's lax to the point of being nothing. So the poles are either a system of total chaos, or substanceless idealism.

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    Stay toxic, comrades
  • me when a fellow ML says "tankie";

    me when literally anyone else does;

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    Stay toxic, comrades
  • "made them the dominate voice"

    bro, tankies made lemmygrad for tankies

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    EU farmers are pissed off at Ukraine
  • once again right-leaning proletariats show that they're still better than any Western politician.

    It's almost as though the people who actually live and work with certain things know more about it than liberal politicians. I would, of course, prefer if they'd use class consciousness and advocate for a leftwing solution to the green deal. But I can't really change reality.

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    Moooom the trots are being fucking cringe again (this is from IMT)
  • trot to fascist pipeline showing itself again

  • NSFW
    RIP little mouse comrade
  • comrade mouse

    zoidberg saluting 1

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    When actual capitalists understand China better than Maoists
  • It's hilarious to me when even the most staunchly anti-communist economists have a more rigid understanding of Socialist markets than Maoists do.

    Maoists and Trots are literally the same, the only difference is which Socialist superpower they chose to invalidate.

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    Critical support for Vaush's fight against his fan base
  • is this a rare Vaush W?

    I could be misreading, I've had an exhausting day, but is Vaush "Nato is a based organization" V supporting Palestinian liberation?

    his fanbase is about to fuckin meltdown

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Who would have thought that neo-liberals threatened economic instability and resource scarcity in an illegitimate war against Russia and multipolarity, and the groups that disagree with neo-liberalism are willing to listen to Russia's valid arguments against their neo-liberal countries?

    the neos will froth at the mouth for any chance to call anything that doesn't suit them "Russian propaganda"

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    What an actual police state looks like
  • Every time I hear about AES cops, it's about how nice and actually helpful they are.

    That says a lot about who and what is being 'served and protected' in capitalist countries, it's definitely not the people.

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • love how the Canadian parliament inadvertently exposed just how far into fascism neo-liberals are.

    just a few days ago, if you wanted to find out how willing to defend Nazis liberals were, you'd have to do a lil searching. Now it's right in front of us, all the time, without stop.

    "He's a hero, he fought against Russia"

    "He's just a little old man, he can't be a Nazi!"

    "So what if he was a Nazi? Communism was worse than anything the Nazis did"

    "How dare you call me a Nazi for defending Nazis?! I'm not a Nazi, I just hate Russia"

    literally their evolution through this.

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    What an actual police state looks like
  • average US liberal: "I'd hate to live in an authoritarian police state like Russia"

    also average US liberal: "Though it is bad that the police are militarized and have constant access to everything we do at all times without the need for a warrant, we're not in a police state"

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    How can we find more left unity?
  • more or less yeah, at least in my view.

    other views on the topic are valid as hell, but the way I see it the people who're doing the most to harm the left aren't people who actually do anything progressive (in terms of progressing movements). Those people are also, without fail, the ones who are the most ready to fight against our unity. Those who want to see a brighter future, and have put in the work to understand theory and the way propaganda works, are already working with us. So it's less about changing the minds of those already against us, and more about keeping those groups from talking over us.

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    How can we find more left unity?
  • All of the principled Marxists are already working with us, though mostly IRL.

    Many people here on both LG and HexBear don't identify their ideology with Lenin's theories, but they're already here civilly engaging with us. There is already unity between us, for as far as matters.

    What matters more, imo, is educating new leftists on the ideology groups that seek to destabilize the left so they don't fall into their traps.

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    How can we find more left unity?
  • I have Anarchist friends who are surprisingly good about actually understanding propaganda, and simply disagree with philosophical concepts that Marxists uphold, and those Anarchos deserve their place among our ranks. I can respect some Anarchists, but they're a minute minority in a sea of dogmatic anti-communists.

    On Maoists, though. Working with them is impossible because they're purposefully against AES. Which should say quite a bit about what their actual beliefs are. And why the distinction between Maoists (see: larpers) and ML-Mao Zedong Thought (see: actual comrades) is so important.

