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Stay toxic, comrades

This is a real article, lol

  • "made them the dominate voice"

    bro, tankies made lemmygrad for tankies

  • Echo chamber? Maybe. Toxic? No, not at all. It's actually very freeing to be able to discuss ML stuff more deeply instead of having the umpteenth lib/ultra/trot coming in trying to debate TANKIE MAN SQUARE ONE BILLION DEATH.

    This community has been nothing but supporting to me.

  • I find it fascinating how the Western world defines extremism as straying from its conventional beliefs. It is intriguing to observe that holding views such as homelessness being acceptable or denying individuals' right to healthcare, which align with mainstream ideologies in the West, are not considered extreme. Instead, it is those who advocate for universal healthcare and housing who are deemed extremists by society. 🤡

  • [Tankies'] positioning, further to the left than subreddits like r/communism, r/socialism, and r/Anarchism

    Bruh r/communism is unapologetically gonzaloist, they're even further 'left' than we are lol

    However, when it comes to everyday societal challenges that are usually points of interest for the left wing—like policing, climate change, healthcare, housing, and workers’ rights—tankies seem less engaged.

    Because we've settled these questions already. Police is a tool of the state, climate change is never going to be fixed under capitalism, healthcare should cover everything and be free for everyone, same for housing, workers' rights should be the basis of the socialist state. Also we don't want to dox ourselves by talking about local issues.

    They often opt to use the nomenclature ‘Communist Party of China (CPC)’—Beijing’s preferred language—over the more colloquial ‘CCP’.

    I didn't want to get into the language of the article, rather focusing on its shoddy research and understanding of communism, but... colloquial according to whom? The official term is "Beijing's preferred language" and the term you and your pals who don't speak a word of Chinese is better somehow?

    Tankies have a tendency towards Stalinism. In our topic analysis, we find that tankies give more prevalence to topics related to Stalin compared to other far-left communities we analyse

    Stalin died over half a century ago and he's still making liberals quake in their boots at the mere mention of his name 🫡

    For instance, the way tankies discuss Khrushchev’s attempts to reduce Stalin’s influence, or “de-Stalinisation,” suggests a certain fondness for Stalin’s era.

    You could literally have figured this out by just talking to a 'tankie'. You did not need gas-guzzling APIs and scripts to learn that.

    An example comment from tankies on Zelensky: “Putin and our comrades in Ukraine are going to kill all the US financed nazi scum and hopefully hang Zelensky while they’re at it. Let’s go Brandon!”

    Top tier shitpost and this dweeb doesn't even get it lmao, it is completely lost on him.

    Our toxicity analysis also indicates that tankies are more likely than other far-left groups to post antisemitic content targeting Jews.

    Absolutely no reference or figure forwarded to illustrate that very bold statement.

    Tech companies must recognise and respond to the adeptness of groups like tankies in evading moderation efforts. Developing advanced content moderation tools that can detect and mitigate the spread of extremist rhetoric, irrespective of its political orientation, should be a priority. Collaborative endeavours between researchers and tech platforms can lead to the development of more robust and unbiased moderation systems. In this digital age, where platforms remarkably influence political discourse, it is imperative to understand and address all forms of online extremism to ensure a safer digital environment for all.

    This is the most chatGPT conclusion of them all. You also haven't proven or even set out to demonstrate that 'tankies' are "adept at evading moderation" whatsoever, and are essentially saying you don't believe in free speech, which is decidedly not very liberal.

    That's right bucko, you're a tankie too.

  • I'd just like to interject for a moment. What this article is referring to as "Marxism/Leninism" is, in fact, Marxism-Leninism, or as I've recently taken to calling it, "Marxism plus Leninism". "Marxism/Leninism" implies either "Marxism" or "Leninism"; however, "Leninism" is is not an ideology unto itself, but rather an extension of Marxism. Many Marxists use this modified version of Marxism every day, without realizing it. Th

  • "We have no compassion and expect none in return. When our turn comes, we shall make no excuses for the toxicity."

    • Karl marx
  • Ukrainian sovereignty

    Notably, tankies are more inclined to use the term ‘Zionist’ as a blanket label for Israel and its citizens.

    That is likely because A. ‘Israeli’ has never been anything more than a meme nationality, and B. some of us want to make it clear that the settlers’ heritage is of no concern to us. Our problem with the settlers has nothing to do with their heritage, but with their demonization of innocents and theft of said innocents’ land and other resources. The settlers could have been Polish, Romani, Serbian, or whatever, and it wouldn’t have mattered.

