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SteamOS 3.6.6 Preview for Steam Deck has fixes for ELDEN RING, system memory leak and more
  • every time you insert a micro sd card that has games installed on it. it autamatically downloads shaders for said game and can lead to being low own internal storage space less than 1 GB (GiB). without the use of cryo utillities to clear that shader cache, it gets very annoying especially system updates, can potentially fail on reboot.

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    Protect yourself from our shitty infrastructure for just $22.99 per month! One-time installation fees as low as $49.99 for a limited time only!
  • Factually Detroit Water and Sewage wanted me to get plumbing insurance. DTE also stated publicly that any repairs or upgrades to infrastructure wont increase consumers bill , thats a fucking lie my bill has incrased by ~$75 to ~ $95 as both electricity and natiral gas are combined in one bull

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    I even remember taking batteries from a smoke detector once.
  • they have, although some do take AA or AAA batteries but its very uncommon. some especially carbon monixide dectectors have internal batteries that require replacement.

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    End of an era 😢
  • Pokemon Bank/ Transporter still works logged on today, and can still access my pokemon, although it did crash my 3ds once before a sucessful connection

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    Paper Mario: The Thousand-Year Door — Our Story Begins — Nintendo Switch
  • ive only competed it once but, its well worth replaying. dont get me started in chapter 5 where you need to press A 100 times just to advance the story.

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    Michigan ranks # 2 for power outages
  • Yep and a few years ago (probably more than that) they had a massive power outage in the bone chilling winter below freezing in fact in the negitives.

    there was that one particular home depot. that had a portable power generator that was for rent and my parents, specifically my dad that took a real hard pass on it when i told him about such generator avilable to rent. half an hour later my mother told my dad to rent the generator out from home depot. and it was gone. my mother was furious, grabbed my dads ear and yelled at him for not renting out the generator.

    as for buying a new generatot, no luck there were all sold out within a 100-150 mile radious.

    no matter how many sweaters i put on for layering it was not enough to keep myself warm, the home internet was out after the ups lost its charge after 36 hours of upkeep, just the router itself and could not charge a smartphone, the only other 2 things i had was a anker powercore powerbank (parents using it and would not give it back), and a emergency AA charger (with 32 AA batteries of varying types and charge state) that could charge a smartphone. the silver lining was all of the cellular cell towers were still up, but were painfully slow to the point of dial-up speeds at times.

    Thank god for the red cross to opening warming centers otherwise i would of gotten hypothermia and a cold without them. sleeping there for 2 days was a godsend no longer feeling cold, unfutunatly being a insomiac needing to take percribed behind the counter meds to sleep forgot to take some with me, but somehow still slept the usual 8 hours (probaly sheer stuborness or trying to not wake up others in the warming center).

    As for DTE (Detroit Edision) they took ~1 week or more for the power to be restored, a whole lot of deteroiters and their surrounding cities were very angry for them not being proactive and not upgrading their infrustructure. they are now but charging us more.

    Note this was after 2016 and before covid. You couldn't get gasoline either.

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    MSI Launches Claw A1M Handheld Gaming Device With Core Ultra 7 CPU, Starts At $699 [Windows 11 Home as OS]
  • The steam deck (Linux) has suspend mode for games while in windows it will still run even when the screen is turned off or in sleep mode and saps the battery faster than my gaming laptop.