    Maoists don't actually agree with Mao's theories, or the history that Mao himself put into motion. They care about the abstract notion that Mao was the last great revolutionary until the founder of Maoism came around (I.E. Abimael Guzmán, aka Comrade Gonzalo). Modern China, to them, stopped being communist shortly after Mao left power. Some argue it was before Deng, and some argue after.

    Maoism, in the most blunt terms, is the South American form of Patriotic Socialism. Gonzalo and his goons used the aesthetic of Marxism-Leninism to get into the hearts of workers, then used their power to push reactionary policies. One of which being the murder of natives. This legacy remains, as every Maoist organization is ultimately a proto-fascist one at heart. Like, for instance, the Austin Red Guards. Who operated similarly to a cult, utilizing abusive practices against "unsatisfactory" members. They began as a somewhat based group, hosting events for the LGBTQIA+ community, but evolved into an anti-LGBTQIA+ and anti-BLM movement, that accusedly planned and launched a physical assault on Austin's PSL wing.

    Maoists aren't our comrades, they're grifters looking for authority.

    This part is an addendum, not to QueerCommie but to anyone who's read this and thought something along the lines of "I identify myself with Maoism, but I don't mirror the beliefs described". You're likely ML-MZT, and the western left's love of making things confusing got'cha. It's not a big deal if this is something you've just not realized, but ML-MZT is the actual following of Mao's writings and the politics of modern China.

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    How can we find more left unity?
  • I really believe the concept of "left unity" is part of the fed disruption of the left.

    Anarchism and Marxism are diametrically opposed. There's no realistic way to have the two peacefully coexisting, especially in the context of pre-revolution organizing.

    The idea that we have to work together, and we have to join the same orgs and play nice with each other is part of the reason we're always bickering.

    The only thing we consistently agree on is the concept of anti-capitalism. Anarchists will gladly back fascist states and projects, liberal politicians and policies, anti-communist rhetoric and theory, etc. They're not anti-fascist as a whole, they're not anti-liberal as a whole, and they're far more sectarian than we are. So how are we supposed to fight against any of those things when our supposed "sister ideology" will willingly work against the movement? We can't.

    The Anarchists will fracture parties, they'll stall projects, they'll hijack movements, all the while pretending to be the ones who're being worked against. There's no working with people like that, the idea that we have to is rediculous.

    Instead, we need unity within Marxism. Namely within serious Marxism, so I'm not talking about leftcoms or patsocs, or any of the various groups that only serve as a means of legitimizing larping. I'm talking about actual Marxist parties and organizations. As long as groups can agree that anti-communist propaganda has no place in serious discussions, and that we have aligning goals, there's a means of cooperating with them. That's simply impossible with Anarchists and the soft left, but can be done with people who are serious about Marxist revolution.

    In terms of the internet, Lemmygrad and Hexbear are a decent example of Marxist unity. However, cooperation between two Reddit replacements in a sphere of the internet that the average person never goes to doesn't really do much. We need Marxist groups from across the net to come together, to maximize exposure. And we need to establish a means of communication across all of the platforms. I don't know how realistic this concept is, but anything short of it leaves us in the situation we've been in. Just a bunch of blinded chickens, running around in the hopes of finding a single crumb of grain. Many unconnected parts, attempting to lead society towards a revolution that can't come, because we're unable to work together.

    TLDR; Anarchists suck, tell your Marxist friends about Lemmygrad & Hexbear.

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    Everything is correct but what did he mean by last sentence?
  • The "spiritual" could be a reference to Ukrainian Orthodoxy, which the Russian Orthodox Church sees as illegitimate.

    Here is an article by Pew Research on the denominations.. The short version is Ukraine's church broke off from Russia's and claims only Ukrainian Patriarchs. Russia, in contrast, claims both Russian and Turkish Patriarchs.

    So the usual thing that happens in organized religion, a minority group splits off and takes a hard turn away from convention, and the church that existed for hundreds of years views it as illegitimate. Which, honestly, valid. The Ukrainian church serves as a means of encouraging nationalism and anti-Russian arguments, while the Russian one has been seen as the legitimate Orthodox church for hundreds of years the world over.

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    Anarkiddies calling Marxists “tankies”
  • holy fuckin' hell, Anarchists really will monetise their ideology.

    It seems like every time I see a shop that sells leftist clothing it's an Anarchist.

