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Texas man sentenced to 3 years in prison for kicking cat like 'a football field goal' on video
  • You're preaching to the choir, friend. I work in animal welfare, and TNR and fostering feral kittens are my favorite ways to volunteer. I put my money and time where my mouth is.

    Keep in mind the context of the post.

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    Texas man sentenced to 3 years in prison for kicking cat like 'a football field goal' on video
  • I sincerely hope you go out and try to leash community cats.

    There are many feral cats who live in almost all our communities that don't have a home. They don't have people who care enough to house or feed them, not to mention leashing them when outside. They aren't disposable.

    Animal abuse deserves punishment. Hard stop. I don't know what kind of point you are fumbling for here, but I have a hard time seeing its relevance.

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    Illegal voting by noncitizens is rare, yet Republicans are making it a major issue this election
  • Voter roles are registration are effective. I vote in almost every election, and they can tell my ballot status when I go in. My vote is tied to my address and other factors, so it seems like it would be clear if I wasn't a legal citizen.

    I also have to show a government ID when I vote, but it doesn't seem like that's made a big difference in the security of the elections I participate in.

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    What is something you SHOULD cheap out on?
  • God's perfect killing machine is the pinnacle of cat "breeds". It's heartbreaking seeing people do to cats what we've done to dogs with selective breeding for purely cosmetic traits.

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  • It's a Gentle Leader. It doesn't function like a muzzle, because it doesn't inhibit a dog from biting. It's basically a harness that attaches at the head. You can read more about them here: How to use the gentle leader

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  • Absolutely. I moved from urban Southeastern Wisconsin to the upper peninsula of Michigan in a rural area. I love visiting that spot, and I got a job offer five years ago while on vacation. I snatched the opportunity to move to my favorite place and uprooted my life in under two months. I didn't last two years before coming back.

    The amount of times I got into verbal altercations with strangers and acquaintances over their use of racial slurs, most often the N-word, made me become a homebody. I was a bartender, though, so you can't exactly hide.

    That's not to say I haven't heard it in public all throughout Wisconsin. The difference was how comfortable people felt using these words and sharing openly racist views and stories like they were bragging about it. It felt like an area where people breathed a sigh of relief and took their hoods off. I couldn't stomach staying in a place where certain friends of mine couldn't comfortably visit.

    Still, all that is nothing compared to what I saw and heard living in Tennessee. It's sad and frightening how many communities are like this.

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    Here's my dude. I have no idea what he is.
  • He's gorgeous! It's always hard to guess breed mixes based on appearance alone, as physical appearance is determined by such a small percentage of DNA. It's always fun to guess, though! I've worked in various animal industries for years, and we always start a poll when someone submits their dog for DNA testing. My guess for the predominant breeds is either Belgian Malinois or German Shepherd, then Staffordshire terrier.

    Congratulations on finding such a fantastic dog, and I hope you update us once his results are in!

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    Why is brawl allowed in NHL?
  • I had the privilege of watching Tootoo ravage someone live and in person a few times, haha. I was just talking about him the other day as an example of small but serious. I miss the Tootoo whistles.

    It's so great to find another Preds fan on Lemmy! So glad we broke the streak last night against the Blues, and I'm becoming cautiously excited about the playoffs. I went down to Nashville when we lost in the finals in 2017 and am still recovering from the feels.

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    Why is brawl allowed in NHL?
  • I am a huge hockey fan. Let's go, Predators!

    Yes, the fights are fun for fans, but they happen for a reason. Hockey is fast-paced and dangerous. Highly skilled players are targeted, and it's not difficult to cheap shot a hit and put a valuable player on the injured reserve list. Enforcers are players whose main job is to bring a physical presence and protect their teammates. Fights most often happen as a response to a questionable hit. If you are the type of person who wants to rough up another player, you may think twice about it if that team has a big dude who will punch your face in for being dirty.

    It's also a morale thing. Sometimes when a team is getting pounded and underperforming, a fight will ignite and inspire the rest of the team to continue that energy. Sometimes teams simply hate each other due to rivalry or history, and their players are more likely to take offense to something.

    Love it or hate it, it is a cultural norm in the game. The NHL made moves years ago to try to phase it out, but it seems lately to have come back with a vengeance. I'd personally rather see fighting than cheap-shotting, as injuries very rarely result from a fight.

    Plus, if you really hate a player, it's so satisfying seeing them get punched in the face.

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    Cerveza Cristal
  • I will admit I love introducing people to it, but I always preface it as the worst tasting liqueur for most people. I have a wonky palate, and I love bitter and herbal flavors. I have introduced it to some people who enjoy strong herbal flavors that hadn't heard of it and were pleasantly surprised.

    I usually have a bottle of Malort at home, and I especially love it when my stomach is unsettled. I sip it neat or on the rocks.

    Fun aside, it's also a great way to add some complexity and balance to an overly sweet sparkling wine. It has its place in making cocktails, but I get why most people don't like it.

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    Have you ever been to a movie so terrible that you saw people leaving the theater? Which one was it?
  • I saw the South Park Bigger, Longer, and Uncut movie in theaters as a kid. I lived in a small town adjacent to a small city, and there weren't many other people in the theater. During the scene where the boys are watching the Terrace and Phillip movie and the theater-goers walk out, so did everyone else in our real life theater. It was surreal. We had a great time watching the rest of the movie by ourselves.
