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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 days ago
  • That may not be entirely true. Some studies have shown that Danish children generally take longer to learn to talk than children from other Scandinavian countries, which are incredibly similar in most other aspects. The leading hypothesis is the complicated phonology is to blame.

    Popular science article in Danish, summing up the several studies

  • Jeg har lige læst Andrew Roberts' napoleonbiografi. På otte hundrede sider er det noget af en moppedreng, men bogen er temmelig underholdende alligevel. Forfatteren er englænder, men også noget af an napoleon-fanboy, så han ender med at skrive en stor del af bogen fra en forsvarsposition.

    Jeg tog primært fat i bogen fordi jeg ikke vidste en pind om den æra af europæisk historie, og følte mig dum som resultat. Det har åbnet mine øjne for en fascinerende tidsalder af fransk historie, mængden af omvæltninger deromkring har været enorm. Det næste bliver nok noget Balzac.

  • Buy European

    TV Series?

    Culture, and television in particularly in Europe has been quite America-dominated for a while. I'd love to hear what's good from your home countries. If I can make a request, give a short description of the shows that you are recommending, try to sell it a bit, and don't just post the titles. Particularly, I'd recommend:

    Matador (Danish, 1978)

    This is the best TV series in the history of Denmark, possibly the world. Set in a small fictional town, it takes place in the years 1929-1947, and the changes Danish society goes through at the time. While this is interesting, the real strength is the fantastic characterization, with the show starring pretty much all famous Danish actors of the era, doing their best work.

    Whiskey on the Rocks (Swedish, 2025)

    A Swedish satirical series about the Whiskey on the Rocks incident of 1981, where a Soviet Whiskey-class nuclear submarine ran aground in Karlskrona. It got a lot of criticism for depicting the Soviet Union as lovable drunken buffoons