    Also, most of their clothing looks hella bad and it makes me wonder if they made the designs themselves or if the designs are stolen. Also, if they hate AES and capitalism, where do they source their shirts from? Seems pretty damn hypocritical to shit on AES, and then utilize AES labour for your own profit.

  • Though I've read and watched a lot about the BPP, I realize there's a lot that has never crossed my path. I assume this is true for a lot of comrades here as well. So, please use this post to share sources and theory surrounding the Panthers and ask questions about them.

    0 The Development of the AK-47; The Revolutionary Rifle

    Previously, I talked about the US army rapidly replacing the M14 with the M16, to quickly sum up that decision; It was not the function of t...


    Hello gun havers.

    This post is intended as an open forum for discussions on firearms, questions, and general communication within the community.

    Feel free to post pictures of guns you might own or hope to own, memes, etc.


    If you wish to become a moderator of the Firearms community, please let me know.

    https:// /uploads/1/4/9/1/14912542/ruth_stouts_system_for_gardening_motherearthnews.pdf

    I've tested this out over concrete slabs and over nutrient-starved sand. As long as your bed of mulch and good growing material is thick enough you can grow just about anything. Though, even with the modified method where you add bagged dirt on top of the mulch, I found it difficult to grow anything with short roots.

    0 How an Undercover Colorado Springs Police Officer Tried to Entrap Leftists with Illegal Firearms Charges

    A look into how undercover police in Colorado Springs attempted to go after left-wing organizers on weapons and conspiracy charges. For background, read this piece from the Colorado Springs Independent. ​Thanks to reporting from Colorado Springs Independent, it is now public knowledge that Colorado ...

    cross-posted from:

    > >Officer April Rodgers and the CSPD put on an elaborate sting operation to bust several groups of leftists for a crime they manufactured. April was attempting to get me to participate in a straw purchase and god knows what else. Based off some other people I’ve talked to, I was not the only one who the CSPD targeted. It appears the goal was the create a firearms trafficking group from Colorado Springs to Denver in order to bust every leftist with firearm ties in both cities. Either that, or it was an attempt to pressure me into becoming an informant. > > > >I believe it is very important to document and publicly share these types of COINTELPRO tactics whenever they pop up. I work a boring desk job and shoot guns with friends once every two weeks, yet I was specifically sought out and targeted. Be careful y’all, and remember if the vibes are off, leave. Last but not least, fuck CSPD. Over a third of the city of Colorado Springs’ budget goes to them so they can carry out failed political vendettas against anyone who dares not be a conservative christian.


    Part 1: Eugene Stoner talks about the AR platform

    Part 2: Mikhail Kalashnikov talks about the AK platform

    Part 3: The two men shoot their rifles together

    Part 4: Stoner teaches Kalashnikov how to skeet shoot

    Sorry I didn't include mirror links, if someone else wants to do that they're more than welcome to.

    https:// /about/

    Here's a link to their about page.

    The more members they have, the easier it will be for them to cause real change in your area.


    'The Sun is the Reddest' with real footage of Chairmen Mao and the Chinese Revolution. As well, some theatrical interpretations of Mao and the Chinese Revolution.


    Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.


    Please ask me anything you want about firearms. I work as a firearms engineer, and would be happy to answer questions, I also invite other people to answer questions.


    I don't wanna seem overly sectarian, but Anarcho-Primitism can't be a welcomed ideology here.

    Anarcho-Primitivism, or Anprim, is an ideology that draws very heavily from the colonialist's ahistorical view of "savages". At the ideology's very core lives a continuation of colonial racism, every aspect of the ideology is drenched in colonialism.

    I'll start by explaining that the term "primitive" being pointed towards people is derogatory, that was (and still is) done to seperate the colonizers from the colonised. To put it another way, the "civilized" white men, from the "uncivilized" dark men. Further, "Primitive" Anti-Civ ideology was named by its detractors. Believers in the ideology referred to it as "Anti-Civilization", "Pre-Civilization", and "Post-Civilization", and the critics - being colonialists themselves - called it "Primitivism". If you use "Prim" for Anprim, you might as well be calling the natives of America "red beasts", or the blacks of Africa "apes".

