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When do I get a home studio?
  • That’s why I call my car my home studio.

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    North Korea cracks down on homes converted into Airbnb-style lodgings
  • At the end they find out Frank owns it and they could have left at any time.

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    California Dem Barbara Lee defends call for $50 federal minimum wage: 'Just barely enough'
  • Imagine how much they’d have to raise your current wage to remain competitive. Especially with such a poor work life balance.

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    Taco Tuesday
  • My department was outsourced this year. So, I have been working as one of those weirdos while I seek new employment. Most businesses seal the food so the driver can’t touch it without it being VERY obvious. (Like a ripped sticker seal) Just know that not everyone delivering is some creep who wants to put poop in your food. I personally don’t even put orders into the cabin of my car. It goes into the trunk inside a sealable cooler that I provide/clean between shifts.

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    Having ramen for lunch
  • It just means employees of businesses that were able to continue operation during the pandemic lockdowns. Iirc, being a source of sustenance enabled fast food/takeout to remain open. Regardless of the nutritional value offered.

    That’s how “essential worker” included both medical professionals and fast food. It is also how certain call centers were still crammed with people unless remote was made available. The phrase was seemingly used to help improve morale for those forced to work while benefits for the unemployed paid out more than their wages.

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    You've been in there for a really long time...
  • And we’re both shirtless!

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  • When you come for the memes but leave with a TIL.

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    DeSantis agency sent $92 million in covid relief funds to donor-backed project
  • Surely the punishment will be of equal or greater value than the crime committed. /s
