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Discord lowers free upload limit to 10MB: “Storage management is expensive”
  • IPv6 does not require you to open your machine to the Internet, even without making use of a NAT. Sure you get an IP that's valid on the whole internet, but that doesn't mean that anyone can send you traffic.

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    Student dorm does not allow wifi routers
  • Are these restrictions set out by the ISP or the dorm?

    If you don't do business with the ISP, then you don't have to agree to and follow their terms.

    So as long as the dorms doesn't have rules against setting up your own WiFi, then you should be well within your rights to purchase an Internet connection from another provider, but since you are likely not allowed to get your own line installed, you are probably restricted to ISPs that provide a service over the cellular network.

    Of course using a cellular connection will give you worse latencies for online games, but at least you can have your own WiFi with low latency for your VR.

    If you want to be nice, you could then run as much of your Internet network over ethernet as possible, so you congest the air waves as little as possible, possibly only running the VR headset over WiFi, and maybe even only enabling the WiFi radio when you want to play VR. If all your WiFi devices support 5GHz, you might also completely disable your 2.4GHz WiFi, to leave the most congested frequencies alone.

    To lower the chance of someone complaining about your WiFi, you should configure it as a "hidden network", such that it doesn't broadcast an SSID, and therefore doesn't show up when people are looking for WiFi networks to connect to.

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    Is Linux (dumb)user friendly yet?
  • It kinda depends a bit on the user's background... For someone who is used to windows and how computers in general works, I would probably agree with you.

    But for people who are more phone/tablet native, I don't think something like Fedora Silverblue is actually that bad of a choice. It comes natively with Gnome 3, which isn't too dissimilar to Android or iOS. Updates are installed in one fell swoop with a reboot, just like Android or iOS. Flatpaks behave much more like an App on Android or iOS, they are self contained, and don't affect eachother.

    I just set up my daughters (9 y/o) first school laptop, and picked Fedora Silverblue, and apart from learning about the save icon, and learning how to store files in a filesystem, she was pretty much instantaneously functional, having most of her prior computing experience on an Android phone.

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    It seems like the logical way to work
  • In case of YouTube you can actually dump the link into VLC, and it will happily buffer the whole video while paused. This probably works with other sites, but I have only tested YouTube.

    Alternatively you can of course just download the video with yt-dlp, and then play it locally

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    Should I keep shared or separate k8s clusters?
  • I really don't see much benefit to running two clusters.

    I'm also running single clusters with multiple ingress controllers both at home and at work.

    If you are concerned with blast radius, you should probably first look into setting up Network Policies to ensure that pods can't talk to things they shouldn't.

    There is of course still the risk of something escaping the container, but the risk is rather low in comparison. There are options out there for hardening the container runtime further.

    You might also look into adding things that can monitor the cluster for intrusions or prevent them. Stuff like running CrowdSec on your ingresses, and using Falco to watch for various malicious behaviour.

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    What is this metal connector?
  • My Dashcam's hardwire kit had the same connectors, there should be a similar connector on another cable, that doesn't taper towards the tip. Those should fit and sort of "click" together.

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    Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line
  • That sound like you need a more serious setup, where you can control the network priorities and set a QoS, so the devices that you use interactively get priority over the other devices.

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    Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line
  • So as far as I understand, you have

    • Outer router (Comcast), which has WiFi enabled
    • Inner router (your own), which has WiFi enabled, and further meshes with other WiFi mesh devices (or is the mesh separate?)
    • A plain switch, for stuff you want cabled and fast

    Is that correct?

    Why not get the WiFi in the Comcast router disabled, and use your inner network exclusively, such that both WiFi and ethernet devices are on the same network?

    That's what I did with my network, and I even got the ISP to put their modem/router into bridge mode, so it's completely transparent.

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    Google is discontinuing the Chromecast line
  • That makes perfect sense, and switching is definitely annoying then... But the person I responded to said they had multiple WiFi networks at home... E.g. Not on holiday

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    Flameshot, an Open Source screenshot software
  • You might need some workarounds for it to work. I'm using Sway as my window manager, where the missing piece war the "for_window" bit on this page. and wlroots

    Depending on your desktop environment/window manager, you might need some different workarounds.

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    Flameshot, an Open Source screenshot software
  • For me it captures all the screens and let's me pick the region, even when crossing over two screens.

    Which OS are you using? And if Linux, are you running Wayland or X?

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    The total combat losses of the enemy from 24.02.22 to 27.07.24
  • This is not correct.

    The T-54 entered production in 1947

    The T-62 entered production in 1961

    The T-72 entered production in 1970

    The T-80 entered production in 1976

    The T-90 entered production in 1993

    The years are pretty close to the names, so the can be used as a rough estimation, but they can't be used as exact years.

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    What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • Not OP , but regarding zsh, it has much better auto completion, and suggestion support. Additionally you can theme your prompt much more, see for example powerlevel10k

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    What is something you want to use, yet are NOT using?
  • The dependencies get drastically easier if you use Docker. Likewise many, but not all of the upgrade issues also get fixed with Docker.
