Skip Navigation Cars Have Fucked Up This Country Bad

The car-centric age of development is one long mistake.

6 Elon Musk is getting out of control. Here is how to to rein him in | Robert Reich

He may be the richest man in the world – but that doesn’t mean we’re powerless to stop him

41 US delivery workers swelter in record heat – many without AC in their vans

Amid rising temperatures last year, unionized UPS workers made heat an issue – but despite a key contract win, workers say little progress has been made

2 Want the legal right to ignore your boss outside working hours? Learn from the French | Alexander Hurst

The ‘right to disconnect’ has changed France for the better – and could soon be law in the UK too, says Guardian Europe columnist Alexander Hurst

24 Peloton is adding a $95 activation fee for secondhand machines

Something to keep in mind if you’re thinking of buying off Facebook Marketplace.


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6 US to resume sales of offensive weapons to Saudi Arabia

Arms supply had been halted over role in Yemen war but move is sign of hope kingdom can help resolve Gaza conflict

11 Elon’s politics: how Musk became a driver of elections misinformation

X owner, who will interview Trump on Monday, has cast doubt on mail ballots and spread false claims

7 Dallas Black Dance Theatre fired its entire company of dancers, according to union

The news comes months after dancers organized to negotiate with the company’s management.

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> Dallas Black Dance Theatre terminated its entire company of dancers Friday, according to a statement posted on social media by the labor union representing the dancers. A national organizer for the union confirmed Saturday that nine dancers were impacted. > > > A statement jointly posted on Instagram by the American Guild of Musical Artists and an account run by DBDT dancers responded to the company’s actions: “AGMA is aware that Dallas Black Dance Theatre (DBDT) leadership just terminated all their dancers, and we are appalled. This abrupt and shocking development is the latest in a series of actions the Company has taken since the dancers voted unanimously to unionize.


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4 Rivian Now Selling EVs With Software-Locked Batteries

Software-defined vehicles are automakers' wet dreams right now, but they could become a nightmare for consumers. Here's an example

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0 Logitech has an idea for a “forever mouse” that requires a subscription

Exec says mouse that requires a regular fee for software updates is possible.

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22 Why The Left Should Care About Privacy

The surveillance state always hurts dissidents most of all. We shouldn't neglect the importance of constraining its power.

For that discussion on education that the right-wing channels want to have
  • What is this bullshit credentialism? A degree tells you nothing about whether someone is good or bad, whether they’ll follow the law, whether they’d make a good leader. Is the argument supposed to be that psychopaths and war criminals can’t advanced degrees? Gtfo

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    Every company should be owned by its employees
  • How? The same way that every shareholder in every company who owns shares of stock and has voting rights in that company does, even though the company is the legal owner.

    The problem isn’t usually nationalization but the utter lack of democratic control of what is owned by the state.

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    1 UN Cybercrime Draft Convention Dangerously Expands State Surveillance Powers Without Robust Privacy, Data Protection Safeguards

    This is the third post in a series highlighting flaws in the proposed UN Cybercrime Convention. Check out Part I, our detailed analysis on the criminalization of security research activities, and Part II, an analysis of the human rights safeguards.As we near the final negotiating session for the...

    1 Why the far right is surging all over the world

    The “reactionary spirit” and the roots of the US authoritarian moment.

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    > … > > While Americans have long clashed over our country’s cruel and bigoted past, Germans have undertaken one of the most thoroughgoing efforts of any nation on the planet to reckon with their history. Germany, perhaps more than any other country, has attempted to pull out by the roots its homegrown variant of the reactionary spirit — the tendency of opponents of social change to choose hierarchy over democracy, trying to constrain or even topple democracy to protect hierarchies of wealth and status. > > The Nazis were born out of disgust with post-World War I Weimar democracy, led by men furious about both the new government’s weakness and acceptance of the Jewish minority into German society. After Nazism brought Germany to ruin, preventing a reactionary resurgence became one of the central goals of the country’s subsequent leaders. > > So it’s all the more extraordinary that in the past few years, Germany’s far right has been on the rise. > > In 2015, at the peak of the global refugee crisis, German chancellor Angela Merkel announced an open-door policy for those fleeing violence in Syria and elsewhere. In response, the Alternative for Deutschland (AfD) party, a Euroskeptic faction without a single seat in Parliament, morphed into a virulently xenophobic force calling for Germany to slam Merkel’s open door shut. > > … > > But its rise illustrates something vitally important: That Germany, of all countries, could fail to prevent a surge in reactionary antidemocratic politics suggests there’s something eternal and enduring about the reactionary spirit. And there is something about our current time period that makes it especially likely to flourish — not just in Germany, but around the world.

    Privacy in academia?
  • In fact anonymous review is an important part of the scientific method, precisely because work shouldn’t be judged by its source

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    JPMorgan Chase warns 86 million customers they might have to start paying for their bank accounts
  • Not sure about that case specifically, but in general lack of regulation unleashes enshittificatory impulses. This comment may be aimed more at conservative voters or politicians to convince them (or at least let them claim) that pro-consumer regulation actually harms “consumer welfare.”

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    JPMorgan Chase warns 86 million customers they might have to start paying for their bank accounts
  • Second the suggestion of credit unions, but to be clear they’re neither charities nor non-profits; they’re member co-ops, run for the benefit of members (instead of stockholders), in which each member gets one vote (instead of each share of stock having one vote).

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    Steam Summer Sale - Top Deals
  • If anyone is going for this, may as well buy the July monthly Humble Choice that contains it along with a bunch of other games for the same price (USD$12)
