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Friend was asked to draw a hand turkey.
  • If shes here on Lemmy, slaying her is probably doing her a favor.

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    Japan wants its hardworking citizens to try a 4-day workweek
  • Well, that would be one way to encourage young folks to have more babies and turn around Japans low birth rate. More time to actually spend in relationships with someone other than your coworkers would be a good step in the right direction.

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    Austrian surgeon 'let teenage daughter drill hole in patient's skull'
  • Teenagers can't be doctors?! You mean Doogie Howser was a lie?! Now, I don't know who to trust anymore.

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  • Neill DeBush Tyson.

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    Lindsey Graham Says Joy ‘Doesn’t Exist in the Real World’
  • Yeah, but this presumes that his heart will grow and he'll learn compassion, when we know he's just going to remain the same joyless, miserable slug he's always been. The grinch has more redeeming qualities than Graham ever did.

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    Representation rule
  • They actually first implied it during the Batman: The Animated Series, as a "Sappho and her friend" style relationship, only coming out and saying it later in the comics.

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    Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Endorses Trump and Suspends His Independent Bid for President
  • I have a feeling that it was Trump's idea, as he grew up in the decades when the Kennedy name meant something in politics, especially Democratic politics, so he figured the name would draw Democrat voters, not realizing that the Kennedy name hasn't had any sway in Democrat politics for the last three decades or so, as the party moved on from the Kennedys long ago. Just showing again that Dastardly Don is old and out of touch.

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    There has to be another way
  • I tried it, but my doctor was unhappy with me for eating a peanut butter cup every block that I walked.

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    Please vote
  • Polls 5-6 months out of the election are not indicative of how people are actually feeling. In the end, when the election actually happened, I believe people may not have been excited to vote for Biden, but I believe people would have definitely not wanted Trump to win. As I said, Biden already defeated him once in part because of that reason.

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    Please vote
  • Except I wasn't wrong. If he had stayed in I believe he would beat Trump. He only dropped out because he could see the party infighting, and dropped out to try and unify the party. But, had he remained in the race, he ultimately would have beaten Trump. The only way we would know if I had been wrong was if he had stayed in the race and then lost, otherwise I still believe in the end he would gave defeated Trump.

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    The next best thing
  • I love the fact that he trims his beard like that. That's awesome.

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    Support your local libraries
  • This only works depending on how baked you are though. I worked for a major metropolitan public library system a long time ago, and one time a dude wandered in smelling heavily of weed, and wearing only one shoe. He came up to the circulation desk and asked to order a pizza. When informed that it was a library and didn't have pizza, he blinked and looked around, and upon seeing all the shelves of books, he said "Oh.", and then turned around and left. To this day I never know if he ever found some pizza or his other shoe.

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    Love this
  • I'm sure between drone surveillance, satellite surveillance, spotter planes, and citizen reports, Russia knows EXACTLY where they are, it just doesn't acttually have anyone to stop them.

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    Steam Deal: [Steam] Pinball FX3 - Balls of Glory Pinball (75% off)
  • Just so you know, the Balls of Glory pack will stop being sold soon, which is why the final sale. Just to be clear though, you'll still be able to use it after you buy it, but if you don't buy it now you won't get another chance.

    The pack is 4 licensed tables from Fox animation shows featuring Archer, Family Guy, American Dad, and Bob's Burgers. I have never seen any of these shows, but i own all four of the tables.

    My quick review is the play on Bob' s Burgers table is great. Play on the other tables is good, but the Archer table is a bit clunky, not bad, just not as smooth as the others.

    Obviously if you're a fan of the shows, you'll probably appreciate the tables better than I, but even if you're not a fan of the shows, they're still good, solid tables.

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    The secret to good writing
  • I thought Pepsi was for setting pop stars on fire?

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    Anon wants to play a game
  • That's also all stuff you can use while working on your vehicle.

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    Anon wants to play a game
  • This depends on the color of your skin. Anything darker than a farmer's tan and she's probably calling her manager over, but otherwise she probably won't bat an eye.

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    11 August 2024
  • That escalated quickly.

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  • But, such an adorable trap.

  • To help contribute, here's the only meme I've ever done, which I did in response to news that Abrams was working on a new ST movie. And after seeing how well the franchise is going with SNW and LD, I feel it's even more appropriate.


    We all know that RTD considers Torchwood as his special property, and that he can't hire Barrowman again, since Barrowman's on the BBC "Do Not Hire" list, so it would make sense to bring The Doctor Donna in to be their alien expert. I mean obviously they'll come up with some reason why her being with the Doctor doesn't make her brain fry, so there's no reason to not bring her into Torchwood.

    It may not even be Catherine Tate, as part of keeping her brain from becoming scrambled may involve making her regenerate, so it could be an all new face, and actress, for Donna on Torchwood.

    What do you all think?


    The game is supposed to be an ominous and foreboding ARPG, and instead I run across BgButzzzz6nine, or I start moving towards some creatures on the other side of my screen, and before I've taken two steps some Necromancer and undead horde come buzzsawing through the area like a scythe, and I have to try and find someplace where I can actually kill things. The isolated feel was a key point of the game, and added to the ambiance and feel of the game. Now, I can't go 2 minutes without getting that immersion ruined by some random intrusion by another player. Is there some way to not be surrounded by other people while playing the game?
