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  • Considering that this is a population capable of butchering the equivalent of 32x 9/11 deaths (adjusting for Israeli population), and that you're dealing with a terrorist organization known for dexapiating babies and sending it's own children with bombs strapped to their bodies, it might be a good idea to make sure your detainees don't have anything under their clothes...

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  • Considering the butchering, rape, and hostages taken on October 7th and then the mistreatment of Israeli hostages in the past and present, the detention of people caught stabbing, throwing rocks, or supporting terrorist activity is warranted.

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  • When you deal with a terrorist organization with no problem decapitating babies or sending bombs on children, then it's probably a good idea to make detainees prove they don't have bombs strapped to them...

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    Biden Moves to Lift Restrictions on ALL U.S. Weapons to Israel
  • Did you cry genocide when ISIS was being hunted down?

    Israel is trying to move civilians out of harm's way so they can get to terrorists hiding in hospitals behind civilians.

    Don't get your numbers from a terrorist organization known for lying and inflating numbers. An organization that counts terrorists along with civilians and doesn't wear uniforms allowing identification.

    If there are tens of thousands of terrorists being killed that is not genocide.

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    TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • You mean returning to the homeland after the Holocaust to a country as per UN resolutions , self-defense from terrorism in civilian areas (like suicide bombers and rockets into cities), and unilaterally disengaging from the Gaza Strip in 2005 while giving millions of dollars to a corrupt system that embezzled most of what wasn't used to build weapons and terrorism infrastructure and teach children to love death and murdering Jews in their beds like they did on October 7th

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    TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • You mean the less than 1 million Jews in the British Mandate in 1948 who accepted the UN resolution for 2 States and were attacked by the Arabs in the British Mandate and all the neighboring Arab countries? I don't think you know what ethnic cleansing means. SMH

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    TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • Except Israel is a country that wants to live in peace and Hamas has IT IN THEIR FUCKING CHARTER that they want to kill all Jews.

    And when Hamas actually acts on their charter, the whole world goes shocked-Pikachu-face and condemns Israel for self defense and not agreeing to just be killed

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    TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • Try to separate the civilians from Hamas, and yeah, starve the terrorists and supply aid to the civilians they have removed from harm's way.

    According to your faulty logic, it would be a hell of a lot easier to literally bomb everything without warning nor humanitarian corridors

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    TikTok says it’s not the algorithm, teens are just pro-Palestine — The company denied allegations that it has been promoting pro-Palestine content in an effort to sway American opinion
  • Getting your death count from a terrorist organization known for lying and inflating numbers is ridiculous.

    When Hamas hide and build a shitload of terrorist infrastructure in civilian areas, you evidently get a lot of leveling happening, destroying that terrorist infrastructure.

    Israel does more than any other country to minimize civilian deaths. But I'm sure you know about Hamas using civilians as human shields and outright shooting Gaza civilians trying to get away from the area

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    Macron calls on Israel to stop killing Gaza's women and babies
  • What's unhinged about having enough of a terrorist group shooting rockets at civilians, brutally murdering, raping and kidnapping civilians from their homes?

    May you never see that happen in your country, to your family and friends, and have other people on the other side of the world get on their high horse and claim disproportionate response. What is the proportionate response? Go decapitate some babies in Gaza? Rape and butcher kids in front of their parents?

    These numbers you're hearing are from the same people who claimed a rocket that hit a hospital was shot by Israel killing 500, which turned out to be shot by Hamas and killed 50. They are known for blowing up their own people as well as the numbers. They have the whole Pallywood industry of terror behind it.

    That being said, Never Again means Never Again.

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    This sign says it all.
  • Until you start using terms like occupied America and occupied Australia, you're just a hypocrite.

    And an antisemitic hypocrite, at that.

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    This sign says it all.
  • Most Israelis are non-Ashkenazi, so not "white".

    And considering there has been a continuous Jewish presence in Israel for thousands of years, your (lack of) logic is flawed.

    Did you find some big words you're trying to find a way to practice?

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    400 people killed in a single day by Israeli attacks in Gaza
  • I guess you don't realize that there are a good portion of Israelis that are not white.

    Immigrants from Arab countries, Ethiopia, India, and others. These Jews were persecuted in their countries and suffered from pogroms and murders against their population there. In a similar situation you would call anyone else "refugees" yet somehow these Jews are called colonists and white supremists?!

    GTFO of here with that shit

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    400 people killed in a single day by Israeli attacks in Gaza
  • Daesh and Hamas have the same agenda - killing everyone different than them. Decapitation, rape and indiscriminately murdering innocent families in their homes. Add to that the Muslim factor and you have your similarity. Both ISIS and Hamas are much more ghan "vaguely Muslim". Calling me a racist doesn't change those facts.

    The solution is eradicating Hamas like ISIS was (mostly) eradicated. Did you cry racism when war was being waged against ISIS?

    Get off your high horse
