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Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • What if I told you that we can do all these things at once, and don't have to pick just one. Mindblowing!

    Regarding the alternatives to fossil fuels, they still aren't free as far as emissions go. It's still better to not need a new source of power if you can, because they require minerals, fossil fuels, etc. to build.

    Also, an insane strain on the power grid makes the transition to greener sources of electricity more difficult because there's a bigger demand to satisfy. That delays the transition.

    If you don't like how "this website" talks about your garbage tech, maybe you can fuck off back to Reddit with the rest of the douchebags who still believe crypto has a future?

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    Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • Whataboutism at its finest 👌

    The difference with other things causing climate change is that some of these other things are actually useful and work, which is not the case with ShitGPT.

    And you can be mad at both simultaneously. You don't have to decry LLMs only.

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    Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • Quit the whataboutism. While the construction industry is in dire need of improvements, it's at least causing GHG emissions to achieve a useful goal, unlike ShitGPT which repeatedly fails to prove its value when opposed to its environmental costs.

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    Generative AI is reportedly tripling carbon dioxide emissions from data centers
  • On behalf of all humans suffering from your tech bro arrogance: fuck you and your useless tech. I wish this kind of energy consumption becomes illegal, because it is criminal. Can't wait for the bubble to finally pop.

    The article mentions generative AI btw, the kind that powers ShitGPT.

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    If the obscenely wealthy benefit most from having Republicans in power; and collectively they have disproportionate control over the economy; wouldn't they use that power to sabotage Democrats?
  • They sometimes do, just look at what Musk is doing. They also bribe donate to the democrats in an effort to influence them (this is lobbying).

    Why do anything illegal, when you can bribe and defame in the media you own? It looks a lot less suspicious and is a lot more sustainable.

    Unless something changes, the rich have basically sabotaged the democratic party into being a center-right party. That's why it won't be a left-wing party in the foreseeable future.

    If you don't believe me, just look up why the Democrats tolerate the Manchins and the Sinemas within their ranks.

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    best linux terminal emulator
  • I had to switch recently because I wanted to try out font ligatures and it turns out Alacritty refuse to implement support for that 😬

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    French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
  • What the guy you reply to said is factually incorrect. While the French left despises Macron and his clique, they did withdraw candidates in the last election in his favor to keep the fascists out of power.

    And they've always been vocal about their contempt for the far right.

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    French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
  • The French left has been consistently fighting the far right, vocally so, even withdrawing candidates in favor of Macron against the far right. What are you even talking about?

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    Do men have a place in the feminist movement?
  • I think this answers the question OP asked, and I don't think anybody disagreed so far: the answer is yes, but not to detriment of the expression of the voice of women, who are the main victims of gender inequality. And like, even if men agree, we shouldn't make it all about us, and learn to shut up sometimes.

    Is that what you guys meant?

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    French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
  • Funny that you would mention that, I was reading liberal propaganda not two minutes ago, and then this came:

    Public services do seem to be deteriorating in France, it comes from the mouth of liberals themselves. It's a trend that has all but shifted in the 30ish years I've had the chance to be alive with the West being under the yoke of liberals of all professed kinds.

    The Macron regime has brought too little measures, too late. And for one small step it's taken forward, it made two backwards (retirement age being a HUGE one).

    What does the 1€ meal bring if public money is going to end up in private hands, driving up inflation? The culture check you mention is a laughable demagogic measure (one would say, "popullist") if I ever saw one. Sure you don't have a job or any economic prospects, but at least you can buy manga, public money that will once again end up in private pockets. That's not what left wing politics are about.

    When do we get rid of parisitic media like the foul stuff brought by Bolloré et al? Why did the Macron regime try to restructure Radio France in prevision of a private buyout before the dissolution of parliament? I thought we had a media concentration problem? Also, when do we stop filling the pockets of the already-rich (cf ISF)?

    The feminist measures (glad the French have them!) surely don't outweigh the islamophobic panic reinforced by stupid measures about the type of garment you can wear in public? Oh, and when do the French get the long promised right to die in dignity yet?