    Which brings us to the next issue of the ideology, the meme-y desire to treat Anarcho-Primitism as a monkey collective, or more directly, wanting to treat Anti-Civists like apes. Which, comes directly from the aforementioned colonial racism affixed to the ideology. Anti-Civ is a very wide ideology, based widely on technophobia and sentiments around the "failures of civilization", often citing the rise of capitalism as a mistake that could have been routed if civilization had been built differently, or if it had not been built at all. They're not "oh haha cities bad throws poop", as many mistake them as being, they're a structured ideology based on theories and observable wrongdoings.

    The third thing I want to bring up about Anti-Civ - if I may use its proper name - is that it is very often filled with ecofascists, and right-wing chuds. Though there are leftists within the umbrella, if you take the time to visit Anti-Civ communities, you'll find very quickly that they're filled with hateful people. You'll find rampant homophobia, terrible transphobia, and boatloads of racism. That makes it a predominately vile ideology, and not a community I want here on Lemmy.

    Of course, I write this because /c/anprim has been made, and I dreaded the day I would have to write this out to protect - if you would - Lemmy from the terrible meme of it. And, of course, I don't say this to be an asshole or a party pooper, but I can't allow such a disgusting disgrace of a meme'd ideology to taint our communities. People who are aware of me would know I'm Pagan, and that I specialize - for my career - in guns from the 1800s. Those are two communities that constantly get flooded with Anti-Civ assholes, I've seen what happens when they become tolerated, and I don't want that to happen here.


    I'm very interested to know what this community would say they'd carry for their three gun, should a revolution or a bugout happen. What people choose on his topic is always incredibly interesting to me. If you are unaware of what three gun is, I have a post on this community already all about it.

    For the Pistol, I'd like to carry a m1911, or any copy of it. It's a fuckin wonderful sidearm, what else do I really have to say about it? It entered into military service with the U.S. Army about 100 years ago, and was only replaced due to modernization efforts. In fact, many government organizations continued to use it long after it left service, and some still carry it to this day.

    I am a big fan of the idea of using a single barrel break-action shotgun for my shotgun choice. In my possession is a, honestly, garbage break-action manufactured for some company that only made a few thousand guns before going out of business, the name of the company isn't even on the gun, I had to find that via researching the model number. But, even though it's shitty and rarely strikes the primer with enough force, I would be willing to stake my meals on the thing. Because the only logical thing I could need a shotgun for is hunting. And even if it fails to go off 9 out of 10 times, I'll still be able to score myself a racoon every other blue moon.

    Then to close out, I'm very obviously biased towards Soviet arms. It's a tough call to be perfectly honest. I've owned many AK variants, I've owned a plethora of Mosins, I've shot stores worth of SKS's, it's pretty hard to choose one. I have, ultimately, narrowed it down to a coin toss. Allow me to explain my reasoning. The AK platform is wonderful, but I've carried it in combat in the form of an RPK, I know first hand that even with an optic I wouldn't want to hunt deer with it. The Mosin is a phenomenal rifle and the calibre is well worth the investment. But, it's a bit slow and if I run low on rounds, I'll be out of a rifle for a while. Then the SKS gives me all of the benefits the Mosin gave me, and all of the benefits of the AK platform. But, the limit on rounds is a major drawback. I have to ultimately go with the SKS, and fortunately, the coin landed on heads.

    Please feel free to tell me what you would pick and why.


    Western Leftism is idealistic and racist in nature

    And only serves to defend the western white Bourgeoisie from the much more serious and theory-oriented "tankies" whom gather their theory from actual research and actual dialecticism. In the past and the present, they're perhaps the biggest force advocating anti-communist narratives.


    Hello, I'm Heck, I've been certified/licensed and employed as a firearms engineer for about 5 years, but have been tinkering for roughly 15. I will be attempting to disprove some of the common misconceptions, and provide the reader with a lot of valuable information, while including pictures, revolving around my passion; firearms.

