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Do you think millennials who grew up with the early Internet and home computers will be as bad with future technology as boomers are with current technology?
  • Yes, absolutely. I'm a Xennial so I'm old. My world is tech because it fascinated me when I was young (and lucky enough to have access because it wasn't a guarantee in those days) and I made a living from not being afraid of tech. I dealt with boot disks, dip switches, losing your Internet connection because someone in the house picked up the phone. My 9 year old thinks something is broken if a program asks them to update.

    We built this world of it just works to make sure boomers didn't have a panic attack everytime they used a computer and the unintended consequence is our children panic and have no interest in understanding the the underlying process of the systems they work with, because it just works.

    I try to get my kid to care but they don't, they just want Minecraft to work NOW.

    All that being said I also have lost interest in a lot of what's new. I know TikTok and Whatsapp exist but I have never used them. AI feels big enough that I've messed around with it but I never think oh let me ask ChatGPT... I'm sure in 10 years my kids or an employee are going to laugh at me as I read documentation and forums to figure something out and they will say Bro why not just ask ChatGPT. They just want everything to work and give them the answer now and I think it's going to blow up in all of our faces.

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • Wishing? Fine you got me wish your ass off. Voting for him though is splitting the vote and putting a fascist in power. Wish all you want but if you don't vote for the Democrat in the presidential election don't expect me to share my bread scraps while we are in the reeducation camp!

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • I totally agree, putting fascists in power is bad! So voting for a third party candidate that will split the vote of the left and bring fascism to the presidency is bad. If you really don't understand this you are lying to yourself or arguing in bad faith. I'm sure you will reply, but I'm done.

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • Ross Perot


    Hope the fascist hell you wish upon us treats you well. Work on your propaganda daddy Putin is really starting to just pay anyone.

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    higher wages for the servers... by the customers. Fnbs
  • Ok yeah what you are complaining about is valid but I can't get over the $22.50 for Kids Shells... Like a fucking a pasta serving for children?! This restaurant seems insane to begin with.

    Edit: Realizing it looks like prices are a line off but still $16 for kids food?

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    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Because what you see that we call mold is the fruit of a vast root system. In hard cheese if you can cut an inch or two in every direction from the mold you likely will get the root system with it. With a soft cheese (or bread) that root system is likely spread through the food pretty thoroughly.

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    Butt sponge. Butt sponge.
  • I as an American bidet convert can only say: bro it will change your life.

    They aren't expensive, they are easy to install, and don't listen to this warm water propaganda, that cool water (I live in the northern parts so I mean COOL) is refreshing and great.

    Join the revolution of having a clean ass!

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • I'm living in reality, however unpleasant that may be. No "left" third party candidate will do anything but get Trump another term. I want better things for this country, but the way to get them isn't to help elect a fascist hopeful dictator. Change needs to start at the bottom, you seem really motivated, you should go run for City council and start making the change you want to see. Right now your answer to not liking one candidate is to choose the one that probably would love to put you in a reeducation camp.

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    Democrats worry their most loyal voters won’t turn out for Biden in 2024
  • Cornell West, who's campaign is being run by Jill "lunch with Putin" Stein. I thought more of West than to be an obvious Republican plant. I don't even care what I think about Biden, he is the incumbent president and will be the candidate. I'll vote for him in a second because the alternative is literally the likely destruction of the United States as we know it.

    This isn't hard. The US is a two party system right now. I don't understand why people think a third party is ever a good idea right now. Maybe third parties should run in local elections instead of this dumb spoiler candidate for the president vs

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    Anyone else still kinda miss Reddit?
  • Hey so this might come off combative but it's not my goal, I really want info. Why is tildes not just Reddit redux? I could be very wrong here and would appreciate correction but as i understand it tildes is not part of the fediverse and control seems to land in the hands of the few, isn't that what ended up driving most of us here to the fediverse? Maybe I'm wrong about all of this and I'd be thrilled if I was because the person who made RiF said they were moving to tildes and I loved RiF.

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    Anyone else still kinda miss Reddit?
  • Honestly, yes. I'm a tech guy who is cool with the growing experience of new projects and I'm here to stay... But, I also like specific sports teams, politics, and other non techy subjects that aren't going to make the move until they have no other choice or the issue is the community doesn't have critical mass to provide for engagement and back and forth in the comments. There are a few communities I still check in to weekly or so on Reddit because the information doesn't exist here yet. I hope those communities and members move to the fediverse some day, but to pretend that the offerings andb engagement here are equal or even "good enough" at the moment is unrealistic. My use of Reddit though has gone from hours a day to minutes a week and I refuse to upvote or comment, so while I miss a lot of things, I do my best to not help their metrics too much

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    Anyone else still kinda miss Reddit?
  • Honestly, yes. I'm a tech guy who is cool with the growing experience of new projects and I'm here to stay... But, I also like specific sports teams, politics, and other non techy subjects that aren't going to make the move until they have no other choice or the issue is the community doesn't have critical mass to provide for engagement and back and forth in the comments. There are a few communities I still check in to weekly or so on Reddit because the information doesn't exist here yet. I hope those communities and members move to the fediverse some day, but to pretend that the offerings andb engagement here are equal or even "good enough" at the moment is unrealistic. My use of Reddit though has gone from hours a day to minutes a week and I refuse to upvote or comment, so while I miss a lot of things, I do my best to not help their metrics too much

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    Convicted Ponzi schemer granted clemency by Trump charged with new Ponzi scheme
  • It'd be hilarious if Trump wasn't so terrifying. I think the man is a moron, but he could bring an end to our nation if reelected. People need to listen to things like this:

    You can find this episode outside of YouTube. It's a very important recounting of history.

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    How many people have “been on TV”
  • I mean I'm clearly in some B-roll for the great food truck race (I think that was the name). I think who you include and exclude in the definition needs work, because I've 100% been on tv as a non actor in a non news program, but it's not like I spoke to a camera or anything that would bring attention to me. (Your general question is very interesting though)

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    Stray really disappointed me. I want a real cat game.
  • Make it people would love it, though I'd say the opening ends with the place being on fire so as the cat needs to escape and that's where the separation stems from, because I couldn't imagine just forgetting my cat.

    That just made me think you could also make the game where the family abandons the cat and it hunts them down and kills them, same premise though, in the end the cat finds the family.

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    What smart wall dimmers are you using?
  • I use lutron (dimming), they are older ones I think the newest one I have is 4 years old, I get a ton of flickering in my LED bulbs. Do you experience that? I've tried a variety of bulbs and it's the same issues if not worse. I was planning to switch to a different brand when I have the time to commit to it.
