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JD Vance
  • It really is a scathing indictment of our country that, even if the allegations were true (they aren't), the proposed solution to the problem Republicans have offered up is to deport all of the people back to their home country rather than just... I dunno. Making sure they have other means of feeding themselves.

    What the fuck has become of our society?

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    Seriously, what the f*** is keeping Donald Trump in this presidential race?
  • The culture war has been going on for a lot longer than a decade, it's just only in the last decade or so that it's been amped up to 11 in terms of how aggressive it's being fought. Conservatives are almost always on the losing side of social issues that require a culture shift. Women's suffrage, civil rights, seatbelt laws, anti-smoking laws, gay rights... the list goes on, and the fight is never quite done for some, but they always lose in the end.

    The very fact that conservatives are very pro for things like coal mining that liberals are trying to legislate away create strong reasons for some people to hold their noses and vote Republican regardless of how noxious the candidate is. When their livelihoods are literally at stake and the liberal response is "Well you should have gone to college to learn a new skill or trade" it makes sense that they are corralled right into the arms of conservatives. Economic drivers are the most powerful force behind the conservative movement right now, not culture bullshit that deep down they don't really care about. It doesn't help that very few people understand the relationship between "the economy" as outlined by experts and "the economy" as experienced when paying for groceries or filling up their car at the pump. It doesn't matter that conservatives almost never deliver on their promises to fix the economy and often end up sending the nation into a recession, if bad decisions on a national scale lead to temporary relief on a local scale for some, that's what they will remember when voting next time.

    Liberals need to be doing more to bring disenfranchised voters into the fold. Educating them without being condescending or dismissive would be an excellent start. Turning down the temperature in politics is not possible without also lowering the stakes, backing off of hardline positions in the short term might be the most effective way of undermining support for terrible conservative candidates.

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    Caitlin Clark’s Instagram Account Flooded With Negative Comments After She Liked Taylor Swift’s Endorsement of Kamala Harris
  • I have never cared so strongly about something that I felt it was appropriate to harass someone via Twitter for their views on it.

    I'll be negatively judging them, sure, but I'm not going to flood their DMs with death threats. That's some basement dwelling troglodyte bullshit right there.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • Normal people don't hang out with klansman, we beat the shit out of them.

    These people are far from normal. They're downright weird.

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    America's #1 Cult
  • I don't normally pick at the physical appearances of people just for the sake of it, but I've noticed that Trump attracts a certain type of follower. Take a look at the people in the background of the next Trump rally and tell me what you see.

    Those people and these people are the same. Just a bunch of trashy hillbillies. These klansmen are not the fringe supporters of Trump's cult, they're the ones down in the front. Like wax statues melting in the sun, their eyes glazed over enraptured as word salad pours out of Donald Trump's mouth.

    And don't say "well that guy wearing the klan outfit is just a troll, the other people there are not associated with that!". If you've got one Nazi in a bar full of people, you're in a Nazi bar. If you've got one klansman at a Trump rally, you're at a klan rally.

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    It's coming for yea
  • 100% this right here. The owner-class have been deluding themselves for damn near 100 years at this point that we're not working long enough or hard enough. Henry Ford figured out exactly how much work he could squeeze out of an assembly line peon, set the requirement at exactly that point, and structured the entire operation around that 8 hours a day, five days per week quotient.

    The modern CEO runs on feelings of "Well I work 12 hours per day 7 days per week, so it's not much to ask that my rank-and-file workers put in an extra hour or two per day for the sake of the company!" while discounting or ignoring the fact that there's a compensation gap of approximately 100x or more. Not everybody is CEO-brained enough to pull a 12 hour day every day and still have energy left over to perform basic functions in what little free time they have remaining that isn't dedicated to sleeping.

    In reality, we need to be organizing to force companies to start paying us what they owe, and if they don't want to match our salaries with the astronomical increase in production that has taken place over the years thanks to computerization and automation, then they need to let us have more time off from work without a reduction in pay. It's only fair.

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    Trump is 78 and barely coherent. Where's everyone who questioned Biden's age and fitness?
  • Trump could be in a vegetative state, literally medically braindead, and Trump voters would still line up to cast their ballots for him.

