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Do your part, try not to lurk!

Right now the user count Lemmys is comparatively tiny when held up against reddit - but the user count isn't the thing that makes a social media site, it's the engagement

So even if you're used to lurking, try to get a little more active! Post memes, vote on posts, talk in the comments, whatever!

If people come here and see activity, content, and discussions, they're more likely to stay and contribute their own - if they come and see a ghost town, they'll just go back to reddit

  • Honestly, I feel more comfortable participating on Lemmy than I ever did on Reddit or Twitter.

  • Was lurking on Reddit for 10 years, made just 9 comments that whole time; when there's so much noise you don't feel you have much to add to the conversation. But us lurkers have a chance to be heard in a growing community and help shape it in some way, gotta get out of my comfort zone I guess.

  • Alright... this marks the end of my lurking lifestyle then, I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

  • I think I've been more active on Lemmy in the past five days than I had been on reddit for the past 2 years.

    Decentralization of social media is extremely enticing to me, and I really want this community to flourish, so I've been trying to make this into an active space.

  • Lemmy sprawls thanks to his dislike of Reddit's new rules. This is both a virtue and a problem at the same time. Reading 1,000 "Reddit is about to fall apart" posts or copies of old Reddit posts is quite tedious. Oh yeah, there's also the defederation announcements, it's even more tedious to read that nonsense. Guys, you have not had time to consolidate, and already arranging a rant.

  • Trying my best! I have an account on but with the increase in traffic I’m barely able to use it! Moving to this one which has already helped. Anyone reading this feel free to send a message and say hi!

  • Oh, that’s interesting, the reply box is all the way down here. I’ll see what I can do here as far as activity goes, I don’t know what fediverse is but it sounds like something worth taking part in.