Your profile is hilarious 😂
I'm using the good ol' Excel spreadsheet to track expenses, income, NW, etc. Are there any other tools or apps that you guys found useful?
Also shoutout to my fellow spreadsheet power users 😎
we did it Reddit! /s
The hacked MichelleG account actually commented that it did not have MFA enabled lol. This was on the shitpost community, on one of the posts making memes about the situation. Hilarious that the hacker decided to share that.
Oh wow again? 10 min ago it was clean! The .world admins are having a productive day lol
FYI!!! In case you start getting re-directed to porn sites.
Maybe the admin got hacked?
edit: has also been hacked. is also down, possibly intentionally by their admins until the issue is fixed.
Post discussing the point of vulnerability:
Github Issue created here:
What a shit show.
Yeah it sucks that the freeway runs right through the middle of the city, it's a whole other trip to find safer roads to cross to the other side. Fortunately the Work-from-Home culture has stuck at my company so I don't have to do this everyday.
I don't know per location but my city (San Jose) is infamous for the number of pedestrian and cyclist deaths per year :(
This is a growing list of commonly used terms in our community. Please suggest more terms not listed here! ____ Boglehead = A follower of John C. Bogle's financial philosophies and investing strategies.
COL = Cost of Living
>LCOL/MCOL/HCOL/VHCOL = Low/Med/High/VeryHigh Cost of Living
DCA = Dollar Cost Averaging; the strategy of investing money into the market over many regular intervals of time (as opposed to lump sum investing).
DINK = Double Income No Kids
FI = Financial Independence; the ability to live off savings and pay living expenses without needing to be employed.
FIRE = Financial Independence & Retire Early
>Coast FIRE = having enough money already invested so that it is not necessary to invest more to achieve FI at the desired retirement age.
>Barista FIRE = having enough money to retire at the desired retirement age and also getting a part-time job for additional income and health insurance.
>Lean FIRE = achieving FIRE without having much safety nets for luxuries/children/major health costs during retirement, usually only spending on necessities such as housing, food, and transportation.
> Fat FIRE = achieving FIRE with the ability to cover unexpected expenses during retirement while living in equal or greater lifestyle as before retirement.
HENRY = High Earner, Not Rich Yet
HYSA = High Yield Savings Account
NW = Net Worth
PITI = Principal + Interest + Taxes + Insurance
PMI = Private Mortgage Insurance
SWR = Safe Withdrawal Rate
My city is full of these Cloverleaf interchanges where cars exiting the freeway are merging into high speed traffic.
So I get to pedal down this road and get sandwiched between buses/trucks on the left and merging cars on the right. Legitimately the worst part of my commute where I might actually die. Fun!
Hi all, I wanted to create this community for those interested in the FIRE movement to share their experiences.
A few years ago, I started tracking my net worth and increasing my savings to hopefully even have a chance to retire, and now want to push further to achieving financial independence and MAYBE HOPEFULLY retire a few years earlier as well.
Anyone else in a similar situation? How has the journey been for you so far?
This seems like a no brainer for creating cities for any other country that is not the US, but I hope CS2 has vanilla mixed zoning buildings. Really want to create some nice cities from my home country without modding the game to death!
A general guide to your personal finance.