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Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • I am three liberals in a trench coat and I'm ready to vote right now.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • We're a citations-needed Citations Needed citations-needed fan forum.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • It's true. I am the only true leftist in this miserable sea of liberalism.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • We're like Bane "The Venom is the only thing keeping him alive" levels of irony poisoned here. Add almost 7 years of in-jokes, memes, obscure conspiracy theories, and thousands of emojis possum-party and I can only imagine this place is a nightmare to navigate for visitors.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • The 500-1k active Hexabarbearians are a plot to... uh... shit let me get back to you.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • Check the lower right of this authentic vintage Frank terror meme. So many people just cannot accept how embarassingly sincere most of us are.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • That's awesome I didn't know htat.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • It's fucking bizarre people keep hammering on this when the US is engaged in, I cannot emphasize this enough, anti-trans genocide as defined in international law. Like bruh. Bruh. Clean up your own house.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • Doing an actual communist revolution because we are just that committed to the bit.

    We're method actors. I'm actually a neo-paleo-retro-Whig, but I took the job of being a communist crisis actor and I have integrity.

    Lying on my deathbed in 2176, my life having been radically extended by medical research in a prohuman economic environment, My weakened eyes gaze out the window at the cities floating gently above the planet-wide food forest. I gather my descendents around me and croak out "It was all a prank, bro. It's just a prank. I'm not really a communist. I helped build 100$ of communist as a joke. Just for a laugh."

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • It's true I am actually a 63 year old paleo-conservative living in rural Iowa pretending to be a communist with my Republican friends at hex.bear.parody. I believe in guns, going to church several times a year while accusing everyone I don't like of being a satanist, voting in every election for the worst human being imaginable, and sports.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • o7

    I am 100% on board with Anarcho-Necromancy

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • Best decision made on the site to date.

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    Is the instance hexbear conservative?
  • It's true I am a sleepy angel


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    Toddler Economics
  • Lol imagine asking permission to be strapped.

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    Toddler Economics
  • The one joke.jpg

    gulag !

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    Toddler Economics
  • Lol.

    Suggest you read Mutual Aid, a Factor in Evolution, and kill the capitalist in your head.

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  • gigachad

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    I don't like how people free themselves with violence so I, a Westerner, am going to side with the decade long oppressor
  • Yeah, Gandhi is a shithead propped up because the liberal view if passive submission to state violence is politically useful for maintaining control. The British really gave up in India because Gandhi said he was no longer going to tell the armed factions not to fight, and the Brits decided they couldn't afford to fight a real rebellion.

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    Korea's Birthrate Hits Another Record Low
  • Big oof. Eco-fascism ahoy!

  • Unity is a game engine that, for a long time, said "just pay us a monlthy fee to develop using our engine and we're square." then because EULAs and Terms of Service are slippery little bastards that are contracts but only benefit the owner they changed that to "Actually you're going to have to pay us a fee every time someone installs your game lol get rekt".

    Lots of people are being !shocked-pikachu about this, but, like, Marx did not fail to consider, and in Capitalism if you don't have a contract you have nothing. Signing a "contract" where one side can alter the terms to whatever they want seems... a bit naive but what you can you do?


    A friend is showing me all his cool starfield stuff and I kind of just feel bad for him. A lot of systems seem really stripped down even compared to Fallout 4. It doesn't seem like you can, for instance, lay down foundations and build whatever building you want in whatever shape you want like you could with Fallout's extremely janky settlement system. You have to plop down various NASA white habitat modules and you're limited by how those modules click together. I'm not clear on whether you can layout rooms and workstations within the hab modules and at this point I'm a little afraid to ask.

    The armor system in fallout where you had a clothing layer and could then add customizable armor on top of the clothing layer seems to be gone. In FO4 you could have separate armor pieces for your chest, for each arm, for each leg, plus helmets and a few other things. All the pieces could be modded with different appearances and perks. No it looks like you're down to a set of clothing and a space suit with very limited customization options.