    Magazines vs. Clips

    Magazines hold ammunition which is then pushed into the chamber to be fired, the clip is a loading tool you would use to put ammunition into the magazine. Soldiers haven’t carried clips en masse since the second world war, and they were phased out almost completely by the time of the Vietnam conflict. Magazines, however, have always been a part of bolt-operated repeating rifles. Magazine:

    On a bolt action rifle, which commonly uses clips, the magazine is internalized and normally can’t be removed. The clip is slotted into the "Clip Guide" then the ammunition is pushed by the thumb into the internal magazine. However, on a modern semi-automatic (or even fully-automatic, we’ll go over that) you’re going to be dealing with a removable magazine, to which can be loaded either with a clip or by hand, then is fed into the rifle.


    Differences between rifles, why it’s important to know them

    Knowing the difference between types of firearms not only makes your arguments stronger, but also helps the individual get a much deeper understanding to what firearms actually are, we’ll go through these sorted by the time needed between shots.

    Musket/Flintlock: These are slightly more rare at this point, but it’s important to list them as they’ll give the reader a much clearer understanding as to how far technology has come. First, we will look at loading, the individual must carry with them three things. Their powder, their shot, and their wad. The barrel must be swabbed before loading to ensure no burning ash will cause a premature explosion. After the barrel has been cleaned, the individual first puts in their measured powder. If too much powder is inserted the rifle might explode, too little and the shot might not move far enough to leave the barrel and the firearm is equally destroyed. Next, the wad and shot are rammed down the barrel and seated tightly. The firearm is ready to fire after between 20 seconds and 3 minutes depending on the shooter.

    Bolt action/Breach Loader: These are still common with civilians worldwide as they’re perfect for hunters and land management. All the shooter needs are their rifle and their ammunition.

    For the bolt action, the rifle is loaded with a clip and the bolt is pushed forwards to push a round into the chamber, at this time it’s ready to fire in a matter of seconds.

    For the breach loader, either the barrel swings down on a hinge or the breach block must be cleared, then a round is hand loaded into the breach. This takes slightly longer than the bolt-action, but is better for your general hunter.


    Semi-automatics are the most common, and the best for home defence. The bolt runs in a track and is actioned via the forces of recoil, allowing multiple pulls of the trigger before needing to touch the bolt again. To load, the individual only needs to either insert a magazine into the magazine well, or use a clip to load the internal magazine, take off the safety, then charge the rifle by pulling the bolt. At this point, the rifle is ready to fire.


    This is exactly the same as semi-automatic, however, the sear is restricted from engaging the hammer, which allows the rifle to fire multiple shots on one trigger pull. These are, however, very rare outside of military hands, as they’re highly regulated and very expensive. They do, however, find their way to criminals, and the wealthy civilian.

    Types of Repeating Action

    Gas: This is a type of repeating action where a portion of the gas created by the explosion of the gunpowder is ported back towards the bolt to help push the bolt backwards.

    Blowback: This is a type of repeating action where the force of recoil alone cycles the bolt. This is common in older rifles, also most pistols and sub-machine guns, it's not a great system for rifle cartridges.

    Manual: This is the type of action you'll find on bolt and lever-action rifles, the shooter manually cycles the bolt between each shot.

    Delayed: This type could be any of the main three, but it uses a mechanical device to ensure the bolt remains closed until pressures drop to a safe level. Earlier repeating rifles had the issue of blowouts, which this solved. Now you’ll find some form of delay in most firearms.

    Open bolt: In this type, the bolt is held open between shots, this is cheaper to produce, thus these became very common during early fully-automatic machine gun designing, however, fell out of popularity after the National Firearms Act in the US, and after the switch away from smaller cartridge service rifles.

    Closed bolt: This is the opposite of open bolt, here the bolt is locked closed after each shot.

    Long recoil: In this form of repeating action, the barrel moves with the bolt, reducing recoil felt by the shooter. This is only common with higher calibres, usually on anti-material rifles and mounted canons.

    Revolving: Just as it says, this type uses a revolving cylinder to hold ammunition. This, however, has major flaws. Namely, the majority of the gases escape before the bullet has left the barrel, as well the firearm is limited to an unchangeable amount of ammunition. Revolvers also have single action, meaning there's one shot per setting of the hammer, and double action, which allows the revolver to be used with semi-automatic function.

    Thank you for reading, I likely missed some things, but I can answer questions in the comments. The next part will be politics, I'll post that either later tonight, or something tomorrow.
