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Where's my cooking show already?
  • Can confirm. Not only could I not afford to eat the style of food I cooked at work, the last thing that I wanted to do when I got home was put effort into my own food.

    If I was eating at work, I'd cobble together some kind of salad out of whatever scraps and nearly expired food I could shove into my face in under 3 minutes. If I was "cooking" for myself at home, about the most complicated thing that I'd make for myself was cereal.

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    High-income Americans rarely mix with poorer people. Restaurants like Applebee's and Olive Garden are the exception
  • Checking out foreign versions of American fast food chains can be pretty fun. Their menus are often changed a bit to suit local tastes. Don't get me wrong, I won't turn down any chance to eat at a local hole in the wall, but I'll make a point of getting something from a McDonald's or KFC that they don't offer back home at least once if I get the chance.

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    [PR_NHL] NHL statement on symbolic tape in support of social causes.
  • I don't know which makes me lose more respect for the NHL: the fact that they made this policy in the first place or that they spinelessly rolled it back as soon as someone defied it.

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    Why do sports commentators talk soft bullshit?
  • And the type of deep analysis a knowledgeable fan might want is actually really hard to not only come up with live, but while watching something live without the benefit of watching a replay or a better camera angle.

    At best, this kind of analysis is given a few minutes in between periods/quarters/halves/innings between commercial breaks and any other stories the network wants to cover.

    Even if the announcer gets a generous 25 minutes between when the play happened and when they get a 2 minute spot to talk about it, that's a pretty tight deadline to get a video package together and come up with some talking points. There aren't a lot of people who have both the knowledge of the sport and the skill to put it together in a way that everyone will understand.

    As an aside, there's an installation at the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto that lets you try your hand at recapping a few games. It's tough even with a script. The announcers are doing it live.