    Our toxicity analysis also indicates that tankies are more likely than other far-left groups to post antisemitic content targeting Jews.

    What would be an example of this? For all that I know, their software could interpret a statement like ‘Jews should kill Zionists’ as an ‘antisemitic’ remark based on the keywords alone. I’d be curious to have a conversation with them about this, but I really doubt that any of them is going to approach me to try.

  • You can't deny that we are leaving a lasting impact though, which other communist community can boast to having TWO articles written about them?

  • Glad to see some bougie academic reaffirm the fact that our desire to see everyone treated like a human being is an extreme position.

  • I love how they use the term "revisionist" to refer to media from countries they don't like. The whole article is also a beautiful horseshoe theory polished turd.

  • Honestly Lemmygrad has been one of the most open and supportive social media platforms I have ever been on... so unless just being communist makes you toxic... oh I think I found the crux of it

  • How did these dweebs find out about lemmygrad while not noticing hexbear or regular lemmy? What, is wisconcom advertising us on reddit? LMAO

    These computer touchers probably threw this together an hour before midnight as their CS 469 keystone project

  • Besides being a fucking ugly graph where you can barely read the node labels, I also like that this one pretty much admits democrats are clustered along the other reactionaries.

    They also don't describe how they even got that clustering (or the network itself) in the first place. I think it's safe to assume they either nicked it from the web or got an inexperienced intern to just do whatever with a Jupyter notebook.

    Is it a network of "common posters"? Of links in sidebar? In cross-posts?

    Data science is what happens when "programmers think they are experts in everything that deals with computers" is taken to its most extreme. This field needs a purge, for the sake of all actual statisticians.

    Science is when you never show your methodology, because it came to you in a dream a linear regression.

    Edit: why the heck is Anarcho_Capitalism plotted between Feminism, feminisms and Radical_Feminism?

  • "Revisionist World Powers"

  • This is one of the more calm and civilized online spaces tbh. There may be the occasional outlier of an user but that is more of an exception than the rule, from what I've seen. Even spaces you'd assume to be relatively undisturbed by conflict, like fandom and hobby communities, often seem to be polluted by unnecessary hostility 😭

  • I can’t believe they adopted the term tankie and wrote a whole Vincent Adultman whitepaper anchored around it. It appears to be the first paper for all three of them, at this particular think tank at least. They’re British CS/data nerds. Labor aristocrats probably with little to no class consciousness, or exposure to the humanities even.

  • Article written by some westoid libshit, I assume.

  • Lol what's toxic here?? We just have zero tolerance for bigotry and don't allow liberals to allow them to spread their bullshit here unchecked, none of that shit is toxic at all 💀

  • Proud toxic tankie

  • Oh. This is the same article that we tore to shreds several months ago back when it first popped up on arxiv:

  • Is this us?

  • Hey Global Network, you know you can just send me a DM and I'll explain everything you want to know? Why does nobody ever do that? Is this how 'research' is conducted nowadays?

  • We still need to take bets on when the first real mainstream use of the word "tankie" happens and in what context. Will Trump or one of his surrogates decry Biden as a tankie? Will some lamestream media person CNN say it on primetime about either real communists, liberals, or even the more reactionary elements? Perhaps some blithering liberal tool will call Trump one. Or perhaps some zionist shill will accuse all of the pro-palestine marchers of being tankies. In fact the last one seems slightly more probable to my mind though it'll likely occur on a more reactionary network like Fox because CNN and such like to pretend there are no marches or support for Palestine while Fox has an interest in hyping the idea of domestic Hamas because their audience is incredibly naive and credulous and will believe they're coming over the southern border.

  • First that research paper, now this. Maybe we should start charging for... I don't know what exactly. But we should start charging someone something.

  • we just keep on winning. cant wait to be on a fbi watchlist

  • This is Digital Humanities when full digital and no humanities. Seems like a bunch of tech bros who like to do data-crunching without properly familiarizing themselves with the subject first.

  • whoever uses 'tankies' unironically i want to strangle you and leave your corpse in the snow

  • Where 'toxic' is not being in lockstep with State department narrative.

  • Do they explain voat being so toxic that no one would advertise on it for any amount of money? And you know those freeze peach idiots aren't going to chip in on any of the costs, and then it became too expensive, in like a year, for the guy to keep paying for it while living in mom's basement

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