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bOtH SiDeS!!1!
  • You people are another reason bibi is so brazen in killing innocent Palestinians, because he knows that it will help bring back his ally trump.

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    Stack Overflow Just Announced Their Own AI OverflowAI
  • Hah, good to know that even on there are people who agree that stack overflow moderation is too draconian to ask questions in anymore. It's a good resource, though, so an LLM will probably be the answer to make the knowledge base more usable without angering its elder gods.

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    Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • The media drooled all over him and carried him until he declared war on them. Look up news of him before 2020, there is hardly anything negative (and there should be, he's been manipulating stock and treating employees like shit, like the other Billionaires). When did the media say anything critical about hyperloop? You live by hype, you die by hype.

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    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • I'm not making any point, I want to know what you want to discuss instead of this. Maybe it's something I haven't thought about. What is a worthy c/technology material to you that does not get enough attention?

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    Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • No, you're sealioning, this is a waste of time :/ he's at least as scummy as any other billionaire, like Zucky, Bezos, Gates, Thiel and all the other ones nobody hears about.

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    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • Ok, maybe there is too much chatgpt spam in tech subs (and other even worse topics, like social media company meltdowns). What do you want to discuss then? You have zero posts so far.

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    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • Wait, but was this an actual research paper published in an academic journal? I thought it was just research journalists xD

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    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • True, checking whether a number is prime is very limited in scope for chargpt, but this is in line with other reports of progressive dumbing down.

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    Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds
  • Oh, right, that's another factor: connecting gpt4 to the real-time internet creates those training loops, yes. The pre-prompt guardrail prompts are fixable and even possible to overcome, but training on synthetic data is the key here, because it's impossible to identify what is artificial, so on the collapse loop goes.

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    Twitter To Rebrand As X
  • As much as I think that the Reddit and twitter soap operas are nothing but a time sink over what is a relatively simple cautionary tale, I can't look away from this train wreck. "Y, elon?" is the new "fuck u/spez".

  • Over just a few months, ChatGPT went from accurately answering a simple math problem 98% of the time to just 2%, study finds

    The chatbot gave wildly different answers to the same math problem, with one version of ChatGPT even refusing to show how it came to its conclusion.

    Can we discuss how it's possible that the paid model (gpt4) got worse and the free one (gpt3.5) got better? Is it because the free one is being trained on a larger pool of users or what?

    Mastodon Usage Soaring as Twitter Rebranding Leads to User Exodus: CEO Eugen Rochko
  • Wait, what? Have you ever heard of longtermism? "Your stupid peasants' suffering today matters little if we can take humanity to spaceTM. Don't hold back progress." If this is not enslaving humanity and shitting on the poor, I don't know what is.

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    A little webcomic that's probably relatable to a nonzero amount of you.
  • Yea, fuck people and their layers interpersonal ulterior self-predatory bullshit, I can stare at spiders and ants... or most other animals for hours 🤓

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    Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • fair enough, I had not tested any other distros, my bad.

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    Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • That's not a protip. A protip would be how you do that :D

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    Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • RTX3060, I suspect this is the case for newer laptops, yes.

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    Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • Me installing Linux Mint on a 2022 laptop with a Nvidia GPU (had windows 11 preinstalled, this was an alongside install). I disabled secure boot at first, but still had to go all the way back and set up my MOK keys and turn on secure boot properly with another password to unlock the GPU.

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    Google is working on essentially putting DRM on the web
  • You can't disable secure boot if you want to use your Nvidia GPU :( though. [edit2: turns out this is a linux mint thing, not the case in Debian or Fedora]

    Edit: fine, there may be workarounds and for other distros everything is awesome, but in mint and possibly Ubuntu and Debian for a laptop 2022 RTX3060 you need to set up your MOK keys in secure mode to be able to install the Nvidia drivers, outside secure mode the GPU is simply locked. I wasn't even complaining, there is a way to get it working, so that's fine by me. No need to tell me that I was imagining things.

  • Hello ya wafflebums. This glorious table was originally posted by when reddit made these things possible before douchewit u/spez ruined it.

    11 Can EV Batteries Be Recycled? It’s Complicated, But It’s Already Happening

    How we'll keep all those toxic, expensive materials from going to waste.

    This is the big snag with EVs (as with solar panels and wind turbines): how much does a battery really cost if you factor in recycling and environmental damages? (Sorry about the slideshow format.)


    Feels good, plus it's not yt yeah!

    Crossposted manually from Masdodon's (don't know how to retoot across :)

    PS: if anybody knows what style of music this falls into, I'll update the title tag