    That's what happens when you have a cult of personality, it takes on a life of it's own and becomes more of an identity than an ideology. They don't care what Trump stands for or even if Trump stands, all that matters is that they are Trump people and they only want to associate with their kind.

    For the rest of us, things like fitness and policy matter, which is why Biden was held to account and Trump will never be. There is no line that cannot be crossed.

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    Make this thread look like it's your first day on the internet
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    What movie did you watch as I kid which you shouldn't have?
  • Mars Attacks! was very poorly marketed. I remember the commercials for it seeming tame and asking my parents to take me to the theater to see it and it fucked me up for a few good weeks. We didn't even stay to the end, but I had nightmares about it that very same night.

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    Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
  • What specifically? Choke? Leave it to Democrats to sneak defeat from the jaws of victory. Or do you mean hire an amateur as a political strategist? I agree, but sometimes I wonder.

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    Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
  • So when Dick Cheney shows up to say Kamala’s right and trump is bad…

    I expect Kamala to tell Cheney to fuck off at minimum

    I wonder if Dems always choke in Presidential races because they have people like you as their chief strategists, where vague concepts of noble virtue and ideological purity supersede pragmatism at the most crucial moment.

    I can't possibly imagine being so privileged that I could get an endorsement from a former Republican VP during an incredibly close race and my response to him would be "fuck off".

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    Dick Cheney is a war criminal.
  • I hate the NPC Wojack meme with an intense passion. It's such a strawman trap. All it does is reduce the opposition to unthinking robots so they can attacked on their credibility rather than the merits of their actual arguments.

    In this case, the media isn't saying Dick Cheney is a good guy now because he endorsed Harris. They're saying it's a surprising stance to take for the former VP of a Republican administration. It would be like having Al Gore come out and endorse Trump for President.

    OP is 100% full of shit and more like an NPC than any of these media outlets.

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    Harris and Trump are getting ready for Tuesday’s debate in sharply different ways
  • We should've held a goddamn primary. If the Democrats were so convinced that the incumbency effect was worth skipping on a primary, they should've put it to the test and asked the American voters if they thought Biden was still the best guy for the job. Not a choice between Biden and Trump, but a choice between Biden and a number of other qualified candidates.

    If we're being honest, pre-debate I would have still chosen Biden. I still think he's capable of doing the job of President despite the poor showing, because I know that's not Biden 100% of the time, that's him 1% of the time when not on top of his game.

    Couldn't be happier with the Harris replacement, though. It brought the energy we were sorely lacking. I'm just crossing my fingers and praying that people show up in November. Please, god, don't let that fucking crook back in.

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    In an effort to "not show bias" Trump's sentencing is delayed till after the election.
  • Justice DENIED. AGAIN.

    There's no impropriety about sending a convicted felon to prison just before an election. He has already been convicted. The fact that he is the nominee is irrelevant. RNC should have thought about that before they picked a guy they knew would likely end up behind bars for all the criminal acts he committed.

    Now Trump will say he "won" the case, just like he did with the classified documents case. Corrupt judges all the way down.

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    Trump claims he’ll ‘save’ TikTok - despite trying to get it banned while in office
  • Banning it was his administration's idea. Not saying I'm for or against banning TikTok, I don't really have any skin in the game because I don't even use the service so it makes no difference to me, but ffs hold this dude accountable for one fucking thing for a change. Why do so many people let him get away with saying whatever convenient lie that pops into his mind?

  • asksciencefiction is looking for moderators!

    Hello everyone,

    There has been a lot of new traffic to Lemmy in the past few weeks due to the turmoil at Reddit. A lot of you may be Reddit refugees, like I am, and are missing their old favorite subs right about now.

    I think it's more important than ever for regular users to step up and take an active role in rebuilding their communities, and I wasn't sure that things would ever get going unless somebody stepped up to the plate and made the effort, and I didn't want to wait around for someone else to take the initiative when I already had a strong desire to see this sort of content brought over to Lemmy.

    Now that the first step has been taken, I'm inviting others who might be interested in building or managing this community to join me in making this the best version of asksciencefiction possible.

    I have never been affiliated with /r/asksciencefiction or even been a moderator at reddit before. Preferably, I would like to hand off ownership of this community to somebody who has a strong desire to build and grow the community and enforce the rules. If that sounds like something you are interested in, please don't hesitate to send me a private message.

    Thank you!