    Combat just looks appalling bad. Beth has never had good combat, but it looks like for Starfield they tuned the combat AI down to the point where it reacts very, very slowly and doesn't do much beyond stand there and and wait to be shot. I assume this is to compensate for the removal of VATS, which is another inexplicably absent system. VATS was notable in FO3 and FO4 for making the game much more accessible to people who didn't play FPS games and I cannot fathom why it was removed.

    The spaceship builder is okay, but it looks very limited in what it can do. Most of the ships end up looking very samey since they're snapped together out of modules. You're not getting anything with a single smooth external hull, nor do you have freedom to define the shape of the rooms inside the pressure vessel. There may be some large interior space modules I haven't run in to yet. Personally I think the "Nasapunk" clean-room aesthetic conflicts with the space opera story framework. It works in kerbal because the space ships behave like space ships, but it looks weird when the space ships operate on space opera rules. Like instead of having the ship vertically oriented for launch to orbit it takes off with VTOL thrusters and then flies away like a plane despite really not being a space plane. When star wars, which runs entirely on bullshit space opera, does it it doesn't bother me because it's consistent with the aesthetic. But having a ship that sorta-kinda is trying to look realistically doing star-wars stuff is a big jarring.

    It also suffers from millennium falcon syndrome. You can only control one ship at a time, and "control" is doing a lot of work when all you can really do is point the nose around in a very limited space combat minigame, so your ship has to be able to do everything- cargo, combat, whatever. You can't deploy fighters or call for backup in a space fight, which has been frustrating a few people i know as they get in to space combat but their ship isn't built properly for it. Space combat also looks very basic. You're not going to be doing anything fancy with drone weapons, newtonian maneuvers, or turrets. You kind of just point your nose at the enemy and hold down the fire button until one of you explodes. It's like a stripped down version of X-wing vs Tie Fighter.

    Apparently there no space walk/EVA. Which... Why? Why? Why wouldn't you make that a thing?

    Bethesda's innability or unwillingness to learn, innovate or really do anything new in very frustrating. I doubt this will make sense to most people, but I've spent so many hundreds of hours under the hood of these games fixing problems, fleshing out anemic systems, and so forth, it feels very disappointing to see that Beth has yet again shipped a bunch of very shallow systems without much complexity or depth.

    And who am I to make these criticisms? The last version of a mod I contributed too long ago has had 400,000 downloads since 2016, is who I am. A very minor contribution, but I've been in the guts of these games almost as long as Todd has. And while the mod community has grown and done incredible things Beth keeps shipping stripped down, disappointing messes. I view Beth's games as a process where Beth releases a problem and then the modding community has to fix it, over and over again, and every so often Todd tries to destroy the whole relationship by monetizing modding. without the bullshit of IP and profit motive, if Beth's games could truly be a collaborative community process with open source code, Bethesda probably would have been forced out of the process a long time ago for causing more problems than they solve. The simple fact that the script extenders have to be re-built from scratch for each game and then arduously maintained when they're constantly broken by updates, even after all these years, is extremely frustrating. Beth could just... integrate the script extensions natively instead of making the community hack them back together every time, but they don't. It's rude.

    Beth games are an excellent example of how art, creatively, and inventiveness are stifled by property laws and IP.


    Seems like the next logical step. Most big games are always-online Games as a Service where your local storage is useless if the company server doesn't handshake. A lot of business and productivity software already requires subscriptions and is partially online. Every single fucking company wants to have an app on your phone so they can watch you in the bathroom. And there's talk that MSFT might start moving Windows off the PC entirely and in to the cloud.

    I figure at some point it's in the shareholder's best interests to prohibit users from actually storing anything locally. Storage is really just stolen subscription revenue, when you think about it. Every time a user accesses something on a local drive they're stealing the chance for you to extort them in to paying a subscription fee.

    What do think, too distopian? Back when tapes, CDs, MiniDiscs, all the old generations of data storage that you could write to at home were first circulating the media industries tried real, real hard to make them illegal to privately own. We've been fighting an escalating battle against digital (and analog I guess) IP regimes ever since then. Streaming has pretty much killed physical media afaik. I have no idea if blu-rays or DVDs are still printed for sale.

    Idk, just a thought. Let me know what you think.


