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No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • I mean, yeah. The only way to reform the system is from within the system. Here in lies the ultimate issue with the left: all I ever hear is criticisms and no solutions. We have two options, reform or revolution. Revolution is nearly impossible. So if it's reform, people need to be elected into the system to make the changes. There is no reform without elections. Even if we were to organize something big like a general strike, it would only make the bourgeoisie afraid. Real changes are legislative and that means elections. Unless you've got a better idea, in which case, please share with the class.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • Getting a third party to win is the first step into breaking the US political duopoly and fixing the broken electoral system. The first changes a third party will make is regulations that allow third party wins in the future. It's about making progress towards the left. Democrats do not represent progress, but an upholding of the same tired political duopoly that gives capitalists power. The green party, regardless of whatever ideals you still hate about them, are very intent on changing the electoral system and ending the duopoly.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • They use that argument because it's valid and holds weight. The only other option besides bringing in a third party with ballot access is violent revolution and that was a lot cooler of an idea before drones existed.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • That's dumb. If you think the greens are just as bad as the Dems, then your brain is broken. PSL has ballot access in 17 states and they're the only other leftists running a candidate. Green party has more ballot access in 37 states and holds a significantly higher chance of meaning anything. But maybe in another 3 or 4 election cycles the PSL will have the ballot access that the greens do now.

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    “Communism bad”
  • You're citing a capitalist finance website to prove your point about socialism. You seem to be confused between social democracy and democratic socialism. I understand because they seem so similar that they must be basically the same thing, right? Nope.

    The Nordic model is a form of social democracy. They take many of the benefits that socialism provides and builds them into a capitalist economy. Democratic socialism is an actual form of a worker owned an operated economy.

    If you're ever in doubt, ask the question, "who owns the means of production?" If the answer is huge megacorporations and wealthy billionaires, then it's a capitalist economy. If the answer is the working class, it's socialist.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • Well I don't see nearly as much ballot access from the PSL or any other minor party. Maybe we should make a new party that'll lose popularity to the next one in 5 years. No party will ever be leftist enough for leftists in this country and that pretentious mindset will keep us weak forever.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • I didn't say that I did think that. What I do think is that leftists should leverage the biggest third party that's the closest to representing their core values into the party that they want. It has nothing to do with Jill Stein and more to do with uniting under one generalized leftist party instead of constantly fracturing into weaker more specific parties.

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    No Policy Change: In CNN Interview, Harris Refuses to Condition U.S. Military Support for Israel
  • It's not cool that Americans are as dumb as crabs in this analogy. If every leftist just got behind the green party we might stand a chance. But everyone wants their own unique ideology represented.

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    “Communism bad”
  • I agree prison labor is just a roundabout way of getting away with slave labor and it shouldn't be done. That being said, China has less slaves than the US and treats them half as badly.

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    “Communism bad”
  • The US has destroyed every socialist country in history that didn't have a strong enough military to fight them off

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    “Communism bad”
  • Russia devolved into capitalism. Funding a military is incredibly expensive and necessary when a communist country wants to exist in a world with the United States. This creates a militant economy that must be centrally governed to coordinate this military might. True democratic socialism is impossible as long as the United States exists as an imperialist force.