    I'm glad there's a couple things that will materially impact the living conditions of French citizens (dental care is cool!), but it's too little, way too late. I'd say I can accept a few liberal measures in an ocean of actual anticapitalist measures, not the other way around. We don't have time for that shit with the climate crisis. We can't act as if things were business as usual.

    It's quite ironic that the libs would criticize the French left's fiscal responsibility. They manage to accomplish the herculean task of delivering very few things in 7 years with an impressive deficit. How cool is that?

    Regarding Bello, the truth is a bit more complex:

    She did not explicitly vote against gay marriage (abstained) and celebrated the union of two men a few months after the vote. Hardly a vocal opponent against gay marriage, and a far cry from the bigoted votes of Barnier. Sure, that means she wasn't LGBTQ-concious or an ally, but, oh boy, talk about misrepresentation of facts! I'd accept any public apology from the Boutin's and the Maréchal's and the Sarkozy-aligned, in which cast I'd retract my accusations of bigotry... But I think I shouldn't hold my breath. They will be bigoted when enacting societal policy in France, and Macron knows it bloody well.

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    French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
  • First off, I'd like to acknowledge that my representation of Barnier does not paint an accurate picture, and that you were right, because I didn't know the full extent of the truth. More on that later.

    About Macron being compatible with the French left that won the legislative elections:

    Macron is hell-bent on dismantling public service, only pays lip service to environmental causes and works with bigots against the extension of rights for the LGBTQ, despite paying lip service (again) advocating for societal progressive agenda. His government was part of the ridiculous moral panic fighting wokism †, for fuck's sake.

    The left being tamed means their agenda is completely nullified as they get absorbed into the center-right, which the French electors majoritarily reject. And it's not like it hasn't been tried before. Hollande's term proved it doesn't work, and its rejection proven by the choice of Hamon to represent the most important milquetoast "left" party proves how unpopular the liberal line is amongst the most moderate fractions of the Lefts, disregarding every ideological concepts about socialist conceptions of society.

    People voting for the retirement age to be 60 will never agree with people saying it should be 70. The French electorate fully expects the Left to fight liberalism, and to not be satisfied with "mitigation" measures such as the construction of bike lanes in Paris or the distribution of cheques to buy manga.

    About the left crying wolf when the far right supported liberal policy:

    It's not so much about about who agrees with who but more about policy. If the left shouts about "moderate" parties doing the far right's bidding, then it makes sense, because we go through the pain of voting for liberals to keep fascists out of office, and we deservedly expect them to prevent the fascist agenda from materializing.

    If they cry wolf just to spark outrage, it's opportunistic and I will acknowledge they're wrong. I trust you to show me that's what they've done. Until then, I'll still welcome the votes of the fascists for measures that protect the most vulnerable, even if it doesn't make sense according to their contradictory ideology.

    About Barnier being against the decriminilization of homosexuality, you tell me it's not true wholesale (and you're right about that), but you fail to realize how this confirms how bigoted he is ★ He still voted against decriminilization for a portion of all gay people (which you tacitly acknowledge), which makes it only slightly less bad. Oh, and I forgot to mention he also voted against civil unions ‡ much later, which helps cement him as a bigot which the left should refuse to associate with.

    Not the slam dunk argument you thought it was.

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    French protesters rage at ‘stolen election’ as Macron picks conservative Barnier for PM
  • Any compromise with Macron is unfortunately impossible. There is no way a single measure of the NFP would have gotten adopted if they had bent the knee. Macron wouldn't have made any compromise. They're much more efficient in the opposition than they are as lapdogs to the neoliberals.

    And, sure, the far right should never be an ally, but if the idiots are going to follow you, why tell them to fuck off? That would be pretty stupid, and this is an example of the sectarism you decry. To you, sectarism is when you disagree with the neolibs, I suppose?

    Meanwhile, Macron chose a bigot that shits on migrants and voted against the decriminalization of homosexuality as a prime minister and the RN has vowed not vote out, and that doesn't bother you one bit.

    Like, the fuck are you even blabbering about dude? You're so full of shit it's not even funny.

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    Salut à tous!

    J'ai bu au festival de Chambly une excellente sûre de style belge faite par Dieu du Ciel, que je n'ai jamais retrouvé par la suite. Savez-vous si elle est trouvable quelque part?
